The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
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From Manor Lords Official Wiki
Revision as of 02:20, 24 July 2024 by homosapiensapien (talk | contribs) (created pg)
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Ale is an essential commodity that villagers who live in a level three burgage plot can drink. Ale is made of malt and is distributed to villagers via a tavern.


Ale is a key requirement in upgrading burgage plots to level three, with villagers needing to have a supply of ale at a tavern at the time of upgrading. Ale is consumed by eligible villagers when they enter a tavern and is consumed at a rate of one unit of ale per family, per every three months (four per year).


Malt is brewed into ale at a brewery, which is a burgage plot backyard artisan extension. Breweries brew ale at the 1:1 ratio—for every unit of malt, one unit of ale is produced. This ale will then be distributed by workers to various granaries or taverns within a village.