Game Setting & Background

From Terra Invicta Official Wiki
Revision as of 03:29, 19 September 2022 by Snow Rui (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the Modern Scenario, Terra Invicta is set in present-day Earth, and the first in-game day is the date of the Early Access release. The campaign begins as an alien probe is detected approaching Earth. Unknown to humanity, an alien force has arrived in the icy Kuiper Belt and has begun mining a dwarf planet to build its military capabilities. Its first probes carry infiltrators who intend to subvert Earth’s governments and prevent them from mounting a joint defense...")
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In the Modern Scenario, Terra Invicta is set in present-day Earth, and the first in-game day is the date of the Early Access release.

The campaign begins as an alien probe is detected approaching Earth. Unknown to humanity, an alien force has arrived in the icy Kuiper Belt and has begun mining a dwarf planet to build its military capabilities. Its first probes carry infiltrators who intend to subvert Earth’s governments and prevent them from mounting a joint defense against the impending invasion.

With Earth’s nations unable to form a coherent plan to address the alien arrival, transnational groups of like-minded political, military and scientific leaders develop covert channels to coordinate a response. With the aliens' motives uncertain, factions emerge, driven by hope, fear or greed.

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