The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

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Found 8 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)Derzeit ist Manor Lords für PC- und Xbox-Plattformen bestätigt. Weitere Konsoleninformationen werden wir zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bereitstellen.
 h English (en)Currently, Manor Lords is confirmed for PC and Xbox platforms. We will provide additional console information at a later date.
 h French (fr)Actuellement, Manor Lords est confirmé pour les plateformes PC et Xbox. Nous fournirons des informations supplémentaires sur la console à une date ultérieure.
 h Italian (it)Attualmente, Manor Lords è confermato per le piattaforme PC e Xbox. Forniremo ulteriori informazioni sulle console in un secondo momento.
 h Dutch (nl)Op dit moment is het bevestigd dat Manor Lords op PC en Xbox platforms komt. Wij gaan op een later moment meet console informatie delen.
 h Polish (pl)Obecnie Manor Lords zostało potwierdzone na platformy PC i Xbox. Dodatkowe informacje na temat konsol podamy w późniejszym terminie.
 h Russian (ru)На данный момент «Manor Lords» подтверждена для ПК и платформ Xbox. Мы предоставим дополнительную информацию о консолях позже.
 h Turkish (tr)Şimdilik, Manor Lords PC ve Xbox platformları için onayladı. Başka bir konsol platformu için bilgileri başka bir tarihte açıklayacağız.