Green Lynx Spider

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 12:43, 19 June 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)
Common name Green lynx spider
Scientific name Peucetia viridans
Environment Swamp
Forms Adult
Traits Spider rush

Green lynx spiders (Peucetia viridans) are common enemies in swamp documentary levels.


Green lynx spiders use basic attack by biting. They can shoot venom.

If green lynx spiders enter the underground area through nest entrance, they can ignore combat and move between any chambers for 40 to 60 seconds before attacking the queen.


You can encounter green lynx spiders in:

Notable stats

Lynxspider.png Green lynx spider
Common stats
  • Health: 1300
  • Movement speed: 700
  • Food amount: 105 [3]
  • Mount capacity: 4
  • Score: 480
  • Vision radius: 700
Damage modifications
  • None
  • Slow resistance: 20%
  • Immune to pickup/ knockback
  • Immune to execution
Basic attack
  • Damage: 72
  • Attack speed: 1
Venom spray
  • Chance: 60%
  • Damage (venom): 45
  • Radius (splash): 120
  • Cooldown: 12
  • Projectile


  • Green lynx spiders wear cowboy hats in arachnophobia mode.
  • Green lynx spiders are the largest non-ant creatures that can be affected by disrupting effects in the game.