Ladybird Beetle

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Common name Seven-spotted ladybird beetle
Scientific name Coccinella septempunctata
Environment Beach
Forms Adult
Traits Escape

Ladybird beetles (Coccinella septempunctata) are enemies in beach documentary levels.


Ladybird beetles land nearby and move toward root aphids. They fly out of the map at low health or after they have eaten. They become harder to detect if the designated aphids have survived for a certain amount of time.

Ladybird beetles can't attack. They slow down when they take damage.


You can encouter ladybird beetles in:

Notable stats

Ladybird beetle
Common stats
  • Health: 100
  • Movement speed: 130
  • Food amount: 10
  • Score: 15
Damage modifications
  • None
  • Immune to stun/ confusion/ fleeing
  • Immune to pickup/ knockback
  • Immune to execution
  • Trigger: User takes damage.
Speed debuff (self)
  • Movement speed: - 50%
  • Duration: 0.3
  • Trigger: User is reduced to 75% HP.


  • Ladybird beetles were requested to be in the game by Maggie, a kickstarter backer.