The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

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From Manor Lords Official Wiki

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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)==PC Game Pass-Version ==
Die Game-Pass-Version des Spiels hinkt derzeit der Version auf Steam und anderen Portalen etwas hinterher. Sie wird so schnell wie möglich aktualisiert. Es ist nur so, dass die Microsoft-Zertifizierung eine längere Vorlaufzeit erfordert und es wurden einige Updates durchgeführt, nachdem die ursprüngliche Game-Pass-Version eingereicht wurde.
 h English (en)==PC Game Pass version ==
The Game Pass version of the game is currently a little bit behind the version on Steam and other storefronts. It’s being updated ASAP, it’s just that Microsoft certification requires longer lead times and there were a few updates done after the original Game Pass version was submitted.
 h French (fr)==Version PC Game Pass==
La version Game Pass du jeu est actuellement légèrement en retard en terme de mise à jour que Steam and autres magasins. Les mises jour sont envoyées directement, mais le système de certification de Microsoft nécessite plus de temps et il arrive que plusieurs mise à jour soit faite après que la version originale Game Pass soit envoyée.
 h Italian (it)== Versione Game Pass per PC ==
La versione Game Pass del gioco è attualmente un po' in ritardo rispetto alla versione su Steam e altri store. Verrà aggiornata al più presto, solo che la certificazione Microsoft richiede tempi più lunghi e ci sono stati alcuni aggiornamenti dopo l'invio della versione Game Pass originale.
 h Polish (pl)==Wersja PC Game Pass ==
Wersja gry na Game Pass jest obecnie nieco opóźniona w stosunku do wersji na Steam i innych platformach sklepowych. Jest ona aktualizowana tak szybko jak to możliwe, po prostu certyfikacja Microsoftu wymaga dłuższego czasu realizacji, a po przesłaniu oryginalnej wersji Game Pass dokonano kilku aktualizacji.
 h Russian (ru)== Версия для PC Game Pass ==
Версия игры для PC Game Pass в настоящее время немного отстает от версии на Steam и других площадках. Она будет обновлена как можно скорее. Просто сертификация Microsoft требует более длительного времени, и после подачи первоначальной версии для PC Game Pass было внесено несколько обновлений.
 h Turkish (tr)==PC Game Pass Versiyonu==
Game Pass versiyonu şu anda Steam ve diğer mağazalarında bulunan versiyonlardan önceki bir versiyonda çalışıyor ve en kısa sürede güncelleyeceğiz. Microsoft'un güncellemeler hakkında kararlarının uzun sürede vermesi Game Pass'a gelmesi uzun sürüyor.