The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

Enter a message name below to show all available translations.


Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)'''[[{{tl}}Forester's hut|Forsthaus]]''' || 2 Bauholz || Arbeiter pflanzen in den markierten Gebieten neue Bäume. || style="text-align: center; |2 || ||  ||
 h English (en)'''[[{{tl}}Forester's hut|Forester's hut]]''' || 2 timber || Plants trees. || 2 || ||  ||
 h Spanish (es)'''Cabaña de Reforestación''' || 2 Madera|| Planta árboles. || 2 || ||  ||
 h French (fr)'''[[{{tl}}Forester's hut|Hutte de sylviculture]]''' || 2 Bois || Plante des arbres. || 2 || ||  ||
 h Italian (it)'''[[{{tl}}Forester's hut|Capanno del guardaboschi]]''' || 2 legname || Piante di alberi. || 2 || ||  ||
 h Polish (pl)'''Chata Leśnika''' || 2 Bale drewna || Sadzi nowe drzewa. || 2 || ||  ||
 h Russian (ru)'''Хижина лесников''' || 2 древесины || Производит деревья. || 2 || ||  ||