The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

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Found 9 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)Es gibt 3 Arten von Einheiten in Manor Lords: Miliz, Söldner und die Gefolgschaft.
 h English (en)There are 3 types of units in Manor Lords: militia, mercenaries and the retinue.
 h Spanish (es)Hay 3 tipos de unidades en Manor Lords: milicias, mercenarios y huestes.
 h French (fr)Il y a 3 types d'unités dans Manor Lords : la Milice, les Mercenaires et les Retenues.
 h Dutch (nl)Er zijn 3 soorten eenheden in Manor Lords: milities, huurlingen en de volgenlingen.
 h Polish (pl)W Manor Lords istnieją 3 rodzaje jednostek: milicja, najemnicy i świta.
 h Russian (ru)В Manor Lords есть три типа отрядов: ополчение, наёмники и ретину.
 h Swedish (sv)Det finns 3 typer av enheter i Manor lords: Milis, legosoldater och gardet.
 h Turkish (tr)Manor Lords'da 3 tane farklı birlik tipi vardır bunlar: Milisler, paralı askerler ve korumalardır.