
From Terra Invicta Official Wiki
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Traits are characteristics of the councilor that provide conditional bonuses to Missions, Incomes, and occasionally penalties and restrictions to the councilor’s Missions and movements. The Demagogue trait, for example, grants an Influence Income, plus bonus persuasion in nations with low education, but penalizes persuasion in high-education nations.

How to Gain

Traits can be purchased by spending XP (experience points) on an councilor specific basis. Some traits block others, or are required to obtain another trait. For example, Government cannot be chosen while Criminal or Enemy of the State is on that councilor. Other traits form a chain, such as Affluent -> Prosperous -> Wealthy -> Rich -> Billionaire.

All Traits
Trait Monthly Income Attribute Missions
Academic +10 Research -1 Command. Add Advise
Addict -1 Money -1 Espionage when detected. -2 Security. -4 Security when Money < 0.
Affluent +1 Money
Agitator +3 Influence +1 Persuasion where Education < 6. +1 Persuasion where Cohesion < 4.
Apocalyptic +1 Persuasion if Nukes have been Used.
Astronomer +5 Research +15% Space Science Research.
Awareness +1 Investigation when Detecting other Councillors.
Awkward Genius -3 Persuasion. -3 Command. +3 Science. +2 Investigation. Lose Inspire and Public Campaign
Billionaire +40 Money +2 Influence -1 Espionage when Detected. -2 Persuasion where Inequality < 4.
Brazen +2 Influence -1 Security. +1 Persuasion where Education is < 7.
Careless -2 Espionage. -2 Security.
Chemist +5 Research +15% Materials Science Research.
Computer Scientist +5 Research +15% Information Science Research.
Connected +3 Influence
Conspiracy Theorist -1 Influence +2 Investigation. +1 Security. -1 Persuasion. Add Investigate Alien
Corrupt -4 Money +3 Influence +2 Espionage. -3 Loyaltyalty.
Counselor +1 Persuasion where Cohesion < 6.
Crew +1 Ops +1 Security.
Criminal +1 Money -1 Security where UnResearcht < 1. Adds access to exclusive Criminal Organisations.
Demagogue +5 Influence -6 Espionage when Detected. +3 Persuasion where Education < 6. -2 Persuasion where Education > 9. +3 Persuasion where Cohesion < 4.
Doctor +5 Research +15% Life Science Research Research.
Doctor II +10 Research +1 Science. +15% Life Science Research.
Doctor III +20 Research +2 Influence +2 Science. +15% Life Science Research.
Earthbound Lose all Space Missons
Eminent +6 Influence -2 Espionage when Detected.
Enemy of the State Lose all Missions in Home Nation
Ethical +1 Persuasion where Inequality < 3.5. -1 Loyalty and Apparent Loyalty when Faction Commandmits Atrocities. Lose Assassinate
Extremist +3 Loyalty. +1 Investigation. +3 Apparent Loyalty. -1 Persuasion where Education > 8.
Famous +9 Influence -4 Espionage when Detected.
Fanatic +5 Loyalty. -1 Investigation. +5 Apparent Loyalty. +2 Persuasion where Education < 6.
Firebrand +4 Influence -3 Espionage when Detected. +2 Persuasion where Education < 6. -1 Persuasion where Education > 9. +2 Persuasion where Cohesion < 4.
Furtive +2 Espionage. -1 Persuasion. -1 Administration Apparent Loyalty set to 2. Lose Inspire
Government Adds access to exclusive Government Organisations.
Hard Target +1 Espionage when Detected. +2 Security.
Indulgent -2 Money -4 Loyalty when Money < 0.
Inscrutable Apparent Loyaltyalty set to 12. Lose Inspire
Lone Wolf -1 Administration -1 Command. +2 Espionage. Lose Inspire
Low Profile +2 Espionage when Detected.
Media Darling +7 Influence -4 Espionage when Detected. +3 Persuasion where Dem > 6.
Megastar +12 Influence -8 Espionage when Detected. Lose Go to Ground
Military Scientist +5 Research +15% Military Science Research
National Hero In Home Nation: +3 Persuasion. -1 Security.
Non Grata Lose all Missions in Rivals of Home Nation
Oligarch +3 Money +4 Influence +1 Persuasion where Inequality > 4. -1 Persuasion where Inequality < 4.
Opinion Leader +4 Influence -2 Espionage when Detected. +2 Persuasion where Dem > 6.
Pariah In Home Nation: -2 Persuasion. -1 Security.
Physicist +5 Research +15% Energy Research
Pollyanna Apparent Loyalty set to 25
Prosperous +3 Money
Puppet Master +8 Influence +1 Espionage when Detected Add Control Nation
Quick Learner Augmentation cost 20% less XP
Rich +10 Money +1 Influence -1 Persuasion where Inequality < 4.
Second Wave (Alien Only) +3 Espionage. +3 Security.
Social Scientist +5 Research +15% Social Science Research.
Sociopath +1 Persuasion. -3 Loyalty.
Streetwise +1 Espionage when Detected. In Home Nation: +1 Security. +1 Investigation.
Striver Augmentation cost 30% less XP
Survivor +1 Security.
Suspicious +2 Investigation. +2 Security. +1 Espionage. -1 Apparent Loyalty. +1 Investigation when Detecting. +1 Espionage when Detected. Lose Inspire
Technocrat +2 Influence +3 Research +1 Science. +3 Administration -1 Persuasion where Education < 8. +5% Social Science Research. Add Advise
Transparent Loyaltyalty is set to Apparent Loyaltyalty.
Undercover +1 Espionage when Detected. Can Influenceiltrate Small Habitats and Stations.
Unifier +2 Influence +2 Persuasion where Cohesion > 6.
Veteran +1 Command. +1 Security. +2% Military Science
Wealthy +5 Money

Thanks to u/Evergrowing_Legend for the information in the table.

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