Herbalists' Camp

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 23:20, 25 June 2024 by a mostly willing son (talk | contribs) (changed {{perksearch}} to {{perks}}, updated version, bonus yields section)

Herbalists' Camp

"An advanced camp. Can gather large and giant resource nodes in addition to small ones. Can collect: Herbs, Berries, Mushrooms."

Herbalist's Camp icon.png
SpecializationsAlchemy Specialization Alchemy
CategoryCamps Camps
Size2 × 2
Build Time14
Build Cost
10Wood Wood
3Parts Parts
ID'Herbalist's Camp'


The Herbalists' Camp is an advanced camp for herbalists going out into the wild to gather Berries Berries, Herbs Herbs and Mushrooms Mushrooms. It can gather from large and giant nodes found in Dangerous and Forbidden Glades, and it gathers resources more quickly than the Small Herbalists' Camp. However, it needs to be unlocked by a Blueprint.

The Herbalists' Camp is unlocked at Level 2.

Production Chain

Recipes in the Herbalists' Camp

3 recipes in the Herbalists' Camp.

Bonus Resources in the Herbalists' Camp

Berries Berries = 80% Berries Berries
Herbs Herbs = 40% Berries Berries + 20% Plant Fiber Plant Fiber
Mushrooms Mushrooms = 40% Insects Insects

Perks and Cornerstones

3 Perks with selected IDs and mentioning 'Hebalists' Camp'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra
Hunter-Gatherers Hunter-Gatherers Legendary All camp production is increased by 100%, but all buildings that use fertile soil have their yields decreased by 50%. Bonus does not affect the Woodcutters' Camp. x Cor x x x 0
Hunter-Gatherers (Stormforged) Hunter-Gatherers (Stormforged) Mythic All camp production is increased by 100%. Bonus does not affect the Woodcutters' Camp. Alt x x x x 0
Master Blueprint Master Blueprint Legendary A collection of architectural drafts from a very early period in the Citadel's history. Unlocks all camp blueprints and upgrades all small camps to their advanced versions, but gathering speed is decreased by 50% until you use up at least 300 resource node charges. x Cor x x x 0
