The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

Game setup

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

Game Setup

The first thing you will do when starting a new game is set up the game rules. The game also offers a few pre-made sets of settings for objectives and difficulty, which can be combined together.

  • End goal
    • Growth: Reach Large Town settlement level to win.
    • Conquest: Claim all regions to win.
    • Domination: Eliminate all the other lords by claiming their territory. (requires off map adversary)
    • None: Endless play.
  • Off map adversary
    • Absent: No adversary.
    • Present: Adds an AI opponent located off map. He controls 2 regions and brings his soldiers to the main game map when challenged.
  • AI aggressiveness (requires off map adversary set to Present)
    • Reactive: AI lords don't press claims towards the player's regions, but they will protect their own.
    • Balanced: AI lords may press a claim towards the player's regions after they run out of neutral regions to claim.
    • Aggressive: AI lords may press claims towards the player's regions at will.
  • Raider frequency
    • None: No random raids.
    • Medium: No more than a single raid every 2 years.
    • Frequent: Possibly less than a year between each raid.
  • Raider free years (requires raider frequency set to Medium or Frequent)
    • 1: One year before raids start happening.
    • 2: Two years before raids start happening.
    • 3: Three years before raids start happening.
    • 4: Four years before raids start happening.
    • 5: Five years before raids start happening.
  • Initial bandit camps
    • None: No bandit camps present when the game begins.
    • 1: One bandit camp present when the game begins.
    • 2: Two bandit camps present when the game begins.
    • 3: Three bandit camps present when the game begins.
    • 4: Four bandit camps present when the game begins.
    • 5: Five bandit camps present when the game begins.
  • Random bandit camp spawn limit
    • 0: No random bandit camps spawning during play.
    • 3: Random bandit camps stop spawning if there are already 3 of them.
    • 5: Random bandit camps stop spawning if there are already 5 of them.