Milkweed Aphid

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Common name Milkweed aphid
Scientific name Aphis nerii
Environment Swamp
Forms Adult
Traits None

Milkweed aphids (Aphis nerii) are food sources in swamp documentary levels.


Milkweed aphids gather around stems of fewflower milkweed plants (Asclepias lanceolata). Multiple new aphids appear on random host plants across the map over time in some levels. Each host plant can only have up to 50 aphids.

Aphids secrete honeydew 75 seconds after each harvest. Honeydew droplets give 6 to 10 food.

Aphid relocating

Omnivorous ants automatically move nearby aphids to the designated host plant. They can't attack enemies or gather food in the process.

Relocating aphids is prioritized over gathering honeydew. Existing honeydew will be lost on the way.

You can disable aphid relocating to prevent your ants from picking up aphids. They still have to bring carried aphids back to your host plant.

You can enable resource information to see number of aphids and total food amount on the host plants. Milkweed aphids are yellow dots on the minimap.


You can encounter milkweed aphids in:


  • Milkweed aphids are currently the smallest creatures in the game.
  • Stem aphids were originally planned for wood ant missions. They were replaced with root aphids because the climbing system couldn't be done in time.