
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 00:02, 23 November 2023 by mostly willing (talk | contribs) (→‎Rainwater Geysers: added Chance of Geyser type per Glade type table)
A Stormwater Geyser


Rain Engines

Viceroys can now take advantage of the Rain to power their buildings, but not without a cost! Blightrot will grow in Rain Engines as Viceroys use them, the more Rainwater that runs through an engine, the faster Icon UI Blightrot.png Blightrot Cysts will spawn. While Rainpunk is essential for any Viceroy playing on higher difficulties, it is a delicate balance between using Rainwater Engines and keeping the Blightrot at bay, as Blightrot likes to eat villagers. Blightrot scales with difficulty, so prepare to fight for your life at higher Prestige levels...

Types of Rainwater

There are 3 types of Rainwater, each type will power different types of buildings. DrizzleWaterCircle.png Drizzle Water powers buildings that produce food, ClearanceWaterCircle.png Clearance Water powers crafting and artistry buildings, and StormWaterCircle.png Storm Water powers heavy industrial buildings producing fuels and metals.

ClearanceWaterCircle.png Clearance DrizzleWaterCircle.png Drizzle StormWaterCircle.png Storm
Alchemist's Hut Alchemist's Hut Bakery Bakery Brickyard Brickyard
Apothecary Apothecary Beanery Beanery Carpenter Carpenter
Artisan Artisan Brick Oven Brick Oven Crude Workstation Crude Workstation
Clay Pit Clay Pit Butcher Butcher Finesmith Finesmith
Clothier Clothier Cellar Cellar Furnace Furnace
Cooperage Cooperage Cookhouse Cookhouse Kiln Kiln
Druid's Hut Druid's Hut Distillery Distillery Lumber Mill Lumber Mill
Leatherworker Leatherworker Field Kitchen Field Kitchen Manufactory Manufactory
Makeshift Post Makeshift Post Granary Granary Smelter Smelter
Press Press Greenhouse Greenhouse Smithy Smithy
Provisioner Provisioner Grill Grill Tinkerer Tinkerer
Rain Mill Rain Mill Ranch Ranch Toolshop Toolshop
Scribe Scribe Smokehouse Smokehouse Workshop Workshop
Stamping Mill Stamping Mill Teahouse Teahouse
Supplier Supplier Tinctury Tinctury
Weaver Weaver

Sourcing Rainwater

There are two ways of sourcing Rainwater:

  • Collecting Rainwater from the sky via buildings such as the Rainwater Collector and Advanced Rainwater Collector.
  • Building Geyser Pumps on top of Water Geysers.

Rainwater Collectors

A Rainwater Collector

Most players will start with building a Rain Collector that collects Rainwater during the season. Collection is based on seasons, so StormWaterCircle.png Storm water can only be collected during the Storm Season, and so forth. Rain Collectors have tanks with a capacity of 50 units and collect 2 units every 16 seconds, and Advanced Rain Collectors, which you unlock in later levels, has double the capacity and speed.

Rainwater Geysers

A Geyser and Geyser Pump

Geyser Pumps are buildings you can place on top of Rainwater Geysers to collect Rainwater, they have a base capacity of 50 units, upgradable to 150 units. Geysers produce 2 units of water every 6 seconds. They have two worker slots, upgradable to place two Automatons in worker slots for uninterrupted collection. It is important to note that a Rainwater Geyser will only produce Rainwater of the type that is the colour of the geyser, it does not change with seasons.

Chance of Geyser type per Glade type*
DrizzleWaterCircle.png Drizzle ClearanceWaterCircle.png Clearance StormWaterCircle.png Storm
Small 50% 30% 20%
Dangerous 30% 40% 30%
Forbidden 20% 30% 50%

*assuming the Glade does have a Geyser

Engine Usage

Engine Controls

Viceroys can control how much water, and for what purpose, is used in a Building. To the left we can see a Viceroy clicked on the 3rd panel of a Building information box to open the engine controls of a Manufactory Manufactory.

Here you can select which perks you would like to enjoy when using Rainwater, as well as how much Rainwater you would like to use. On the bottom left of the information box, we can see a Blightrot meter. This meter shows you how much Blightrot your engines are spawning.

Engine Controls are as follows:


  • 1 - Increase production speed by 50%.
  • 2 - Increase chance of double production yields by 25%.
  • 3 - Increase production speed by a further 50%.


It is important to note that as long as there are workers assigned and the secondary resolve-boosting engines are turned on, the Rainwater will be used and Blightrot will generate, even if no products are being produced. The rate of Rainwater usage depends on the amount of workers assigned, with more workers using more Rainwater.


See the Main page on Blightrot for further information.


Many thanks to Discord users Jhazrun and MoronicCinamun1984 for the editing and proof-reading!