Smoldering City

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 10:58, 17 August 2023 by Aurelain (talk | contribs) (Moved most of the Upgrades content to a dedicated page)

Smoldering City

The world is plagued by the Blightstorm - a vile cycle of destruction ravaging everything in its path. The only safehaven is the Smoldering City, where the mysterious Scorched Queen reins. As a Viceroy of the crown, your goal is to help rebuild the Smoldering City.


Main article: Upgrades

The Scorched Queen has decided that the Smoldering City requires 7 new great work projects: the Obsidian Archives, the Monastery of the Vigilant Flame, the Pioneers' Gate, the First Dawn Headquarters, the Dim Square, the Brass Forge, and the Vanguard Spire.


Main article: Deeds

Deeds are tasks from the Smoldering City what will grant either 50 Experience Points or a permanent bonus when completed. Some of them require playing on a certain minimal difficulty. Some of them will grant an Achievement.