Story Mode

From Empires of the Undergrowth Official Wiki
Revision as of 04:22, 15 June 2024 by AntBZK (talk | contribs)

Story mode is the major focus of the game.

Hub formicarium

In the main story, a gene-thief ant colony must establish itself in a formicarium and survive a multitude of challenges that the scientists create. The formicarium is your hub world.

You can open the level menu by clicking on the ant symbol in the top left corner of the screen when you are in the formicarium. Details about the respective level is shown on the right side.

You earn resources by beating story levels and they can only be used in the formicarium. You can spend Royal Jelly to customize your gene-thief ant colony. You can spend each territory point to excavate a tile. Seeds, woodworms and woodlice are dropped on the surface as food.

You can't build more brood tiles when you reach the population cap. It increases when you enter a new story chapter. The population cap is 100/ 125/ 150/ 175/ 300.

Spawning menu will be available on the left part of the screen after you are done with a story chapter. You can freely drop previously introduced enemies in your formicarium to test your colony. They aren't edible.

Your queen will be moved to another formicarium with little to no resource to start anew when you decide to enter the next story chapter. You gain Royal Jelly equal to the number of territory points and excavated tiles. You also gain Royal Jelly equal to 1.25% of your construction cost and amount of food in the formicarium.

Documentary levels

Documentary levels in each chapter introduce new ant species in their natural habitats and new aspects of gameplay. The levels are narrated in documentary-style. Your adaptations are not applied in these levels.

Challenge mode introduces new enemies, which mostly act as obstacles, to a previously completed level.

You gain extra resources if you beat a documentary level for the first time with and without challenge mode enabled.

Formicarium challenges

You must beat formicarium challenges to progress through the main story. Formicarium challenges occur in your formicarium and your adaptations are applied.

You only earn resources when you beat formicarium challenges for the first time. Edible enemies become inedibles during replays.

If you fail a formicarium challenge, you will be sent back to right before you have attempted it. If you quit midway, you lose all of your spent resources.

New game plus

(to be added)

Save files

Save files can be found in these locations, even if you delete them in the game. You can move these files by copying and pasting.

  • Colony[x]Stage[y].sav keeps informations about unlockables and state of the story.
  • Colony[x]LevelDataStage[y].sav keeps informations about formicarium layout and resources.

[x] is the creating order of your save. Stage[y] is your progress in the previous chapter and will be omitted if you are in the most recent story chapter.


  • The original story of the game involved a scientist who followed an Formica ereptor queen on its migration. The story occured on an island with a variety of environments and ant species that shouldn't exist in the same place. The gene-thief ant colony expanded through the island, killing rival ant colonies and gaining their desirable traits.
  • Aggressive enemies may also be dropped in your formicarium together with food after each time you beat a level. It happens only after the spawning menu becomes available. Inedible creatures like slave-maker ants and army ants may appear after each time you beat Subjugation and Front Line respectively.
