The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

Enter a message name below to show all available translations.


Found 9 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)== Strategische Expansion und militärische Taktik ==
'''Wie setze ich militärische Kräfte effektiv gegen KI oder Banditen ein?'''
 h English (en)== Strategic Expansion and Military Tactics ==
'''How do I effectively use military forces against AI or bandits?'''
 h Spanish (es)== Expansión estratégica y Tácticas militares ==
'''¿Cómo uso mis fuerzas militares contra la IA o los bandidos?'''
 h French (fr)== Expansion Stratégique et Tactiques Militaires ==
'''Comment puis-je utiliser efficacement mes forces armées contre un seigneur rival ou les bandits ?'''
 h Italian (it)== Espansione strategica e tattiche militari ==
'''Come posso usare efficacemente le forze militari contro l'IA o i banditi?'''
 h Dutch (nl)== Strategische Uitbreidingen en Militaire Tactieken ==
'''Hoe gebruik ik militaire eenheden effectief tegen AI of bandieten?'''
 h Polish (pl)== Strategiczna ekspansja i taktyka wojskowa ==
'''Jak skutecznie wykorzystać siły militarne przeciwko SI lub bandytom?'''
 h Russian (ru)== Стратегическое расширение и военная тактика ==
'''Как эффективно использовать военные силы против ИИ или бандитов?'''
 h Turkish (tr)== Stratejik büyüme ve askeri taktikler ==
''' Yapay zekaya ve haydutlara karşı askerlerimi nasıl efektif kullanabilirim?'''