
From Clanfolk Official Wiki

The Clanfellow are the characters of the game, each one with its unique personality, likes, dislikes, trains and abilities. While Clanfolk cannot be commanded to do a task, they can be commanded to walk to a certain place, which may impact which task is selected next.


Each Clanfellow has the following stats:

  • Mood: When 100, greatly increases Work and XP gain. When above 75%, increases Work and XP gain and Clanfolk can reproduce. When below 25%, decreases XP gain.
  • Work: Affects how fast the Clanfellow works.
  • Age: Determines the Clanfellow's Age. Once a Clanfellow reaches Senior Age the bar will show the remaining lifespan.
  • Health: When below 80%, decreases Mood and Work. When below 40%, greatly decreases Mood and Work. When 0, Clanfellow dies.
  • Food: When above 50%, increases Mood, Work and Health. When below 25%, decreases Mood and Work. When 0, decreases Health.
  • Water: When below 25%, decreases Mood and Work. When 0, decreases Health.
  • Sleep: When 0, Clanfellow forcefully falls asleep.
  • Warmth: When below 35%, decreases Mood, Work and Food. When below 15%, greatly decreases Mood, Work, Food and Health. When 0, event greater decrease to everything.
  • Cleanliness: When 0, decreases Mood and Speed.
  • Bathroom: When below 10%, decreases Mood and Work. When 0, it rises to 10% and lowers Cleanliness by 10%.
  • Social: When above 50%, increases Mood. When below 50%, decreases Mood.
  • Fun: When above 50%, increases Mood. When below 50%, decreases Mood.
  • Environment: When above 50%, increases Mood. When below 50%, decreases Mood.
  • Plaid: Increases Mood.
  • Satisfaction: Only appears for Clanfolk from other Clans. Determines how Reputation with the Clanfellow's Clan changes after the Clanfellow leaves. At 100% if the Clanfellow is a Worker and there is an unwed Clanfellow of opposite gender present, they will offer to marry into the Clan.

Work modes

Each Clanfellow can be assigned one of three work modes:

  • Normal: Clanfellow will work a regular amount of time and then try to refill their Attribute bars.
  • Overwork: Clanfellow will work until exhausted and will lose Mood when working after hours.
  • Time Off: Clanfellow will not work but will lain Mood and may even take a Nap to regain some Sleep.


For a female Clanfellow to become pregnant, the following conditions must be met:

  • She is sleeping in a StrawBedDouble.png Straw Double Bed with a Clanfellow who is her Partner
  • She has not been pregnant within the last 10 days
  • She is not a Senior
  • She is not hungry
  • Both Clanfolk have 75% Mood

Pregnancy lasts 20 days until the woman gives birth. For the next 20 days the baby will require a lot of attention and the woman will be able to spend less time working than usual. Her Icon Doctor.png Baby Care skill will be used in the care for her child until the Baby becomes a Juvenile.


Animals can only be obtained at the start of the game or bought from Traders. During Winter they require Food, Water, and Shelter, while during the other seasons they can eat Grass and drink Water from Lakes on their own. If two opposite-gendered animals of the same species spend time near each other, the female may get pregnant.

Animal Price Produce
Chicken C001 FAS F.png Hen 75 Egg.png Egg
Rooster 50 Egg Fertile.png Fertilized Egg
Cattle C001 FAS F.png Cow 225 Bucket Milk.png Milk (requires bucket)
Bull 150
Goat C001 FA F.png Nanny Goat 150 Bucket Milk.png Milk (requires bucket)
Billy Goat 100
Pig C001 FAS F.png Sow 120 Larger litters
Boar 80
Sheep C001 FAS F.png Ewe 150 Wool Raw.png Raw Wool (requires Shears)
Ram 100 Wool Raw.png Raw Wool (requires Shears)
Queen 225 Kills Rats
Tomcat 150 Kills Rats