Module:MysteriesData: Difference between revisions

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
(Basics are ready)
m (Updated with a method to get all ids)
Line 68: Line 68:
local ERROR_MESSAGE_ID_MISSING = "MysteriesData requires the unique identifier for a Forest Mystery to get its data. Double-check what was passed as a parameter, because it was either missing, nil, or blank."
local ERROR_MESSAGE_ID_MISSING = "MysteriesData requires the unique identifier for a Forest Mystery to get its data. Double-check what was passed as a parameter, because it was either missing, nil, or blank."
local ERROR_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_ID_ON_MERGE = "MysteriesData attempted to merge the two JSON data tables, however it found two records with the same id."
local ERROR_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_ID_ON_MERGE = "MysteriesData attempted to merge the two JSON data tables, however it found two records with the same id."
local ERROR_MESSAGE_OBJECT_MISSING_KEY_ID = "MysteriesData discovered a record in the data that did not contain the required field named 'id' required to index the data. Double-check that the data has not been modified from how it was originally supplied by the developers."

Line 101: Line 102:
         for _, record1 in ipairs(data1) do
         for _, record1 in ipairs(data1) do
             local mysteryID = record1[KEY_ID]
             local mysteryID = record1[KEY_ID]
            if not mysteryID or "" == mysteryID then
            -- Promote the id field to be the key.
             mysteriesData[mysteryID] = record1
             mysteriesData[mysteryID] = record1
             listOfIDs[i] = mysteryID
             listOfIDs[i] = mysteryID
Line 108: Line 113:
         for _, record2 in ipairs(data2) do
         for _, record2 in ipairs(data2) do
             local mysteryID = record2[KEY_ID]
             local mysteryID = record2[KEY_ID]
            if not mysteryID or "" == mysteryID then
             -- Validate that there are no duplicate IDs in the final table.
             -- Validate that there are no duplicate IDs in the final table.
             if nil ~= mysteriesData[mysteryID] then
             if nil ~= mysteriesData[mysteryID] then
                 error(ERROR_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_ID_ON_MERGE .. "\n id=" .. mysteryID)
                 error(ERROR_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_ID_ON_MERGE .. "\n id=" .. mysteryID)
                -- Promote the id field to be the key.
                 mysteriesData[mysteryID] = record2
                 mysteriesData[mysteryID] = record2
                 listOfIDs[i] = mysteryID
                 listOfIDs[i] = mysteryID
Line 328: Line 337:
function MysteriesData.getAmountForCondition(mysteryID, conditionIndex)
function MysteriesData.getAmountForCondition(mysteryID, conditionIndex)
     return getFieldFromConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex, KEY_CONDITIONS_AMOUNT)
     return getFieldFromConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex, KEY_CONDITIONS_AMOUNT)
function MysteriesData.getAllMysteryIDs()
    return listOfIDs

Revision as of 03:25, 6 July 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:MysteriesData/doc

---@module MysteriesData
local MysteriesData = {}

--region Dependencies

local JsonUtils = require("Module:JsonUtils")


--region Private constants

local JSON_DATA_PAGE_1 = "Template:Simple_Seasonal_Effects_json"
local JSON_DATA_PAGE_2 = "Template:Conditional_Seasonal_Effects_json"

-- Keys in both
local KEY_ID = "id"
local KEY_DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName"
local KEY_DESCRIPTION = "description"
local KEY_ICON = "icon"
local KEY_DIFFICULTY_COST = "difficultyCost"
local KEY_COST_LABEL = "costLabel"
local KEY_HOSTILITY_LEVEL = "hostilityLevel"
local KEY_SEASON = "season"
-- Keys in Simple Seasonal Effects
local KEY_STACKS_WITH_HOSTILITY = "stacksWithHostility"
local KEY_STACKS_WITH_YEAR = "stacksWithYear"
local KEY_REMOVE_AFTER_YEAR = "removeAfterYear"
local KEY_EFFECT_ID = "effectId"
local KEY_IN_CUSTOM_MODE = "isInCustomMode"
-- Keys in Conditional Seasonal Effects
local KEY_VILLAGER_PERK_ID = "villagerPerkId"
local KEY_CONDITIONS = "conditions"
-- Keys in subtable
local KEY_CONDITIONS_CATEGORY_NAME = "categoryDisplayName"
local KEY_CONDITIONS_AMOUNT = "amount"

local IS_VALID_KEY = {
    [KEY_ID] = true,
    [KEY_DISPLAY_NAME] = true,
    [KEY_DESCRIPTION] = true,
    [KEY_ICON] = true,
    [KEY_COST_LABEL] = true,
    [KEY_SEASON] = true,
    [KEY_STACKS_WITH_YEAR] = true,
    [KEY_EFFECT_ID] = true,
    [KEY_IN_CUSTOM_MODE] = true,
    [KEY_VILLAGER_PERK_ID] = true,
    [KEY_CONDITIONS] = true,


local ERROR_MESSAGE_ID_MISSING = "MysteriesData requires the unique identifier for a Forest Mystery to get its data. Double-check what was passed as a parameter, because it was either missing, nil, or blank."
local ERROR_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_ID_ON_MERGE = "MysteriesData attempted to merge the two JSON data tables, however it found two records with the same id."
local ERROR_MESSAGE_OBJECT_MISSING_KEY_ID = "MysteriesData discovered a record in the data that did not contain the required field named 'id' required to index the data. Double-check that the data has not been modified from how it was originally supplied by the developers."


--region Private member variables

local mysteriesData
local listOfIDs


--region Private methods

--- Checks whether the Mysteries data has been loaded yet. If not, handles that and the post-processing necessary.
local function loadData()

    -- This function gets called any time the data could need to be loaded. Just return as quickly as possible if it's already loaded.
    if not mysteriesData then

        mysteriesData = {}
        listOfIDs = {}

        local data1 = JsonUtils.convertJSONToLuaTable(JSON_DATA_PAGE_1)
        local data2 = JsonUtils.convertJSONToLuaTable(JSON_DATA_PAGE_2)

        -- Store the mysteries by their ID, but also create a simple array of all IDs since we're already looping over them all.
        local i = 1
        for _, record1 in ipairs(data1) do
            local mysteryID = record1[KEY_ID]
            if not mysteryID or "" == mysteryID then
            -- Promote the id field to be the key.
            mysteriesData[mysteryID] = record1
            listOfIDs[i] = mysteryID
            i = i + 1

        for _, record2 in ipairs(data2) do
            local mysteryID = record2[KEY_ID]
            if not mysteryID or "" == mysteryID then
            -- Validate that there are no duplicate IDs in the final table.
            if nil ~= mysteriesData[mysteryID] then
                error(ERROR_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_DUPLICATE_ID_ON_MERGE .. "\n id=" .. mysteryID)
                -- Promote the id field to be the key.
                mysteriesData[mysteryID] = record2
                listOfIDs[i] = mysteryID
                i = i + 1

--- Retrieves exactly one mystery table from the data.
--- Throws an error if the parameter is missing, nil, or empty.
--- Retrieving data from outside this class should be done via the public getter methods, not by getting the entire record, so this is local.
---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a Mystery
---@return table the whole table row for that Mystery
local function getRecordWhereID(mysteryID)

    if not mysteryID or "" == mysteryID then
        return mysteriesData[mysteryID]

--- Retrieves the specified field from the specified mystery.
--- Standardizes the calls from simple getters.
--- Retrieving data from outside this class should be done via the public getter methods, not by getting the entire record, so this is local.
---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a Mystery
---@param fieldName string the desired constant field name
---@return any the value of the field--type is not known by this method
local function getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, fieldName)

    if not IS_VALID_KEY[fieldName] then
        return nil

    local record = getRecordWhereID(mysteryID)
    if not record then
        return nil
        return record[fieldName] or nil

--- Retrieves the specified condition from the specified mystery.
--- Standardizes the calls from simple getters.
--- Retrieving data from outside this class should be done via the public getter methods, not by getting the entire record, so this is local.
---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a Mystery
---@param conditionIndex number the index of the desired condition
---@return table the desired condition
local function getConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex)

    local conditions = getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_CONDITIONS)
    if not conditions then
        return nil
        return conditions[conditionIndex] or nil

--- Retrieves the specified condition from the specified mystery.
--- Standardizes the calls from simple getters.
--- Retrieving data from outside this class should be done via the public getter methods, not by getting the entire record, so this is local.
---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a Mystery
---@param conditionIndex number the index of the desired condition
---@param fieldName string the desired constant field name
---@return table the desired condition
local function getFieldFromConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex, fieldName)

    if not IS_VALID_CONDITIONS_KEY[fieldName] then
        return nil

    local condition = getConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex)
    if not condition then
        return nil
        return condition[fieldName] or nil


--region Public methods

---@param mysteryID string a unique identifier
---@return boolean true if there is a record with the specified identifier
function MysteriesData.isIDValid(mysteryID)

    local record = getRecordWhereID(mysteryID)
    if not record then
        return false
        return true

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return string the name of the mystery
function MysteriesData.getName(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_DISPLAY_NAME)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return string the description of the mystery
function MysteriesData.getDescription(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_DESCRIPTION)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return string the icon of the mystery
function MysteriesData.getIcon(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_ICON)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return number the difficulty cost of the mystery
function MysteriesData.getCostDifficulty(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_DIFFICULTY_COST)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return string the label of the cost of the mystery
function MysteriesData.getCostLabel(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_COST_LABEL)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return number the hostility level when the mystery kicks in
function MysteriesData.getHostilityLevel(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_HOSTILITY_LEVEL)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return number the season when the mystery is in effect
function MysteriesData.getSeason(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_SEASON)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return boolean true if the mystery gets worse with higher hostility
function MysteriesData.isStacksWithHostility(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_STACKS_WITH_HOSTILITY)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return boolean true if the mystery gets worse with each year
function MysteriesData.isStacksWithYear(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_STACKS_WITH_YEAR)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return boolean true if the mystery is removed after one year
function MysteriesData.isRemovedAfterYear(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_REMOVE_AFTER_YEAR)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return string the identifier of the effect applied to the settlement
function MysteriesData.getEffectID(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_EFFECT_ID)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return boolean true if the mystery is available in custom mode
function MysteriesData.isInCustomMode(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_IN_CUSTOM_MODE)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@return string the identifier of the effect applied to each villager
function MysteriesData.getVillagerPerkID(mysteryID)
    return getFieldWhereID(mysteryID, KEY_VILLAGER_PERK_ID)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@param conditionIndex number the index of the desired condition
---@return string the identifier of the category of the condition
function MysteriesData.getCategoryIDForCondition(mysteryID, conditionIndex)
    return getFieldFromConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex, KEY_CONDITIONS_CATEGORY_ID)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@param conditionIndex number the index of the desired condition
---@return string the name of the category of the condition
function MysteriesData.getCategoryNameForCondition(mysteryID, conditionIndex)
    return getFieldFromConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex, KEY_CONDITIONS_CATEGORY_ID)

---@param mysteryID string the unique identifier of a mystery
---@param conditionIndex number the index of the desired condition
---@return number the number required to meet the condition
function MysteriesData.getAmountForCondition(mysteryID, conditionIndex)
    return getFieldFromConditionWhereID(mysteryID, conditionIndex, KEY_CONDITIONS_AMOUNT)

function MysteriesData.getAllMysteryIDs()

    return listOfIDs


return MysteriesData