The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
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Wooden church

From Manor Lords Official Wiki
Revision as of 21:27, 24 July 2024 by homosapiensapien (talk | contribs) (finished page)

The wooden church is a residential building used to supply burgage plots with faith.


Upon placement, the wooden church will require a variety of resources to be constructed. The building's area is of a relatively big size compared to other plots (but still only approximately 0.3 morgen when measured). The timber requirement must be moved by oxen and cannot be moved by people. Its construction time is relatively long.

Once fully built, a single family can be assigned to work in it. However this family is not required for the building to supply faith; rather, they become gravediggers.

Church gravediggers differ from those of corpse pits— as they bury the bodies of dead villagers, not fallen enemies.


Small stone church

The small stone church upgrade is the only upgrade to the wooden church, resulting in an expansion of the main church building and a changing of its appearance. The upgrade costs Timber.png 5 timber, Stone.png 20 stone, Planks.png 10 planks, and Rooftiles.png 10 rooftiles to construct, unlocking two extra workplace slots, bringing the total to three. The small stone church fulfils two levels of the faith requirement on burgage plots.


April 26, 2024 The wooden church is added.