Queen of the Hill

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 12:47, 26 November 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)
Queen Of The Hill Surface.png
Name Queen of the Hill
Categories Story
Environment Beach
Player species Wood ant
Player units Wood ant worker
Wood ant soldier
Wood ant shooter (either)
Surface Yes
Features Challenge mode
Non-player colonies
Circadian rhythm
Timed attacks
Rising water
Music Queen of the Hill Theme
Remix {{{remix}}}

A prime location on the beach will not go unchallenged.
The sands are also home to burrowed creatures waiting for a meal to wander near their hole. (challenge)


  • Survive 4 days.


  • Base value: 4 territory, 400 food, 14 Royal Jelly
  • Difficulty bonus: 300%/ 325%/ 350%/ 380%/ 420%
  • First-time bonus: + 350%
  • Challenge bonus: + 100%
  • Completion bonus: + 200%
  • New game plus bonus: + 40% x plus number


Your wood ant colony must defend itself from 2 rival colonies. Your nest is located on the first layer of the beach. Nest entrance will be excavated automatically when attacking waves are about to arrive.

The mission starts during the day.

Water rises in the evening and recedes partially in the morning. It washes away both any creatures.

You have access to 2 aphid clusters. You can only reach the fish on the third layer on the first and the second day.

You must choose either mortar or rapid-fire shooters before playing the mission.

Non-player colonies

The enemy black ant colony and the enemy wood ant colony are on the same side. You can't invade their nests.

The enemy wood ant colony only has access to rapid-fire shooters.

Enemy colonies gather fish on the first and the second day. They gather honeydew from your aphid clusters on the fourth day. They retreat inside at night.

Enemy colonies don't invade your nest. Attacking waves actually come from the corresponding spawners in their nests every 70 seconds during the day and invade your nest during the day.

Attacking waves have black ant soldiers, wood ant soldiers, mortar wood ant shooters and rapid-fire wood ant shooters. The final wave has a black ant queen and a wood ant queen.

  • Day 1 - Wave 1: Black ants
  • Day 1 - Wave 2: Wood ants
  • Day 2 - Wave 1: Black ants
  • Day 2 - Wave 2: Wood ants
  • Day 2 - Wave 3: Black ants
  • Day 2 - Wave 4: Wood ants
  • Day 3 - Wave 1: Black ants
  • Day 3 - Wave 2: Wood ants
  • Day 3 - Wave 3: Black ants and wood ants
  • Day 3 - Wave 4: Black ants and wood ants
  • Day 4 - Wave 1: Black ants
  • Day 4 - Wave 2: Wood ants
  • Day 4 - Wave 3: Black ants and wood ants
  • Day 4 - Wave 4: Black ants and wood ants

Both nests are entirely flooded on the fourth night.

Notable enemies

Other enemies are on the same side and are hostile to the ants.

Devil's coach horse beetles live in your nest.

Surface enemies only appear at night and don't invade your nest.

Devil's coach horse beetles and hermit crabs gather around the aphid clusters. Medium hermit crabs and sand bear wolf spiders roam the second layer of the beach.

Ladybird beetles increase in number at night.


Larval northern dune tiger beetles appear around the aphid clusters every 300/ 270/ 240/ 210/ 150 seconds. You must also remove the 6 larvae hiding far away from your nest to gain the respective achievement.


Icons Name Requirements
Queen Of The Hill 1.pngQueen Of The Hill 2.pngQueen Of The Hill 3.pngQueen Of The Hill 4.pngQueen Of The Hill 5.pngQueen Of The Hill X.pngQueen Of The Hill X4.png Queen of the Hill Beat the mission on designated difficulty.
Separation Of Duties.png Separation of Duties Eliminate or fend off 2 ladybird beetles on both sides within 30 seconds then beat the mission. (medium)
I Love Sashimi.png I Love Sashimi Gather 100 food directly from a fish then beat the mission. (hard)
At Arm's Length.png At Arm's Length Beat the mission without building any melee soldier brood tiles. (extreme)
Within Reach.png Within Reach Beat the mission without upgrading any shooter brood tiles. (impossible)
Beach Cleanup.png Beach Cleanup Keep no larval northern dune tiger beetle on the beach at the end of the mission. (challenge)
Meat's Back On The Menu.png Meat's Back on the Menu Eliminate 3 medium hermit crabs then beat the mission. (impossible - challenge)


  • You can't invade enemy nests and attacking waves come from underground spawners even though the enemy colonies have completely functional nests. This is done to make the narrated events consistent and prevent you from shutting them down too early.
  • You can disable attacking and keep the swarm queens alive next to your queen until the second layer becomes flooded.
