The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.

All translations

From Manor Lords Official Wiki

Enter a message name below to show all available translations.


Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)'''[[ {{tl}}Logging camp |Holzfällerlager]]''' || 2 Bauholz || Arbeiter fällen Bäume in der Nähe, um Bauholz zu produzieren. || style="text-align: center; |3 || 28 Bauholz ||  ||
 h English (en)'''[[{{tl}}Logging camp|Logging camp]]''' || 2 timber || Turns trees into timber. || 3 || 28 timber ||  ||
 h Spanish (es)'''[[{{tl}}Logging camp|Campamento Maderero]]''' || 2 Madera || Convierte árboles en troncos. || 3 || 28 Madera ||  ||
 h French (fr)'''[[{{tl}}Logging camp|Camp de bûcherons]]''' || 2 Bois || Transforme les arbres en Bois. || 3 || 28 Bois ||  ||
 h Italian (it)'''[[{{tl}}Logging camp|Segheria]]''' || 2 legname || Trasforma gli alberi in legname. || 3 || 28 legname || ||
 h Polish (pl)'''Obóz Drwali''' || 2 Bale drewna || Wycina pobliskie drzewa i produkuje Kłody Drewna. || 3 || 28 Bali drewna ||  ||
 h Russian (ru)'''Лагерь дровосеков''' || 2 древесины || Превращает деревья в древесину. || 3 || 28 древесины ||  ||