Seasons: Difference between revisions

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Positive Forest mysteries are active during the Dizzle season.
Positive Forest mysteries are active during the Dizzle season.
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! Forest Mystery !! Effects !! Description
! Forest Mystery !! Effects
| [[File:Addon 10.png|25px]] Aurora || +1 Resolve every minute from Service || ''The weather in these lands enables you to sometimes peer beyond the veil of the clouds.''
| [[File:Addon 10.png|25px]] Aurora || +1 Resolve every minute from Service
| [[File:B 25.png|25px]] Berry New Year || +3 Berry production || ''Gain additional Berries every yield (from gathering, farming, or production).''
| [[File:B 25.png|25px]] Berry New Year || +3 Berry production
| [[File:B 03 modified.png|25px]] Clear Skies || +300% Trade arrival speed || ''Increases the speed at which traders arrive.''
| [[File:B 03 modified.png|25px]] Clear Skies || +300% Trade arrival speed
| [[File:Insects.png|25px]] Cricket Mating Grounds || +30 Insects per discovered Glade || ''Clearings buzz with cricket sounds.''
| [[File:Insects.png|25px]] Cricket Mating Grounds || +30 Insects per discovered Glade
| [[File:SpellBookPage09 81 modified.png|25px]] Euphoric Vapors || +1 Resolve from Complex Food || ''There is something in the air that invokes pleasant moods. The effect is especially strong when the body is well rounded.''
| [[File:SpellBookPage09 81 modified.png|25px]] Euphoric Vapors || +1 Resolve from Complex Food
| [[File:Addon 17.png|25px]] Fermented Rain || Rain Collector buildings produce Wine || ''The rain is sticky and tastes like wine.''
| [[File:Addon 17.png|25px]] Fermented Rain || Rain Collector buildings produce Wine
| [[File:Yellow 09.png|25px]] Fresh Breeze || Villagers with Complex Food and Housing move 20% faster || ''A refreshing current of air lifts the spirit. Those with basic needs taken care of are more willing to work.''
| [[File:Yellow 09.png|25px]] Fresh Breeze || Villagers with Complex Food and Housing move 20% faster
| [[File:Violet 24 modified.png|25px]] Heavy Drops || +5 Sparkdew production || ''Gain additional Sparkdew every yield (from gathering, farming, or production).''
| [[File:Violet 24 modified.png|25px]] Heavy Drops || +5 Sparkdew production
| [[File:07 b.png|25px]] Lightweight Wood || +10 Woodcutter carry capacity || ''The evaporating rainwater has made wood a lot lighter in this region.''
| [[File:07 b.png|25px]] Lightweight Wood || +10 Woodcutter carry capacity
| [[File:M 03.png|25px]] Mushrooms After the Rain || +3 Mushroom Production || ''Gain additional Mushrooms every yield (from gathering, farming, or production).''
| [[File:M 03.png|25px]] Mushrooms After the Rain || +3 Mushroom Production
| [[File:SpellBookPage09 70.png|25px]] Untapped Wealth || +50% Chance to collect additional resources from resource nodes || ''Chance of collecting additional resources when harvesting resource nodes.''
| [[File:SpellBookPage09 70.png|25px]] Untapped Wealth || +50% Chance to collect additional resources from resource nodes
| [[File:Gr 12.png|25px]] Worms After the Rain || Scavengers' Camp buildings can harvest Insect nodes || ''Insects are extremely easy to collect after heavy rainfall.''
| Warm Welcome || Rouble Reputation from Resolve
| [[File:Gr 12.png|25px]] Worms After the Rain || Scavengers' Camp buildings can harvest Insect nodes

Revision as of 14:14, 29 October 2022

Each settlement goes 3 cycling seasons:

  1. Dizzle lasts 6:00 minutes. Crops are planted and positive Forest Mysteries are active.
  2. Clearance lasts 4:15 minutes. Crops are harvested.
  3. Storm lasts 1:40 minutes. Crops that are not harvested die and negative Forest Mysteries are active. Traders will not arrive. If Blightroot is present it will attempt to corrupt the Ancient Hearth.

Forest Mysteries

Forest Mysteries are generated at the start of each game, based on the map’s difficulty and biome. Some effects are simple modifiers influencing production, lowering speed or destroying buildings, but some are based on your villagers' needs. For example: Hailstorm can kill villagers during the Storm, but if they have a home, they are safe.

Positive Forest Mysteries

Positive Forest mysteries are active during the Dizzle season.

Forest Mystery Effects
Addon 10.png Aurora +1 Resolve every minute from Service
B 25.png Berry New Year +3 Berry production
B 03 modified.png Clear Skies +300% Trade arrival speed
Insects.png Cricket Mating Grounds +30 Insects per discovered Glade
SpellBookPage09 81 modified.png Euphoric Vapors +1 Resolve from Complex Food
Addon 17.png Fermented Rain Rain Collector buildings produce Wine
Yellow 09.png Fresh Breeze Villagers with Complex Food and Housing move 20% faster
Violet 24 modified.png Heavy Drops +5 Sparkdew production
07 b.png Lightweight Wood +10 Woodcutter carry capacity
M 03.png Mushrooms After the Rain +3 Mushroom Production
SpellBookPage09 70.png Untapped Wealth +50% Chance to collect additional resources from resource nodes
Warm Welcome Rouble Reputation from Resolve
Gr 12.png Worms After the Rain Scavengers' Camp buildings can harvest Insect nodes

Negative Forest Mysteries

Negazite Forest mysteries are active during the Storm season. Some of them require a certain Hostility level to become active.

Forest Mystery Effects Hostility Level Description
Storm.png Looming Darkness -4 Global Resolve per Hostility level 0 The rampaging storm stifles the spirit of all living creatures.
SpellBook01 47.png Creeping Shadows -10 Global Resolve for 3 minutes after discovering a Glade 1 Discovering a Glade during the Storm will decrease Global Resolve.
B 13.png Fog Villagers without Housing more 40% slower 1 A veil of moisture obscures vision. It is hard to walk in these conditions.
SpellBook01 62.png Greater Threat -2 Global Resolve for for each discovered Dangerous and Forbidden Glade 1 The penalty is added retroactively.
Green 30 modified.png Muddy Ground -30% Villager speed outside Roads 1 Villagers' speed off roads is decreased.
SpellBook01 55.png Regular Storm Villagers without Shelter have a 10% chance to die every 60 seconds 1 Homeless villagers are especially vulnerable during the Storm.
Blue 17.png Under an Open Sky Villagers without Housing have -5 Resolve 1 Lack of shelter in such a malevolent Storm is gross neglect of villagers.
Blue 01.png Faint Flame -40% Sacrifice duration 3 Strong gusts of wind strike the Holy Flame.
SpellBook01 07.png Strange Lights Villagers without Services have a 20% chance to destroy the yield 4 People report seeing strange visages in the woods. They need something to put their minds at ease.
SpellBookPage09 84.png Eerie Song Villagers without Services have a 5% chance to die every 15 seconds 5 There are no words or even a melody. Those who go looking for the song usually don't return...