The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)If the building's generic storage contains resources, workers at a stockpile can collect it, including using a cart to transport 10 at a time on a [[{{tl}}Road|road]]. Otherwise when the building reaches full storage then assigned family members or workers will manually transport it by hand to the stockpile, however this is likely to be less efficient.
 h French (fr)Si le stockage interne du bâtiment contient des ressources, alors les travailleurs des entrepôts peuvent les collecter en utilisant des chariots pour en transporter 10 à la fois via la [[{{tl}}Road|route]]. Autrement, quand le bâtiment atteint son stock maximal les membres des familles y travaillant transporteront les ressources aux entrepôts, mais cette méthode risque d'être moins efficace.