Beginner's Guide
From Clanfolk Official Wiki
Each Clanfellow can be assigned one of three work modes:
- Normal: Clanfellow will work a regular amount of time.
- Overwork: Clanfellow will work until exhausted and will lose Mood when working after hours.
- Time Off: Clanfellow will not work but will lain Mood and may even take a Nap to regain some Sleep.
Low mood leads to slower work and slower learning.
Work priority
There are two types of priorities in Clanfolk: Skill Priority and Task Priority.
Pressing on a skill enables changing its priority above or below other skills. Clanfolk will like, dislike, or be extra good at certain jobs.
Each Clanfellow can be given Strict Priority.
- When String Priority is On tasks are picked based on Skill Priority, followed by Task Priority within that skill type. This option works best when there are many Clanfolk.
- When String Priority is Off tasks are picked based on a combination of Skill Priority and Task Priority second. This option works best when there are few Clanfolk.
Keeping a low task count will allow Clanfolk to complete a wider variety of tasks from many different skills.
Designating zones is a quick way to fulfill some of the Clanfolk's needs early in the game.
- Wash Zone must be placed on shoreline and allows Clanfolk to wash in a Lake.
- Sleep Zone can be placed anywhere and allows Clanfolk to sleep in the designated area. Reduces cleaningless.
- Drink Zone must be placed on shoreline and allows Clanfolk to drink water from a Lake. May cause intestinal unrest.
- Gather Berries produces Berries. Note that Berries rot quickly.
Stockpiles designate an area where resources can be stored.