Root Aphid

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 08:07, 15 June 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)
Common name Root aphid
Scientific name Unknown
Environment Beach
Forms Adult
Traits None

Root aphids are food sources in beach documentary levels.


Root aphids gather around roots of small rosemary plants. One new aphid appears every 60 seconds. Each host plant can only have up to 10 aphids.

Aphids secret honeydew every 60 seconds. Extra droplets are withheld and will be expelled one at a time after each harvest. Honeydew droplets give 10 food.

Root aphids are eaten by ladybird beetles.


You can encounter root aphids in:


  • Aphids are born pregnant with their own clones. This explains how they can repopulate so easily from seemingly nothing.
  • Stem aphids were originally planned for wood ant missions. They were replaced with root aphids because the climbing system couldn't be done in time.