Damage Calculation

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 23:31, 15 June 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)

This page shows damage calculation and related mechanics.


An attack is an ability that either executes or inflicts damage on enemies.

Attack damage is applied immediately while effect damage is applied separately afterward.

Damage must be either physical or venom. Only the male scientist, certain hybrid and testing equipments are currently confirmed to inflict true damage, which ignores damage modifications.

Area damage

An AOE attack will inflict damage on multiple enemies over a certain area at once. The affected area is calculated from the target.

A splash attack will inflict less damage on non-targeted enemies if they aren't within a certain radius from the main target. The formula hasn't been revealed.

Damage modifications

  • AOE resistance: A creature with this stat can reduce taken damage if they are over 10 units away from the main target.
  • Armor: A creature with this stat can reduce taken damage by a flat amount.
  • Resistance: A creature with physical resistance or venom resistance can reduce taken damage from same-typed attacks by a certain percentage.
  • Piercing: A creature with this stat can reduce the resistance of their enemies in damage calculation.
  • Maximum taken damage: A creature with this stat can only take a certain maximum amount of damage from each attack.
  • Evasion: A creature with this stat have certain chance to evade attacks and skip damage calculation.

Damage formula

Total damage is calculated based on this formula.

Total damage = [base damage x splash percentage x (100% - AOE resistance) - armor] x [(100% - (physical or venom resistance - piercing)]

The value of [resistance - piercing] must be positive. The value of [damage - armor] must have a minimum value of 0.5.

An instant of damage in damage-over-time effects is treated as an attack of its own.


The attacker deals 5 physical damage initially. It also deals 10 venom damage every 0.5 second for 2 seconds afterward. The defender has 20% physical resistance and 10% venom resistance.

=> Attack damage = 5 x (1 - 0.2) = 4.

=> Effect damage = 10 x (1 - 0.1) x 2 / 0.5 = 36.

=> Total damage = 4 + 36 = 40.

If the defender can only take maximum of 3 damage per hit, the total damage becomes: 3 + 3 x 2 / 0.5 = 15.

