The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

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Found 10 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)'''Benötigt man leere Häuser, damit Menschen in das Dorf einwandern können?'''
 h Greek (el)''' Χρειάζεται να έχω άδεια σπίτια για να μεταναστεύσει κόσμος/οικογένειες στο χωριό μου ?'''
 h English (en)'''Do you need empty houses for people to immigrate to your village?'''
 h Spanish (es)'''¿Se necesitan casas vacías para que la gente venga a tu pueblo?'''
 h French (fr)'''Faut-il des parcelles vides pour que des gens immigrent dans le village ?'''
 h Italian (it)'''Le case devono essere vuote perché la gente immigri nel mio villaggio?'''
 h Dutch (nl)'''Heb je lege huizen nodig zodat mensen kunnen immigreren naar jouw dorp?'''
 h Polish (pl)'''Czy potrzebujesz pustych domów, aby ludzie imigrowali do twojej wioski?'''
 h Russian (ru)'''Нужны ли свободные дома для иммиграции людей в деревню?'''
 h Turkish (tr)'''İnsanların köye göçmesi için boş evlere ihtiyacımız var mı?'''