The game has been released in Early Access on 26th of April, 2024.
Please keep in mind that any information provided on this Wiki may be incomplete or subject to change as the game progresses.


From Manor Lords Official Wiki
Revision as of 00:35, 30 April 2024 by El Marakas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Construcción ==")

A menos que los eventos meteorológicos hayan sido desactivados al configurar la partida, los recursos deberán ser almacenados para estar protegidos contra las lluvias. Todo lo que no sea alimentos se guarda en Almacenes, y los alimentos junto con la cerveza son almacenados en Graneros. La madera no necesita almacenamiento.


Las arcas representan tu dinero personal, que puede ser utilizado para la diplomacia, para contratar caballeros para huestes, y para poblar una nueva región. Aumentan principalmente por Impuestos, establecidos al construirse la Casa señorial, que a su vez reducen la Aprobación.


La Influencia es necesaria para la diplomacia y para presionar reclamos sobre otras regiones. Se gana subiendo el nivel del pueblo, promulgando políticas, conquistando campamentos de bandidos, mejorando la Iglesia y la Casa señorial y estableciendo un Diezmo en esta última.

Riqueza regional

La Riqueza regional representa la cantidad total de dinero que tienen los ciudadanos en la región. Se obtiene exportando recursos y teniendo señoríos de nivel 2. Puede ser gastada en importaciones o extensiones de señoríos y puede ser transferida a tus Arcas al promulgar una política de impuestos.


Construction resources are used to construct new buildings and upgrade them. There are 7 construction resources:

  • Timber: obtained from trees at Logging Camp, used in construction and Planks production, requires oxen to be moved
  • Planks: obtained from Timber at Sawpit, used in construction
  • Stone: obtained from Stone deposits at Stonecutter Camp, used in construction
  • Roof Tiles: obtained from Clay at Clay Furnace, used in construction
  • Tools: obtained from Iron Slabs at Smithy or Blacksmith's Workshop backyard extension. These have no current use except trade
  • Wooden Parts: obtained from Planks at Joiner's Workshop backyard extension. These have no current use except trade
  • Blocks: currently unobtainable


Food resources are used to fill Hunger and are stored in the Granary. Every Burgage Plot consumes 1 food resource per month. Having more types of food resources increases Approval and Disease Resistance. There are 7 food resources:

  • Meat: obtained from Wild Animals deposits at Hunting Camp
  • Vegetables: obtained at Vegetable Garden backyard extension
  • Berries: obtained from Berry deposits at Forager Hut
  • Bread: obtained from Flour at Communal Oven or Bakery Extension backyard extension
  • Eggs: obtained at Chicken Coop backyard extension
  • Apples: obtained at Apple Orchard backyard extension
  • Honey: obtained at Apiary


Fuel resources are consumed by Burgage Plots and various workplaces. Every Burgage Plot consumes 1 fuel resource per month outside Winter and 2 during Winter. There are 2 fuel resources:

  • Firewood: obtained from trees at Woodcutter's Lodge
  • Charcoal: obtained from Firewood at Charcoal Kiln


Crops resources are processed into crafting material resources. While they can be stored in the Granary or Storehouse they are usually kept in the Farmhouse. Hovering over the crops icon will show how many days are left until the closest harvest for each. There are 6 crops resources:

  • Grain: can be turned into Flour at Windmill
  • Flax: can be turned into Linen at Weaver Workshop
  • Barley: can be turned into Malt at Malthouse
  • Dung
  • Fertilizer

Crafting materials

Crafting materials resources are processed into commodities resources. There are 13 crafting materials resources:

  • Grain: obtained from Wheat at Farmhouse
  • Flour: obtained from Grain at Windmill
  • Hides: obtained from Wild Animals deposits at Hunting Camp or at Goat Shed backyard extensions
  • Leather: obtained from Leather at Tannery
  • Wool: obtained from sheep at Sheep Farm
  • Yarn: obtained from Wool at Weaver Workshop
  • Linen: obtained from Flax at Weaver Workshop
  • Wax: obtained at Apiary, requires the Advanced Beekeeping development branch. This has no current use except trade
  • Malt: obtained from Barley at Malthouse
  • Clay: obtained from Clay deposits at Mining Pit
  • Iron Ore: obtained from Iron deposits at Mining Pit
  • Iron Slab: obtained from Iron Ore at Bloomery
  • Dyes: obtained from Berries at Dyer's Workshop


Commodities resources may be requested by the Burgage Plots, depending on their level and employment. There are 7 commodities resources:

  • Cloaks: obtained from Dyes and Yarn at Tailor's Workshop backyard extension
  • Clothes: obtained from Dyes and Linen at Tailor's Workshop backyard extension
  • Ale: obtained from Malt at Brewery Extension, consumed at Tavern
  • Shoes: obtained from Leather at Cobbler's Workshop
  • Herbs: obtained at Forager Hut if the Herb Garden upgrade has been purchased, used to speed up recovery from diseases
  • Candles: currently unobtainable
  • Salt: currently unobtainable


Military resources are used for upgrading the militia and the retinue and are created at certain backyard extenstions. There are 10 military resources:

  • Sidearms: obtained from Iron Slabs at Blacksmith's Workshop backyard extension
  • Spears: obtained from Iron Slabs and Planks at Blacksmith's Workshop backyard extension
  • Polearms: obtained from Iron Slabs and Planks at Blacksmith's Workshop backyard extension
  • Warbows: obtained from Planks at Bowyer's Workshop backyard extension
  • Small Shields: obtained from Planks at Joiner's Workshop backyard extension
  • Large Shields: obtained from Planks at Joiner's Workshop backyard extension
  • Gambesons: obtained from Linen at Tailor's Workshop backyard extension
  • Helmets: obtained from Iron Slabs at Armorer's Workshop backyard extension
  • Mail Armor: obtained from Iron Slabs at Armorer's Workshop backyard extension, requires Advanced Armormaking development branch
  • Plate Armor: obtained from Iron Slabs at Armorer's Workshop backyard extension, requires Master Armormaking development branch