
From Against the Storm Official Wiki

Important: This template and all related templates are not designed to be used directly. Instead, use Template:Perks; it is powerful, better documented, and much simpler to use than filling out these templates.

Only the last, List/item, is called from the controller. All others are still here in the off chance they may be useful to an author for manually creating tables of perks. However, it is strongly recommended to learn how to use Template:Perks instead. The table version of the view is accomplished with Module:PerksView, which cannot be invoked directly, but is invoked by Module:PerksController.

Index of related templates:

Template Purpose
Template:PerksCornerstonesTable Primary, default table header template
Template:PerksCornerstonesTable/row Default table row template
Template:PerksCornerstonesTable/end Table markup closing
Template:PerksCornerstonesTable/SkipSources Table header template, but without the sources columns
Template:PerksCornerstonesTable/row/SkipSources Table row template, but without the sources columns
Template:PerksCornerstonesList/item List version row template (there is no list header template)