Chancellor Li Qingzhao

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Chancellor Li Qingzhao is the leader of The Academy.




The leader of the Academy is Chancellor Li Qingzhao. She was born in Shanghai, China. Her resume:

B.S., Astronautical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1988;
M.S. and PhD, Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994;
PhD, Public Management, Tsinghua University, 1999;
Professor of Science and Technology Policy and Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2000-present;
Director, C9 League, 2014-2017.

Chancellor Li Qingzhao is an outspoken advocate for the construction of the Tianyan radio telescope array and its SETI mission.




Li Qingzhao (李清照) is named after the greatest female poet in ancient Chinese history. The historical poet was born in 1084 AD during the Song Dynasty. One of her most famous verses, Yujia'ao: A Dream, spoke of sailing upon the river of stars and conversing with a heavenly being.

Li is extremely clubfoot, which is a birth defect where one or both feet are rotated inward and downward. She says that she treasures them, because due to inability to participate in active games she spent a lot of time reading and studying.


Li Qingzhao in intro