Crime and justice

From Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Official Wiki
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Crime and Justice is an optional feature and is only available when Crime and Justice is enabled in game settings.


Crime and justice encompass a complex interplay of societal norms, law enforcement, and legal systems aimed at maintaining order and addressing wrongdoing. Crime, ranging from petty theft to violent offences, challenges social harmony and individual safety. Justice systems vary globally, employing methods like incarceration, rehabilitation, and restitution to address crimes. Key components include police, courts, and corrections. Ongoing debates revolve around effectiveness, fairness, and equity within these systems, reflecting broader societal values and priorities. Collaborative efforts among law enforcement, communities, and policymakers strive to mitigate crime's impact while upholding principles of accountability and due process.


A citizen can commit a crime and the police can investigate these crimes. Then when the crime is investigated the person is charged at the court house and can be put to jail as punishment.

There are three types of crimes:

  • Minor Crime
  • Medium Crime
  • Serious Crime

Every citizen has a hidden, randomly generated preference called “Criminality”. If crimes are left unsolved, the crime rate will increase over time. Additionally, factors such as low government loyalty and high unemployment rates also contribute to the escalation of crime rates.

When a crime is committed, all citizens in the affected area will experience its repercussions, with the severity of the impact varying based on the seriousness of the crime. As a result, their happiness will gradually decrease, and there's a possibility that their health may deteriorate, particularly if the crime poses a direct threat to their well-being or safety.

When a crime occurs, it's essential to dispatch police to the scene promptly. The quicker the police car arrive, the greater the likelihood of a successful investigation. After gathering evidence, the investigation process unfolds over time. Once the crime is thoroughly investigated, it proceeds to trial at the court house. Upon a successful trial, the convicted individual is sent to prison.

Interestingly, prisoners can be valuable additions to your workforce. They can undertake specific jobs within your republic. To transport a prisoner from the prison to a workplace, a prison bus is utilized.


  • Ensure a steady supply of food, meat, and clothes to meet the needs of the prison population.
  • Utilize prisoners in your workforce by transporting them to factories or other industrial facilities using prison buses.
  • Insufficient warders in your prison can lead to a decrease in overall prison security.
  • Maximum prison security is essential for effective prison management.
  • Achieving 100% prison security requires highly loyal warders.
  • Maintain a 2:1 prisoner/warden ratio.
  • The primary objective of the prison system is to diminish criminality.
  • Long sentences have the potential to overcrowd your prison facilities.
  • Crime rates are influenced by the size of the population in your republic. Once your population reaches 12k, crime will be at full effect, necessitating the presence of essential facilities such as police stations, court houses, and prisons.
  • A courthouse can manage up to 20,000 citizens. To prevent crime waves at population milestones like 25k, 50k, 75k, and 100k, it's advisable to build a new courthouse for every additional 20,000 citizens.

Buildings related to crime and justice

Tool police.png
Police station
Tool police small.png
Police station (small)
Tool secretpolice.png
Secret police
Secret police (small)[1]
Tool court.png
Court house
Tool court small.png
Court house (small)
Tool prison.png


  1. 1.0 1.1 Available from Workers & resources: Soviet Republic patch 0.8.9