Advanced Rain Collector

From Against the Storm Official Wiki

This article was last updated during version 1.4.15. The game is now in 1.6.2. Some information may be out of date. Help us keep the wiki up to date by comparing this article against the patch notes and updating it.

Advanced Rain Collector

Extraction Building
(Resource Gathering)

Can collect rainwater used for crafting and powering Rain Engines in production buildings. The type of collected rainwater depends on the season. Has a tank capacity of 100.

Specialization bonus:
Rainwater Rainwater (Comfort) Frogs

Advanced Rain Catcher icon.png

3 Worker round.png Worker round.png Worker round.png Workers


100 Storage


5Planks Planks
3Parts Parts
5Pipes Pipes
0City score
20Build time
3 × 2Building size

Not movable

ID = 'Advanced Rain Catcher'


The Advanced Rain Collector is an Resource Gathering building for Rainwater collection. Compared to a regular Rain Collector, ARC has twice the efficiency and storage, as well as three worker slots compared to Rain Collector's two.

Advanced Rain Collector is unlocked at level 18.

Production Chain

Recipes in the Advanced Rain Collector

3 recipes in the Advanced Rain Collector.
Building Grade Ingredient Product
Advanced Rain Collector

Clearance Water Clearance Water
Advanced Rain Collector

Storm Water Storm Water
Advanced Rain Collector

Drizzle Water Drizzle Water
