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Research is an optional features and is only available when Researches is enabled in game settings.


Research is "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge". It involves the collection, organization and analysis of evidence to increase understanding of a topic, characterized by a particular attentiveness to controlling sources of bias and error. These activities are characterized by accounting and controlling for biases. A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole.


The player can research projects to unlock buildings and/or technology which the player can use in the game to let the republic grow. Research projects can be started by the player via different universities:

The player can unlock technology through a university and the use of professors. The time required for the unlocking of new technologies depends on how many academics are present at the University and how many academics are exclusively dedicated to research, being adjusted in the University's information window at the section "Professors working on Research".

Possible researches to research

Medical university

Technical university

Party Headquarters

Hover over an image to display the description of the research.

Introduction of new discipline about viruses and vaccination against them
1500 Workdays
Study about vaccines as prevention for pandemic events
Vaccine development
2200 Workdays
Get the citizen vaccinated to reduce next pandemic event by 30-50 percent
Citizen vaccination
2700 Workdays

Start a faculty of preventive medicine, which will study how we could prevent some most common diseases or human body failures. The plan is to reduce a departures of ambulances
Preventive medicine
1300 Workdays

Guidelines for doctors how they should guide patients to prevent hearth attack. This should reduce the departures of ambulances by 10 percent
Hearth attack prevention
1500 Workdays

This program of edification should learn citizens how to apply effective an first aid when any citizen is on the low health. Should increase a time which sick citizen can survive until ambulance come
First aid edification
1200 Workdays
Guidelines for doctors how they should guide patients to prevent strokes. This should reduce the departures of ambulances by 10 percent
Stroke prevention
1700 Workdays

Research how to apply the toughening into public minds and get citizens more resistant to the cold interiors
Edification of Toughening
1200 Workdays

Development of medical product which will make citizens more resistant to the pollution
1500 Workdays

Guidelines for doctors how to increase birth rate by advice and awareness for their patients
Increase birth rate
900 Workdays

Guidelines for doctors how to decrease birth rate by advice and awareness for their patients
Decrease birth rate
900 Workdays

Guidelines and standard for alcohol, in result we expecting less negative affection of alcohol to citizens health
Alcohol standards
800 Workdays

This research will allow you to build a factory where you will able to produce mechanical components.
1500 Workdays
Allows you to build assembly halls where you will construct your own vehicles from components and your republic will become much more independent!
Advanced engineering
2000 Workdays
Study on advanced engineering and mechanization. After this study we will able to project the production of complicated machines.
Advanced engineering/mechanization
2100 Workdays
Continuation of advanced engineering. After this research we will able to make projects for production lines
Belt production
2300 Workdays
Projects for our first production line for road vehicles - car plant.
Road vehicle production line
2500 Workdays
Our researches will prepare the projects for our first train production line
Train production line
2700 Workdays
After this research we will able to build our first Airplane production line and start producing our own airplanes
Airplance production line
3100 Workdays
Our engineers will create projects for the dry dock where it will be possible to build our first ships
Dry dock project
2700 Workdays
An initial study on metallurgy - discipline about metallic behavior and alloys (steel, aluminium, etc..)
Metallurgy study
1300 Workdays

Research to create the project and design for the Steel Mill. After this research, we will able to build our first steel mill and manufacture the steel from iron.
Steel production
2100 Workdays
Study about the steel materials and it's fatigue. This is basic step for projection further advanced engineering such as production lines or cable ways
Fatigue of steel materials
1100 Workdays

Research of steel cables design. After this research our engineers will be able to project cable ways.
Steel cables
900 Workdays
After this research we will able to build 18MW high voltage electric wires
Big capacity electric wiring
700 Workdays

Negotiations to make electric power grid connection into Soviet Countries
Power grid connection (Soviet Countries)
1100 Workdays

Negotiations to make electric power grid connection into Western Countries
Power grid connection Western Countries)
1800 Workdays
Research to increase pressure in pipelines for liquid resources such as oil and allow longer pipelines between buildings
Pipeline pressure
1100 Workdays

Negotiations to make pipeline connection into Western Countries
Foreign pipeline connection (Western countries)
1400 Workdays

Negotiations to make our republic as member of OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. This will make that exporting oil will have less affection to the price and we will sell the oil at higher price.
2800 Workdays
Negotiations to make pipeline connection into Soviet Countries
Foreign pipeline connection (Soviet countries)
2100 Workdays

Study about possibilities to use concrete in prefab panels which will allow faster building process. This research will also discover how concrete could be used in special large constructions like monuments.
Study on concrete
800 Workdays

Our best artist in our party will create projects for big monuments, which will be more visible and increase loyalty level at our citizens even more!
Big monuments
600 Workdays
This research will help us understand about all possibilities how the prefab panels could be effectively used in the buildings
Prefab panels construction
1200 Workdays
Development of tall buildings assembled from prefab panels. After this research we will be able to construction prefab panel buildings with 8 and more floors and save on urban space.
Durable prefab panels
1200 Workdays
Architect blueprints for the residential buildings with quality of living with more than 90 percent
High quality and effective living
1200 Workdays

This research is initiation of the scientific discipline researching the way how the environment is polluted and how is affecting the human health.
Pollution - basic research
800 Workdays

Research will allow build you the pollution detectors, to known which areas and how much they are polluted
Pollution detector
900 Workdays
Research is initiation and basic research of the ways how the pollution could be reduced via the filters. Idea is install special filters to factories to avoid the pollution of environment.
Pollution filters
1300 Workdays
Research will make the first version of filters and testing. They should reduce 15-20 percent of pollution of the industry causing chimneys.
Pollution filters prototype
1500 Workdays
After first prototype is done, the installation filters for the industry can begun, which will result in 15 percent less pollution from the chimneys of the factories
Pollution filters installation
2500 Workdays

We are listening! Research of phone monitoring technologies, to get known better who is loyal party member.
Phone Tapping
500 Workdays

Discipline about forest and it's management
Forest study
500 Workdays
It's important to think about nature and forest. This research will introduce strict policy for woodcutting offices - one tree down will mean one tree planted
Woodcutting planting policy
400 Workdays

Research about how the crude oil should be processed to turn into fuel, which can be used in the vehicle engines.
Fuel study
1300 Workdays

Research to create the project and design for the refinery. After this research, we will able to build our first refinery and process the oil into fuel and bitumen.
Refinery project
1900 Workdays
Research about how the crude oil should be processed to turn into bitumen, which can be used for manufacturing the asphalt
Bitumen study
1300 Workdays

Break into the world of chemicals. After successful research you will be able to build a chemical plant... and produce your own chemicals.
1200 Workdays

Research how to produce semiconductors and be able to create your own electronics components.
1100 Workdays
This research teaches you how to build electronics assembly halls and produce your own electronics.
Electronic circuits
1800 Workdays
Study about casting and manufacturing of the plastics
1700 Workdays

Create faculty for Geology to get known more about minerals like bauxite or uranium.
Faculty of Geology
1500 Workdays

Our researchers will map whole area of our republic and they will create a clear map, where we will be able to see resources that are under the surface.
Geological map
1800 Workdays

Study about the bauxite, how we should recognize it in the nature and how it should be mined. After this research we will be able to build our first bauxite mine.
Bauxite study
1300 Workdays
Study about how should be bauxite cleared from contamination and how and in which form should be extracted. This research also contains plans for the bauxite processing plant
Bauxite purification
1900 Workdays
Study how the bauxite should be conversed to aluminium oxide what is best form to produce aluminium. This research will allow build Alumina plant.
Aluminium oxide
2000 Workdays
Research about how to produce the finished aluminium from the aluminium oxide. After this research we will have everything needed to build our first Aluminium plant and produce aluminium
Manufacturing aluminium
2200 Workdays

Research a ways how could be uranium mined. After this research we will able to build our first uranium mine.
Uranium mining
1900 Workdays
Research ways how to separate and store cleaner uranium. After this research we will able to build first uranium processing plant converting uranium into uranium oxide.
Uranium separation
2000 Workdays
Studies about how to convert uranium oxide to uranium hexafloride UF6. After research we will able to build uranium conversion plant.
Uranium enrichment
2500 Workdays
Research about how to manufacture nuclear fuel which can be used in nuclear power plants from UF6. After research the manufacturing our own nuclear fuel will be possible
Nuclear fuel
3700 Workdays
Research and projects for our first type of nuclear reactor.
RBMK reactor
3000 Workdays
Researchers will create project for our first nuclear power plant
Nuclear power plant project
3200 Workdays
Founding this faculty will open the possibility to research nuclear physics and later use it for creation of energy.
Faculty of nuclear sciences
1700 Workdays

Study of air traffic discipline from the technical aspect. After this research we will able to build the ground air traffic infrastructure such as runways, taxiways and terminals.
1200 Workdays

Research for energy sources such as wind or solar power plant
Study of renewable energy sources
2000 Workdays

Our researches prepare project to build of first wind power plants
Wind power plants project
1300 Workdays
Our best engineers will create project of our first solar power plant.
Solar power plant project
2100 Workdays

Study about they ways how the garbage could be processed and recycled
Processing and disposal of waste
1000 Workdays

Research about ways how to manually separate the waste. After this we will able to build facility to separate the waste
Waste separation
1200 Workdays

Campaign and propagation of why the citizens and organization should separate waste. After this the citizens will be separate waste to the special containers (while available).
Waste separation edification
1500 Workdays

Study about how to efficient separate metals like steel or aluminium from waste.
Metallic scraps separation
1200 Workdays

Study about the efficient ways how to turn plastics waste into usable plastic semifinished product
Plastics recycling
1600 Workdays

Research about how to turn aluminium scrap into usable aluminium
Aluminium recycling
1700 Workdays
Research about how to turn scrap into usable steel
Steel recycling
1600 Workdays
Research about how to turn burnable waste into electric energy or heat.
Energy from waste
1800 Workdays

Research and project preparation for gas power plant
Gas power plant
1500 Workdays

Study about influence of fertilizing to the yield of the fields
900 Workdays
Research how to create synthetic fertilizer from the available chemicals
Synthetic fertilizers
1500 Workdays

Introduction to broadcasting discipline. Study on the signals, frequencies which could be used for broadcasting in our republic
Broadcasting introduction
1000 Workdays
Research to the radio signals. After this research our engineers will prepare projects and guidelines and we will able to build and run our first radio station
Broadcasting Radio signals
1700 Workdays

Study of the ways how the signal suitable for television is transmitted.
Television study
1900 Workdays
Our engineers will create projects and guidelines how to build our first television station.
Television station
2200 Workdays
Study about how can be effectively influenced television broadcast to shape public opinion and increase soviet loyalty for watchers.
Television broadcast influence
1600 Workdays

Study about how can be effectively influenced radio broadcast to shape public opinion and increase soviet loyalty for listeners.
Radio broadcast influence
1200 Workdays
Studies about how we should rank the party members to known which are the most loyal
Party members ranking
700 Workdays

Guidelines for new type of police which will monitor the citizens and party loyalty levels. After this research you will able build secret police to known exact soviet loyalty of citizens
Secret Police
900 Workdays

Studies about how we should favor protect most loyal party members and make their lives easier.
Favorite parking members
1500 Workdays

Most loyal party members should receive cars soon than other citizens. This research will unlock option to set the loyalty level for assigning cars at parking lots or car dealers
Cars for most loyal citizens
800 Workdays
Most loyal party members should have access to good education. This research will unlock option to set loyalty level required to study at universities
Education for most loyal citizens
700 Workdays

Guidelines and rules for domestic air traffic. After this research we will able to build the control towers for our airports.
Air traffic study
700 Workdays

Negotiation with world authorities about that our airplanes will be allowed to fly worldwide. This research is needed to send planes to eastern or western foreign countries
International air traffic rules
1700 Workdays

This research introduce ability to connect heliports to hospitals
Hospital helicopters
900 Workdays
This research introduce ability to connect heliports to the fire stations
Fire helicopters
900 Workdays

Basic study on potential in tourism. This is first step to welcome the tourist in our republic
Tourism study
900 Workdays

Research about standards of the best hotels in the foreign. After this research we will able build better hotels.
Advanced hotel standards
700 Workdays

This study introduces the necessary agenda to issue visa for the citizens from soviet countries
Tourist visa (Soviet countries)
1000 Workdays
Running an advertisement campaign in the soviet countries to promote stay in our republic
Advertisement campaign in soviet countries
2000 Workdays
This study introduces the necessary agenda to issue visa for the citizens from western countries
Tourist visa (Western countries)
2000 Workdays
Running an advertisement campaign in the western countries to promote stay in our republic
Advertisement campaign in western countries
1200 Workdays

Study about optimization of logistic infrastructure and make logistic more automated and decentralized
Logistic optimization
700 Workdays

As an result of previous study, this research will create guidelines and rules for organization entities - Distribution offices, which will be able to automatically schedule vehicles and transport cargo.
Distribution office
600 Workdays
As an result of previous study, this research will create guidelines and rules for organization entities - Distribution offices, which will be able to automatically schedule vehicles and transport cargo.
Railway distribution office
1000 Workdays
Research about international container standards. After research we will able to use containers in our republic.
Container standards
800 Workdays

Initiation of the discipline and studies, how the fires could be prevented
Fire prevention basic research
800 Workdays

Fire prevention guidelines and standards for all factories. Result is decreased those buildings to catch fire.
Fire prevention - Industry
600 Workdays

Fire prevention guidelines and standards for all civil infrastructure such as shops, hospitals, and others. Result is decreased those buildings to catch fire.
Fire prevention - Civil infrastructure
700 Workdays
Fire prevention guidelines and standards for all residential buildings. Result is decreased those buildings to catch fire.
Fire prevention - Residential apartments
700 Workdays