Questions and answers

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki

This section can be found in the menu on the left hand side at the icon Maintab qa.png. When entering the Question and answers section from in-game the player can click on icons in the answers and the game will show the user where the specific functionality can be found in the menus, with red arrows.

Second Secretary of Communist party

Why are there two currencies?

There are two foreign areas around you. One side is the area under the control of the USSR (Soviet) and second area is under the US control, at least financial in this case. So, as there are two foreign countries where you can buy and sell resources, you need to work with both currencies. If you move the camera to an edge of the map you will see the border (Soviet or West) and the custom houses. Depending on where you purchase resources, you will spend Rubles (Soviet area) or Dollars (West area)

Why do I need money within a socialist society?

In a couple of words, you don't. In another, trade. Rubles and dollars are only the foreign exchange for your republic. Your internal economy works without any currencies/money, only with resources. Those two currencies are only present due to trade with foreign countries (Soviet or West). You can simply exchange resources - obtain resources which you need now, like at the start of the game. But you choose! You can focus solely on trade and getting money from natural resources that you will mine and sell to foreign countries... or build up a totally self-sufficient republic.

How do I actually get rubles or dollars?

You can load resources into a road vehicle or train and deliver it to a Customs House. If you bring resources to the Soviet border you will get rubles. If you will bring resources to the West border you will get dollars. If you click on the Custom House building, you can see the price of the resources - how much money you can earn if you deliver goods there.

Why do the prices fluctuate?

Global market prices shift every couple of days. The prices change because of:

  • Random market fluctuation
  • Inflation
  • If you purchase resources, you create a demand on the market and prices goes up
  • If you sell/export resources, you are supplying more goods to the market and prices go down
  • Some global events can drastically increase or decrease prices of resources for limited time
  • As new technology is introduced it can affect the amount of manpower or resources to manufacture goods, and prices on the global market can change

E.G. If there is a change in the price of Coal, it also changes prices on all products which are manufactured from Coal. Also the prices of all buildings and vehicles. The prices of everything are defined by resources, so all prices in the game are dynamic.

How to get citizens to move into residential buildings?

After you construct a residential building, you have two options to get citizens to move in:

Option 1) Invite immigrants for money You can invest some of your Rubles or Dollars and invite immigrants to your building. Click on the building where you would like new citizens. Then click on Worker buyrub.png "Invite from Soviet countries" (spends Ruble) or Worker buyusd.png "Invite from third world" (spends Dollars). Immigrants from third world can be hungrier, with poor health or no education, but they are cheaper to invite.

Option 2) Move from another building You can relocate citizens from one residential building to another. Click on the source building that you want to remove citizens from. Click on Tool worker relocate.png "Relocate citizens". Then just click on the building you would like the citizens to move to.

Do my citizens have what they need?

In general all demands affect happiness if they are not met. Status happiness.png

Certain demands are satisfied when citizens visit the store/shop where the goods they require are stored. Shops needs workers Workers workers loedu.png (sellers), to serve citizens Workers passangers half.png (buyers)

  • Food.png Food - basic citizens' demands, it affects hunger level (how sated a citizen is). If satiety is too low it affects health.
  • Meat.png Meat - additional food demands, also primarily affects satiety. If satiety is too low a citizen's health will be affected. Meat compared to Food has some advantages and gives citizens better health and happiness (no vegans in your republic!).
  • Clothes.png Clothes - the clothing level of your citizens. If their clothes level is too low, it will affect the citizen's happiness and health (especially during winter).
  • Electronics.png Electronics - showing the electronics level your citizen has achieved. If electronics level reaches 1.0 this means the citizen has access to a radio. If electronics level reaches 2.0 it shows a citizen has TV. If electronics level reaches 3.0 the citizen owns a computer.

Citizen demands (free-time activities)

Each citizen decides every day what they would like to do (activity). According to the following levels, one of the activities is chosen. The higher the level, the higher chance that this activity will be chosen.

  • Status sport.png Local Sport , Satisfied by visiting a sports playground.
  • Status religion.png Spirituality, Satisfied by visiting a church
  • Status alcohol.png Drinking, Satisfied by visiting a pub.
  • Status culture.png Culture, Satisfied by visiting a theatre, cinema, etc

If a demand is not fulfilled, the happiness level Status happiness.png of the citizen is decreased and the citizen's preference for the unfulfilled demand is also reduced. If a demand is fulfilled a citizen's happiness level is increased and they will seek out that demand more often.

Minister of Industry

What resources are there?

A window is displayed to the player with the production chain of resources displaying:

  • Produced from
  • Produced in
  • Resource
  • Used in
  • To produce

Obtaining oil

Open Bottomtab fosilfuels.png Fossil fuels

select Tool oil mine.png Pumpjack

You will see small squares around the Pumpjack cursor if there is oil present around the proposed Pumpjack site:

  • Red squares mean that no oil present.
  • Yellow means a medium amount of oil is present.
  • Green means there is plentiful oil present.

After you build the Pumpjack. Internal storage will fill up. You can connect the Pumpjack to additional storage Tool oil storage.png Oil/Fuel storage using pipelines or load oil onto trucks or trains. Trucks can load directly from Pumpjack, for a train you must use a loading station Tool rail pumping station.png Oil/Fuel loading/unloading and connect it to Pumpjack by pipeline. Tool pipe.png Build pipe connection.

Obtaining wood

Open Bottomtab miscell.png Miscellaneous Click on Tool woodcutting post.png Woodcutting post then navigate the cursor over map.

You will see small green squares around the building on your cursor, representing trees and the presence of wood. After you build the Woodcutting post, you need to get workers there to start logging trees in the forest. See additional topic about this. After the trees have been felled, you need to purchase some trucks to transport the wood from the forest to a Woodcutting post. Click on the "purchase a vehicle" Vehicle buy rub.png icon in the Woodcutting post window. You can move this wood to the Sawmill Tool sawmill.png Sawmill where the wood will be processed into boards.

Obtaining gravel

Open Bottomtab constindustry.png Construction industry Click on Tool gravelmine.png Gravel quarry then navigate the cursor over map.

You will see small green squares around the building on your cursor, representing the presence of gravel. You need to build the gravel quarry close to the rocks! After you build the gravel quarry. You have two options:

1) You can send workers there to mine the gravel 2) You can purchase the excavator, and use it to extract gravel instead of using workers. Open the gravel quarry window and click on "purchase a vehicle" icon Vehicle buy rub.png

After workers or an excavator is present, you need to send a Dump truck to load stone into it. You then need to send this dump truck to the File:Tool gravel processing.png Gravel processing plant to be processed into gravel.

Growing Crops

Best practice is to first build a farm.

Open Bottomtab foodindustry.png Food/Alcohol/Crops

Click on "Farm". Small farm-toolbar.png Small farm

After you build the farm, you next need to build some Fields - Small field-toolbar.png. Small field Select one of the three field sizes and place the field near the farm. Be sure the farm and fields are connected by road. You can use Mud road-toolbar.png Build mud road because it's not expected that the roads will be frequently used. Fields should be automatically assigned to a farm, but you can use "Assign a field" Tool building addfield.png in the Farm window.

In the Farm window, click on "purchase a vehicle" icon Vehicle buy rub.png to purchase:

  • Tractors for sowing the crops
  • Combines to harvest the crops
  • Covered trucks to transport crops from fields to the farm

Eventually workers can be set to work, cultivating the fields (sow or harvest).

Mining Coal and Iron ore

First you must build either a Coal or Iron mine.

Select Bottomtab fosilfuels.png Fossil fuels or Bottomtab metalurgy.png Metallurgy

Click on Coal mine-toolbar.png Coal mine or Coal mine-toolbar.png Iron mine then navigate the cursor over map.

You will see small squares around the cursor, representing if there is coal or iron present around the mine.

  • Red squares mean no coal/iron present.
  • Yellow means a medium amount of coal/iron present.
  • Green means there is a plentiful deposit of coal/iron present.

After you build the Mine, you will start to produce unprocessed coal or iron ore.

Best practice is to use conveyors Tool conveyor.png Build conveyor connection to connect the mine with a processing plant Coal processing plant-toolbar.png Coal ore processing plant or Coal processing plant-toolbar.png Iron ore processing plant to get processed Coal or Iron ore. You can then transport the processed Iron ore and coal to a Tool steel mill.png Steel mill to be made into steel, or to any other buildings requiring it.

How do factories work?

Factories are buildings where resources are transformed into a different product.

For example, the steel mill needs Coal Coal.png and Iron Iron.png to manufacture Steel Steel.png

Naturally, besides the resources you also need manpower - workers to toil in the factories. If workers or resources are not at the factory, the factory will cease production. Also, if the output storage(s) are full of manufactured products, the factory also halts production. You can extend factory input or output storages by connecting the factory to additional storage or warehouses. Check additional topics to discover more.

How do I purchase resources I don't have?

In any building where resources can be stored or spent, you can purchase resources for money (Rubles or Dollars).

For example if you built a Food factory and you would like to produce food, but you're missing the Crops, you can click on "Purchase resources" icons Buy rub.png Buy dollar.png and pay for Crops (or whatever you need).

After you open the window where you can purchase the resources, you will see two tabs:

  • Automatic purchase - you can set a required amount of the resource. If stored resource decreases below this limit, the resource will be auto re-purchased to equal the required amount
  • Manual purchase - a one time purchase of the resource. After resources are used, no automatic additional purchase is made.

Suggested best practice for any factories or shops is to set an automatic purchase of resources of about 20%-50% of the storage capacity. This assures the factory will not stop production due to lack of resources, whilst leaving space for any resources you manufacture yourself to be stored as well.

How can I tweak a building's productivity?

Sometimes you want a factory or other building to work only at a fraction of its capacity.

For example, you may have a Food factory, but you do not have enough Crops to produce food. The result; there are many workers keeping the factory at 100% capacity, while there are only enough Crops to run the factory at 20% capacity. Workers are effectively being paid for no work!

You can use the productivity tweak buttons:

  • Btab productivity increase.png Increase productivity
  • Btab productivity decrease.png Decrease productivity

So you can simply select how many workers should go there and at what level the factory or building should be working at. You can decrease the productivity when you don't need it at 100%, and if more production is needed you can increase its productivity. You can do this for all buildings (Mines, Factories, Shops, etc) where there are workers.

How go I get citizens to go to work?

If you have citizens living in your residential buildings, you can send them to work. You have two options:

Option 1) A Factory/Workplace close to their home. If there is a Factory or any other workplace where the workers are needed close to their residential building, workers will go to it on foot. You can check if any building is reachable for workers/citizens on foot by mousing over Infrastructure pedestrian.png icon on the building's window.

Option 2) If no workplace can be reached by foot, you can transport citizens to their workplace by Bus or Train. Build the "Train platform" Tool rail station passanger.png or the "Bus platform" Tool road busstation.png near residential buildings. You will see workers waiting on those platforms. Define this platform as the first stop in the vehicle schedule, then define the destination (Factory, workplace) as a second station. Eventually you can build a platform near your factories or workplaces. Workers will step off a bus or train and walk to their workplace.

How does manufacturing vehicles work?

You can manufacture your own vehicles. Manufacturing vehicles works similarly to any other factories. You bring in input resources and workers, and the vehicle will be manufactured.

You can use one of these production lines to manufacture:

Building vehicleproduction.png Vehicle production line to manufacture road vehicles, forklifts, or cableway cabins.

Tool production train.png Railway production line to manufacture trains.

Tool drydock.png Dry dock (big) to manufacture ships.

Tool production airplane.png Airplane production line to manufacture airplanes.

However, you need to purchase a blueprint for the vehicle before you can start manufacturing it.

To purchase a blueprint, open the window of the production line and click on one of these two buttons:

Blueprint rub.png - License/purchase blueprints using rubles

Blueprint usd.png - License/purchase blueprints using dollars

After purchasing the blueprint, you need to set it into the manufacturing process:

Blueprint set.png - Select blueprint to manufacture

Newly produced road vehicles:

  • You can normally send a newly produced road vehicle to a new workplace by using the button in the vehicle window.
  • You can set up a flatbed truck to load the vehicle and unload it into storage for the vehicles or new workplace.
  • You can send a flatbed truck with newly manufactured vehicles to unload at the custom house, and you will get the vehicle to sell as brand new.

Newly produced trains:

  • You can normally send brand new locomotives to rail depots.
  • For wagons and locomotives, you can use another locomotive and order to load the brand new trains at the production line and bring them to the railway depot, vehicle storage, or workplace.
  • You can order this locomotive to unload those joined trains at the custom house and sell them as brand new.

Newly produced ships:

  • After a ship is produced, you can define the schedule for it and use it.
  • You can send the ship beyond the borders to Soviet or Western countries. To do this, you need to click on the special icon to add this stop to the ship's schedule.

Export rub.png - Beyond the borders - Soviet countries

Export dollar.png - Beyond the borders - Western countries

Newly produced airplanes:

  • Don't forget to attach the airplane parking to the airplane production line to be able to store produced airplanes.
  • After an airplane is produced, you can define the schedule for it and use it.

You can send airplanes beyond the borders to Soviet or Western countries. To do this, you need to click on the special icon to add this stop to the airplane's schedule.

Export rub.png - Beyond the borders - Soviet countries

Export dollar.png - Beyond the borders - Western countries

If you have a brand new airplane, clicking on this icon and then launching the airplane will result in the airplane being sold as a brand new one to Western or Soviet countries.


  • Launching the vehicle with the schedule means the vehicle is being used, and it can only be sold as a used vehicle.
  • Bringing the brand new vehicle to any of the workplaces means the vehicle is being used, and it can only be sold as a used vehicle.

How do resources more throughout a network?

Storages/warehouses are passive buildings and cannot push or take resources. For conveyors or pipelines, you can place conveyor engines or pipe pumping stations in between storages (or other buildings) to move resources from Building A to Building B. For complex networks, forklift garages are required to flow resources through factory connections.

So, this setup will NOT WORK:

Factory A Tool factoryconnection.png Storage A Tool factoryconnection.png Storage B Tool factoryconnection.png Factory B

(Factory A will push resources to Storage A, but it will not push them further to Storage B. Factory B can take resources from Storage B, but it will be empty). The same applies to conveyors or pipelines without engines in between buildings.

This setup will work:

Factory A Tool factoryconnection.png Storage Tool factoryconnection.png Factory B

(Factory A will push resources to Storage, Factory B can take resources from Storage).

Also, if a vehicle comes to a station or building, it can take resources from neighboring buildings or fill neighboring buildings.

Factory A Tool factoryconnection.png Cargo Station Tool factoryconnection.png Factory B Tool factoryconnection.png Factory C

When any vehicle comes to load/unload resources at the Cargo Station, it can also load/unload resources from/to Factory A or Factory B, but not from/to Factory C.

What are forklifts for?

When building factory connections, you can also use:

Tool forklift crossing.png Factory connection crossing With factory connection crossings, you can create a complex network and connect multiple factories, even if they are farther apart. However, to transport resources on this network, you need to use forklift garages:

Tool forklift station.png Forklift garage In the forklift garages, you can purchase forklifts and assign buildings while specifying what to load and unload from each building. Forklifts will then handle the job automatically.

Refueling & construction of the complex network of factory connections using construction offices:

As forklift garages/stations are connected to the road network, this connection is used for construction vehicles and refueling vehicles. Forklifts can be refueled in their garages.

Minister of Education

How does education work?

If a citizen finishes their education at a School they can move on to study at university.

1) If the citizen is 21+ years old, you need to use relocate tool Tool worker relocate.png and relocate them to a University halls of residence.

University halls of residence 1.png

University halls of residence is a special residential building. The difference is those citizens are not going to work, and instead will be going to study at university.

If the citizen ends their studies, they will try to rent a free flat near the University halls of residence. If the citizen cannot find a nearby flat, you can relocate them from University halls of residence manually with Tool worker relocate.png.

2) If the citizen has finished School during their childhood (under 21 years old), they spend their work period trying to get into university. They don't need to be placed into a University halls of residence.

Minister of Transportation

How do I build roads?

Select Bottomtab roads.png Roads / Vehicles

Click on the button for level road

Asphalt road-toolbar.png Build asphalt road Mud road-toolbar.png Build mud road Asphalt road-toolbar.png Build gravel road

Click with left mouse button and keep button pressed while you move the cursor.

  • If road is green you can release the left mouse button to build the road
  • If road is red, there is some problem and road will not be built there.

You can select the currency you want to use on the construction in the bottom right corner.

In the right bottom corner you can also

Ico bottom wire.png Checkbox on.png - Turn on the wireframe to see the terrain more clearly.

Ico bottom topo.png Checkbox on.png - Turn on the topographic view to see the terrain surface better

Ico bottom nearsnap.png Checkbox on.png - Toggle snapping to near roads to create highways

If you check the crane checkbox:

Icon construction.png Checkbox on.png Build from resources

you can preview roads in a special blueprint mode. In the right bottom corner you can expand section by clicking on the plus button Button plus.png

You draw roads and after you are finished, you see the total cost of the planned construction. You can:

Button cancel.png Cancel all plans - removes all roads drawn in blueprint mode

Buy rub.png Buy dollar.png Fund construction - start construction of all planned roads and spend Rubles or Dollars on it

Bottomtab constindustry.png Start construction with your own resources. Note: this is not recommended for newcomers, see additional topics on this.

How can I purchase and use road vehicles?

Select Bottomtab roads.png Roads / Vehicles

Select and build the Tool road depo.png Road vehicles depot

Click on the depot building after construction is finished. At the top of the depot window, there are icons for purchasing vehicles from Rubles Vehicle buy rub.png or Dollars Vehicle buy usd.png . For Rubles you can purchase the Soviet vehicles, for dollars you can purchase the Western vehicles. After you click on this icon a new window will list all the vehicles you can purchase with your chosen currency.

You can filter vehicles by categories. After you find a cool vehicle, click on it, and the vehicle will be purchased!

Double-click on the purchased vehicle in the depot window to open the vehicle window. Click on Tool vehicle addstop.png "Add new stop" button, then click on the building where your vehicle should collect something or someone. Click on the building where your vehicle should unload the resources or passengers. After you are done press Escape to cancel the "Add new stop" tool.

Eventually you can customize the schedule, remove stops or edit the actions at the stop (Load & unload) on the vehicle window.

How can I build rail track?

The basic mechanics of how to build the rail track is similar to road building.

Wood rail-toolbar.png Concrete rail-toolbar.png Electrified rail-toolbar.png

There are three level of railways available:

Electric locomotive or tram, can only use an electrified railway!

During building of the rail track you can choose to build multitrack. Rail track will automatically snap to close/nearby railways. The close/near rail section beyond which you can build multitrack is highlighted in yellow.

Ico bottom nearsnap.png Checkbox on.png - Toggle snapping to near railways to create a multi track railways

How can I purchase and use trains or trams?

Select Bottomtab railways.png Trains

Select and build the Tool rail depo.png Train depot

Click on the depot building after construction is finished. On the top part of the depot window, there are icons for purchasing vehicles with Rubles Vehicle buy rub.png or Dollars Vehicle buy usd.png. For Rubles you can purchase the Soviet vehicles, for Dollars you can purchase the Western vehicles. After you click on this icon a new window will list all the vehicles you can purchase with your chosen currency.

You can filter trains/wagons by categories. After you find a cool locomotive or wagon, click on it, and the vehicle will be purchased.

You can freely connect wagons and locomotives to form trains except for cargo and passenger wagons or electric locomotives with diesel ones which is not allowed. Also note that you are not able to separate the trainset once purchased.

Double-click on your purchased locomotive (or it's wagons) in the depot window to open the vehicle window. Click on "Add new stop" Tool vehicle addstop.png button, then click on the building where your vehicle should collect something or someone. Click on the building where your vehicle should unload resources or passengers. After you're done press Escape to cancel the "Add new stop" tool.

Eventually you can customize the schedule, remove stops or edit the actions at the stop (Load & unload) on the vehicle window.

How do railway signals work?

To place a signal, open the railway category. When placing signals, you will split the rail track into blocks. You can see those blocks filled with different colors when placing the signal.

By default, you place a two-way signal. When you click with the signal tool again on the same place, you will get a one-way signal.

Important: Trains are allowed to pass a one-way signal only in one direction!!

There are two types of signals in the game:

Tool rail semaphore.png Place semaphore - The signal is red when the following block is engaged by other trains.

Tool rail semaphore chain.png Place chain semaphore (pre-signal) - The signal is red when all exits from the blocks are not free. The signal is blue when at least one exit from the block is free. Here, it depends on where exactly the train will go, and it could stop even on this blue color if its route is not free.

Please find additional guides on the Steam Workshop or the internet about this topic. It is a very complicated topic. Moreover, note that the game implements path signal mechanics, so sometimes it is okay for a train to enter the block even on the red signal color when there is no collision with the train in the block.

Additionally, sometimes a train may not be allowed to enter the block even on the green color to prevent a deadlock (probably because the other train is about to enter the block or rail track).

There are additional tools for signal placement:

Tool rail semaphorecancel.png Cancel semaphore - To remove a signal.

Tool rail semaphore chain double.png Double semaphore - To place two signals on a double track.

Tool rail semaphore mixedchain.png Place mixed semaphore (normal/pre-signal) - To place a mixed signal (from one side chain, from the other side block signal).

Tool rail semaphore waypoint.png Place waypoint - Aside from signals, you can place waypoints on the track.

Note that both signals and waypoints can be used as waypoints for the train schedule. It is useful when you want to force a train to go through a specific track.

Hoes does passenger transportation work?

Basically we divide passengers into three groups:

Workers.png Workers - Citizens commuting to work

Icon-passenger.png Passengers - Citizens enjoying their free time, or trying to reach services like shops, cinemas etc.

Workers childs.png Students - Citizens travelling to their place of education.

Citizens wait on the station/platform. If a bus or train/tram comes to the station/platform, every citizen checks the schedule (next stop(s) of the vehicle) to see if the bus or train is going to a place they are interested in - if it is, they board.

E.G. : So if a bus arrives at the station, and it's only destination is a workplace, or a station only close to factories, no passengers (citizens on free time) or students will board.

If another bus arrives, and it's only destination is a station near a university, only the students going to study at the university, and/or the teachers/staff that work there, will step onto the bus.

You can decide which citizens are allowed to board or alight from a vehicle at each stop. To control this open the Vehicle window and choose a stop from the schedule.

Warning: if a citizen is stuck on transportation for too long, they will leave the vehicle and appear back at their home.

How do personal cars work?

Individual traffic through personal cars is most advantageous for citizens with university education. Moreover, it can also increase government loyalty levels among citizens.

This is managed through parking lots - Tool parking small.png Small parking lot

Parking lots can be built near residential areas and workplaces or areas where citizens spend their free time. If a citizen has a personal car but no appropriate workplace is available within walking distance, they will search for another workplace within the range of their personal car. The same applies to their free time activities; if there are no shops or activities near their home, they will try to find them near reachable parking lots.

When you open the window of any parking lot, you can see which parking lots are reachable from the selected parking lot:

Btab cars.png View reachable parking lots - For the assignment of personal cars to citizens, there are two options:

1) The first option is to purchase (or bring in brand new) personal cars directly to the parking lots. Each parking lot has settings, and personal cars can be assigned according to age, education, and government loyalty level.

2) The second option is to distribute personal cars through a car dealership building - [[File:Tool_cardealer] Car dealer. In this building, brand new personal cars are brought in and then distributed to citizens.

How do I use airplanes?

Airplanes are a very fast but expensive form of transportation.

To operate airplanes, you need to first build a runway.

Select Bottomtab airplanes.png Airplanes

then Tool create airroad fly.png Build runway

Then, build an airplane parking area - similar to a depot for road vehicles or trains, where you can purchase airplanes.

Tool airplaneparking 30.png Airplane parking 30m

After that, connect the airplane parking area to the runways with taxiways.

Tool create airroad.png Build taxiway

You can also build terminals and connect them to the runways.

Tool airport terminal.png Airport terminal

Tool airport terminal cargo2.png Airport cargo terminal

Don't forget that to operate an airplane, you need to have a built and staffed control tower near the airport.

Also, don't forget that bigger airplanes need longer runways. This information is described in the airplane properties.

Tool control tower.png Control tower

An icon over the airplane can be displayed, aside from classic errors that are specific to airplanes.

Vehiclewarning controltower.png An airplane cannot land or take off because there are no or not enough workers in the control tower.

Vehiclewarning airplanefull.png An airplane cannot land or take off because runways or taxiways are occupied by other airplanes, so it needs to wait.

You can send airplanes beyond the borders to Soviet or Western countries. To do this, you need to click on the special icon to add this stop to the airplane's schedule.

Export rub.png Beyond the borders - Soviet countries

Export dollar.png Beyond the borders - Western countries

If you have a brand new airplane, clicking on this icon and then launching the airplane will result in the airplane being sold as a brand new one to Western or Soviet countries.

There are no specific refuelling stations for airplanes. Airplanes are refuelled in the terminals.

How do I use ships?

Ships are large-capacity but slow means of transporting passengers or cargo. To operate a ship, you just need to build a dock similar to a depot for road vehicles or trains.

Tool ship dock small.png Ship dock (small)

You can purchase a new ship there. Then, you can build your passenger or cargo harbors.

Tool harbor passanger small.png Passenger harbor (small)

Tool harbor cargo small.png Cargo harbor (small)

Keep in mind that bigger ships cannot fit in small harbors. Information about the maximum ship length is described in the strip when selecting the harbor on the dock from the build menu. You can use the buoy tool to place buoys, especially if your sea routes are busy and you want to avoid collisions between ships.

Tool bojka red.png Create buoy

You can send ship beyond the borders to Soviet or Western countries. To do this, you need to click on the special icon to add this stop to the ship's schedule.

Export rub.png Beyond the borders - Soviet countries

Export dollar.png Beyond the borders - Western countries

If you have a brand new ship, clicking on this icon and then launching the ship will result in the ship being sold as a brand new one to Western or Soviet countries. There are no specific refuelling stations for ships. Ships are refuelled in the harbors.

What are distribution offices?

Open Bottomtab factorycons.pngGeneral cargo.

Choose one of the distribution offices:

Tool distribution office small.png Small distribution office

Distribution offices are a powerful feature that allows you to specify the source and destination buildings. Trucks are then sent to transport goods when needed, saving traffic and fuel.

In the distribution office task, you can even specify which resources the office should operate and critical storage levels for sending the transport.

Important note:

The distribution office CANNOT be used for: a) distributing brand new vehicles b) transporting resources packed in containers c) moving the containers themselves.

How do containers work?

Open Bottomtab factorycons.png General cargo

Use the container packing and unpacking facilities:

Tool container packing.png Container loading facility

Tool container unpacking.png Container unloading facility

The container packing facility can pack resources into containers. You can specify the type of container to produce by clicking the icon in the top panel of the facility window:

List containers.png Set container type

One advantage of containers is that loading and unloading of resources is quick, especially at customs houses. You can use flatbed trains or, even better, container harbors to handle containers for shipping. This is particularly useful when you have enormous production that you would like to export.

Tool harbor container.png Harbor for containers and vehicles

Maintenance of Vehicles?

Open Bottomtab roads.png Roads / Vehicles

Click on Tool garage small.png Vehicle repair station (medium)

Repair stations are buildings that perform vehicle repairs. These buildings require workers and replacement parts to operate effectively.

When placing a repair station, it will have an orange range displayed. Specific buildings can be highlighted in orange and connected to the repair stations. For example, you can build a repair station near a railway depot, which will then be connected to the repair stations, allowing you to repair trains from the depot at the repair station.

Repair stations can also have covered trucks that operate over long distances, visiting various workplaces to fix vehicles.

If you open the window of the repair station, you can see buildings connected with an orange highlight. You can also see the range indicated by a yellow highlight, as well as buildings highlighted in yellow where the repair station is suitable to send trucks for vehicle repairs.

1) Lines vehicles.png Road Vehicles

Road vehicles assigned to classic lines, such as buses, can directly visit repair stations since they are connected to the road network. Road vehicles assigned to workplaces, such as construction offices or distribution offices, are repaired directly at their respective workplaces. In the repair station, you will need to purchase covered trucks. These trucks will then visit the workplaces of the vehicles in need of repairs and fix them. Another option is to have such workplaces built close to the repair stations (within the orange highlighted range).

For road vehicles assigned to classic lines, another option for vehicle repairs is to have the end station located near the repair stations (within the orange highlight). When a vehicle waits at the end station, it can be repaired.

2) Tool trolleybus depo.png Tool tram depo small.png Trams & Trolleybuses

To repair trams or trolleybuses, you need to have a depot in close proximity to the repair station (within the orange highlight). Trams and trolleybuses will then visit the depot when they need repairs. Another option for repairing trams or trolleybuses is to have the end station located near the repair stations (within the orange highlight). When a tram or trolleybus waits at the end station, it can be repaired.

3) Lines trains.png Trains

To repair trains, you need to build a repair station near the rail depots. Trains in need of repairs will then visit those depots. The operational range of the repair station can be seen as orange dots around the building when placing it. Another option is to build a repair station near the end station for trains.

Trains assigned to workplaces, such as track builders in rail construction offices, can be repaired by covered trucks from the repair station, or you can build a repair station near the rail construction offices.

4) Lines ships.png Ships

You need to build a repair station near docks or harbors to repair ships. Important note: If you have a repair station near the dock, the ship assigned to the line will not automatically visit the dock (similar to trains).

5) Lines airplanes.png Airplanes & Helicopters

You need to build a repair station near airplane parkings or terminals to repair airplanes and helicopters. Important note: If you have a repair station near the airplane parkings, the airplanes assigned to the line will not automatically visit the airplane parkings (similar to trains). However, line helicopters can automatically visit the airplane parkings or helicopters built near repair stations for repairs.

Helicopters assigned to workplaces can be repaired by covered trucks sent from repair stations directly at their workplace.

6) Where Maintenance is Not Required

Cable car cars, train wagons, and containers do not require maintenance.

Chief Construction Manager

How to construct... Constructions?

If you want to construct something without using money, you need to check the checkbox in the right bottom corner of the screen:

Icon construction.png Checkbox on.png Build from resources

- Now when you place a building, it will not automatically start spending money on it, and construction will be ready for assignment to a Construction Office.

- If you build infrastructure (road, rails, pipelines, etc), first you will see a blueprint of the planned construction (displayed as white with black outline). You can freely build and delete without spending any money or resources.

When you are finished and you would like to start construction of the infrastructure you have planned, click on the:

Bottomtab constindustry.png Start construction of planned infrastructure

This will change the blueprint plans into a regular construction which can be assigned to a Construction Office.

Raise, Lower or flatten without using money?

f you have unchecked "Auto build from Rubles and Dollars", and if you would like to raise, lower or level terrain, you need to have some excavators (raise, lower) or bulldozers (level).

Tool terrain raise.png Tool terrain lower.png - needs File:Э-10011Д excavator-vehicle icon.png

Tool terrain smooth editor.png Tool terrain level3.png - needs Stalinec S-100-vehicle icon.png

You need to have these vehicles in any depot, or Construction Office. They need to be close to the place where you want to make ground works, maximum distance is 1000 meters.

Using Construction Office?

Construction Offices are required to create buildings without spending any of your money.

Click on Bottomtab constindustry.png Construction industry

Choose Tool construction office2.png Construction office

After Construction Office is built, open its window. You can then specify sources for resources and purchase vehicles. You are now ready to assign constructions.

Click on the "Specify or replace a source building" Tool building addsource.png and you can assign a source building. Source buildings store resources for constructions. For example a grave/aggregate loading station, concrete plant, bus platform (for workers), etc. Construction Office will then automatically send vehicles to take resources from source buildings and deliver them to construction sites.

Click on the "Purchase vehicle" Vehicle buy rub.png button and purchase vehicles. Exact vehicles required depends on the type of construction, but you will need Buses, Dump trucks, Open hull trucks, Concrete mixers and eventually, cranes.

You can click on "Assign construction" Tool building addconstruction.png button to assign constructions, or if a Construction Office is idle, it will search and automatically help finish constructions.

Start & Stop constructions?

Clicking on any construction brings up the construction window.

If a construction is not funded (no money has been spent on it or you are expected to build it without using money), you can at any time "fund construction" Buy rub.png Buy dollar.png - and start to spend money on it. This will cancel the build assignment to all Construction Offices.

If construction is funded (money is being spent on it), you can cancel this funding with the "Cancel contract" Btab cancel fundrub.png button. This will stop spending money and construction will be ready to assign to any Construction Office.

If construction is in progress and assigned to Construction Offices, you can force-stop construction with the "Stop construction" Btab cancel construction.png button. This will remove the assignment from all Construction Offices and send all vehicles and workers away from the construction.

If construction is stopped, you can assign the construction to any Construction Office to restart it... or you can click on "Start construction" Bottomtab constindustry.png in the construction window. This will start construction and if nearby Construction Offices are idle, they will automatically start work on it.

Construction phases?

There are many construction phases, like groundworks, steel framing, brick laying, etc.

Every phase requires different resources and vehicles.

The most common requirement is workers Workers workers loedu.png. All phases require manpower to finish. Eventually instead of manpower/workers you can use vehicles.

File:Э-10011Д excavator-vehicle icon.png Stalinec S-100-vehicle icon.png Asphalt paver-vehicle icon.png T 138 mixer-vehicle icon.png

Excavator, asphalt paver, roller, etc can completely replace manpower, so each construction phase could be completed without any workers present on the construction site!

W50 crane-vehicle icon.png

Cranes do not replace workers. Cranes cannot complete construction without workers on the construction site, but speed up construction, and some phases may require a crane to complete.

After you open construction window (click on the construction) you can observe information about the current phase of construction; the resources required to complete, which vehicles are in use and how many workers are present on the construction site.

Construction of railways?

Click on Bottomtab constindustry.png Construction industry

Select Tool rail construction office.png Rail construction office

First you should click on "Purchase vehicle" Train buy rub.png and purchase a railway construction trainset, which is a special train for building railways.

Also you will need workers. The maximum amount of workers is determined by the capacity of the rail construction trainset.

Unlike a Construction Office, the Railway Construction Office does not need sources defined for resources because you need to have all required resources for construction stored in the building. You can purchase what you require with "Purchase resources" Buy rub.png.

After you have everything prepared, you can assign railway construction work to the Railway Construction Office. If the Railway Construction Office has any unengaged/free trainsets, it automatically starts work on the railway.

Constructions with connection by footpath only?

Some constructions, for example playgrounds or statues, are not possible to connect to a Construction Office by road.

Those constructions need to be connected to roads via one (or more) footpaths. Infrastructure pedestrian.png

So, connect those buildings with no possible connection to the Construction Office to a road via a footpaths (footpaths can directly connect to roads as a pedestrian crossing), and then building work can be assigned to a Construction Office.

Construction of conveyors, pipelines, etc?

Construction of secondary infrastructure like "Conveyors" Tool conveyor.png, "Pipelines" Tool pipe.png, "Factory Connections" Tool factoryconnection.png, "Power lines" Btab eletric.png is the same as any other construction.

Even when there is no road connection between, for example, conveyor and Construction Office, there needs to be a connection to each start or end point.

For example if a conveyor is going to be built from Factory A to Factory B, and the construction of the conveyor is assigned to a Construction Office, that office needs a road connection to Factory A or Factory B in order to able to construct the conveyor.

Construction of an airport?

You can construct airport taxiways and runways with the construction office. To do this, you will need to build a gate for airplanes that will allow construction vehicles to access the runways.

Tool airport road connection.png Airport road connection

Chief Architect and Planner

How to build a building?

Select any of the category in the bottom menu, like Bottomtab residential.png Residential areas

Select the building you wish to build, for example Tool residental brick 1.png Flats - brick

If you mouse over the building you can see additional info. Click on the building you would like to build.

Move cursor (with building) over the terrain/map.

  • If building is green - you can start construction by clicking left mouse button
  • If building is yellow - Uneven terrain: you can hold left mouse button to flatten the terrain until building is green
  • If building is red - something is blocking construction (extreme terrain or previous construction).

Small dots with changing colors (red, yellow, green) highlight the problem!

You can rotate the building before placing by scrolling the mouse wheel.

You can select the currency you want to use on the construction in the bottom right corner.

In the right bottom corner you can also

Ico bottom wire.png Checkbox on.png - Turn on the wireframe to see the terrain more clearly.

Ico bottom topo.png Checkbox on.png - Turn on the topographic view to see the terrain surface better

Ico bottom nearsnap.png Checkbox on.png - Toggle snapping to near roads to create highways

If you check the crane checkbox:

Icon construction.png Checkbox on.png Build from resources

You will build the building without money, but with resources and construction offices.

Note: this is not recommended for newcomers, see additional topics on this.

How to get citizens to move into residential buildings?

After you construct a residential building, you have two options to get citizens to move in:

Option 1) Invite immigrants for money You can invest some of your Rubles or Dollars and invite immigrants to your building. Click on the building where you would like new citizens. Then click on Worker buyrub.png "Invite from Soviet countries" (spends Ruble) or Worker buyusd.png "Invite from third world" (spends Dollars). Immigrants from third world can be hungrier, with poor health or no education, but they are cheaper to invite.

Option 2) Move from another building You can relocate citizens from one residential building to another. Click on the source building that you want to remove citizens from. Click on Tool worker relocate.png "Relocate citizens". Then just click on the building you would like the citizens to move to.

How to get citizens to go to work?

If you have citizens living in your residential buildings, you can send them to work. You have two options:

Option 1) A Factory/Workplace close to their home. If there is a Factory or any other workplace where the workers are needed close to their residential building, workers will go to it on foot. You can check if any building is reachable for workers/citizens on foot by mousing over Infrastructure pedestrian.png icon on the building's window.

Option 2) If no workplace can be reached by foot, you can transport citizens to their workplace by Bus or Train. Build the "Train platform" Tool rail station passanger.png or the "Bus platform" Tool road busstation.png near residential buildings. You will see workers waiting on those platforms. Define this platform as the first stop in the vehicle schedule, then define the destination (Factory, workplace) as a second station. Eventually you can build a platform near your factories or workplaces. Workers will step off a bus or train and walk to their workplace.

Connection of infrastructure to buildings?

When you build a building, or any kind of infrastructure, you can observe symbols on the building representing its connection to roads, railways, footpaths etc.

Roadconnection.png Connection to road

Roadconnection2.png Roadconnection3.png One way connection to road

Railconnection.png Connection to railway

Railconnection2.png Railconnection3.png Connection to railway - one way

Pedestrianconnection.png Connection to footpath

Pipe input.png Pipe output.png Connection to pipeline (input/output)

Conveyor input.png Conveyor output.png Connection to conveyor (input/output)

Factoryconnection.png Factory connections

Eletric output.png Eletric output.png Connection of power lines

Eletric input2.png Eletric output2.png Connection of power lines (input/output) with option to set priority

Bulk input.png Bulk output.png Connection to dry bulk conveyor (input/output)

Heating small.png Heating big.png Connection to small/big heating pipeline

Sewage input.png Sewage output.png Input/Output connection to sewage pipeline

Water input.png Water output.png Input/Output connection to water pipeline

Airconnection.png Connection to airplane taxiway

Cablewayconnection.png Connection of cableway ropes

When a connection is made, the symbol disappears, showing that this connection has been used and is no longer available for a new connection.

Upgrading roads?

You can upgrade roads at any time.

Mud road-toolbar.png > Gravel road-toolbar.png > Asphalt road-toolbar.png > Asphalt road with light-toolbar.png

For example, if you have a mud or gravel road, you can use the asphalt road tool and build a new road over the current mud/gravel road. This starts construction and the original road will be changed to the newly chosen type.

Restriction (WIP): Currently, if you upgrade a road, you can upgrade only one part of the road. If the road you're upgrading contains crossings with other roads or footpaths, you will need to upgrade each part of the road network separately between crossings.

How and why should I build footpaths?

Footpaths are very useful. Citizens can reach buildings by foot over a limited distance (approx. 300m). Roads are wide and curves cannot be very sharp making them much less useful for short connections.

With footpaths you can make a shortcut between buildings. This allows citizens to reach more buildings by foot and you don't need as dense a network of stores or platforms/stations or other buildings to meet your citizens' needs. Footpaths can connect to roads (pedestrian crossing) or directly to a building at a connection point. Pedestrianconnection.png

To build a footpath:

Select Bottomtab pedestrianway.png Pedestrians

Select a type of footpath

Mud path-toolbar.png Build mud footpath Footpath-toolbar.png Build footpath

You are ready to construct a footpath just as you would build a road.

Factory connections?

This is a special road connection between two close buildings to automatically transport resources between those buildings.

Select Bottomtab factorycons.png General cargo

Select Tool factoryconnection.png Build factory connection

You need to draw this special road between two buildings at their resource connection points


Buildings need to be close to each other for a Factory Connection to work.

Example of use: You have built a factory. If you would like to extend its storage capacity, you can build a warehouse close to the factory and connect the factory and warehouse with a "Factory Connection". Factory will use or store resources from/to this warehouse automatically without need to transport it with trucks or trains.

You can have one "cargo loading station" connected to two factories.

Note: Only selected resources are able to be transported by the "Factory Connection" - resources which can be stored in Open storage (Wood, Boars, Steel, etc.) or Warehouse (Food, alcohol, meat, cement, etc.)


Pipelines are special connections between two buildings to transport liquid resources like Oil, Bitumen, Fuel etc.

Select Bottomtab pipelines.png Liquids

Use Tool pipe.png Build pipe connection

You need to draw this special connection between two buildings at their resource connection points. You need to recognize input and output connection:

Input - Pipe input.png

Output - Pipe output.png

Pipelines have a length restriction, however you can place one or more "pumping engines" between connection points

Tool pipe pumping station.png Pipe pumping station

Tool pipe pumping station.png Pipe pumping station

and connect them all into a row, and thereby transport liquid resources longer distances.

Also if you are required to load liquid resources into a train, you will need a special "pumping station"

Tool rail pumping station.png Oil/fuel loading & unloading

where the liquid can be loaded onto the train. You need to connect the train station and source building(s) with pipelines.

Road vehicles can load or unload resources directly from the source building.


A Conveyor is a special connection between two buildings to transport aggregate materials such as Gravel, Iron or Coal ore, etc.

Select Bottomtab conveyors.png Aggregates

Use Tool conveyor.png Build conveyor connection

You need to draw this special connection between two buildings at their resource connection points. You will need to recognize input and output connections:

Conveyor input.png - Input

Conveyor output.png - Output

Conveyors have a length restriction, however you can extend this with one or more "conveyor engines". Once all are connected into a row, materials can be conveyed a longer distance.

Tool conveyor engine.png Conveyor engine/transfer

Conveyor engines are also helpful if you would like to make a detour or bend over another conveyor, and/or making a sharp angle.

To load or unload construction material resources onto a train, you need a special loading and unloading station. You will need to connect this special station with the source building, by conveyor.

Tool rail station rumble unloading.png Train aggregate unloading

Tool rail station rumble loading.png Train aggregate loading

Road vehicles can load and unload directly from the source building, but note that loading of aggregate materials is much slower unless you use a special aggregate loading and unloading station for road vehicles.

Tool road cargo rumble unloading.png Truck aggregate unloading

Tool road cargo rumble loading.png Truck aggregate loading

Underground Infrastructure?

You can activate the underground view by checking the checkbox in the bottom right corner:

Ico bottom underground.png Checkbox on.png - Turn on the topographic view to better see the terrain surface.

Now you can see what's going on beneath the surface of your republic.

When laying underground infrastructure, it's important to use the [Q] and [E] keys to adjust the depth of the infrastructure.

Almost all infrastructures have their own underground variants

Road tunnel-toolbar.png Build road tunnel

Railway tunnel-toolbar.png Build railway tunnel

Tool pedestrian tunel.png Pedestrian tunnel

Tool pipe underground.png Build underground pipe connection

Water pipe small-toolbar.png Build small water pipe

Sewage pipe small-toolbar.png Build small sewage pipe

Tool eletric uhigh0.png High voltage wires

Tool eletric ulow0.png Medium voltage wires

Tool heating pipe small underground.png Heating pipe underground small

Minister of Propaganda

Government loyalty (we're watching!)?

Government loyalty - how much loyalty your citizens have to your government.

Status soviet.png

If a citizens loyalty is too low, they react more negatively when they miss something. If it's below 30 percent, it may affect also citizens happiness - it will decrease according to how low loyalty is.

If a citizens loyalty is high, then they do not react as negatively when they miss something. Also their productivity will be higher.

In various buildings the loyalty of employees in the buildings affects the inmates, listeners or students - such as students in schools or universities, or orphanage, radio or TV station, or prison. In those buildings you can tweak which citizens are allowed to work there, in order to prevent negative effect on other citizens.

However, you don't know the government loyalty of citizens unless the secret police agents come to install spy equipment to their homes. If citizen's loyalty is unknown, they are considered as their loyalty is full and they will allowed to work in those buildings, even if their loyalty is less than value you set.

If you wanted to increase the government loyalty of your citizens, you should first start with building some monuments. However those can increase the loyalty only partially, up to 50 percent.

To increase loyalty further, you need to run propaganda from the radio or TV station. You can also restrict low loyalty employees going to teach in school and universities. You can give personal cars to citizens - this also increase the loyalty. But don't forget to keep working the secret police, otherwise those restrictions will not be effective!

Citizens' daily life?

Citizens divide their day into two time-periods:

1) Working

During work-time the citizens try to get to a workplace (children try to get to a school). First they check to see if there are any free jobs near their home. If not, they then go to a Bus or Train platform where they wait for any available transport to commute to a location where they can work.

You can recognize citizens trying to commute to work by this symbol Workers.png

2) Free time

After the citizens finish work, they try to fulfill their needs and demands, such as getting to a shop for some groceries, or to do an activity according to their preferences.

You can recognize the citizens trying to enjoy their free time by this icon Icon-passenger.png


Adult citizens have three education levels. You can tell the difference while they work

Workers workers noedu.png No education - these citizens can only go to school, they are not yet qualified for any of the jobs available in your society.

Workers workers loedu.png Basic education - these citizens can do most available jobs, except those that require a university education.

Workers workers hiedu.png University education - these citizens can work on any job, but primarily they try to engage in those jobs requiring a university education (like Teacher, Doctor, Researchers etc)

You can recognize kids (future workers) by these symbols:

Workers childs0.png 0 - 6 years old

Workers childs2.png 7-12 years old

Workers childs1.png 12 - 16 years old

Workers childs3.png 17- 21 years old

Children or adult citizens without an education will spend their work period trying to get to a school to study for their Basic Education.

Religion and spirituality?

Status religion.png

If you selected a map where there are churches present, citizens can satisfy their spirituality demand - by visiting church.

Tool civ kirche1.png Tool civ kostolik.png

However you are socialist government, and are against any religion, so you cannot build any more churches.

So it is up to you; you can leave the churches open and satisfy the citizens' religious demands. But, if a citizen demands a church and they do not have many other activities to occupy them, they will constantly get higher and higher spirituality demands. Then even moving them to a location where there is no church will not stop them from demanding a church.

It is recommended to close churches (with Btab productivity decrease.png "decrease productivity" ) before citizens' spirituality demand level is too high, and instead let citizens join in activities you can more easily satisfy.

Minister of Health

Where do citizens come from?

Every adult citizen can have a baby.

If a citizen is too hungry or too sick they are less likely to be able to have a baby.

Birth Rates depend on how good life is for citizens.

Are my citizens healthy?

Every citizen has a health level. Status health.png

This level is affected by many factors. E.G. If a citizen drinks alcohol their health is decreased. If a citizen is hungry too long their health is also decreased.

Every citizen has a lifespan - their expected length of life. Lifespan is affected by many factors like pollution, happiness and health.

Every citizen can potentially fall ill. Pollution of their living area can affect the chance, as well as global events, like an epidemic, rapidly affect the chances of falling sick.

  • If health is less than 50%% citizen will demand a hospital visit
  • If health is less than 30%% citizen will not be able to work due to sickness
  • If health is less than 20%%, health will be constantly lost unless an ambulance can save them.

Citizens will die if:

  • Their health level reaches 0%%
  • They reach their life span age (expected length of life)

Are my citizens happy?

Every citizen has a happiness level. Status happiness.png

Happiness is affected by many factors, but basically, if a citizen gets what they want, their happiness level goes up, if not, happiness goes down.

If citizens drink alcohol their happiness goes up faster than with other activities, however drinking alcohol can negatively affect health too.

If the happiness level reaches 0%% the citizens will flee your republic. This only reflects on your abilities as a leader, nothing to do with body odor...

(Walls at the borders, and strikes are planned features :-) coming soon)