Beginner's Guide

From Clanfolk Official Wiki

Work priority

There are two types of priorities in Clanfolk: Skill Priority (unique to each Clanfellow) and Task Priority (unique to each workplace). Clanfolk will like, dislike, or be extra good at certain jobs. Tasks can also be Boosted from the game menu, ensuring that task will be done first by any available Clanfellow. This is useful for emergencies.

Each Clanfellow can be given Strict Priority.

  • When String Priority is On tasks are picked based on Skill Priority, followed by Task Priority within that skill type. This option works best when there are many Clanfolk.
  • When String Priority is Off tasks are picked based on a combination of Skill Priority and Task Priority second. This option works best when there are few Clanfolk.

Keeping a low task count will allow Clanfolk to complete a wider variety of tasks from many different skills.


The Ideas Tree

The Ideas menu will display all the resources, items, jobs and objects currently unlocked as well as what can be unlocked next.


Jobs can be created either by selecting the Job from the Jobs menu and designating an area, or by clicking on a resource that can be harvested by a job and then selecting the job.


Stockpiles designate an area where resources can be stored. Each stockpile can be set to allow of exclude certain items. Clicking on an existing stockpile when placing a new one will expand the area of the existing stockpile instead. Blockers will do the opposite, preventing Clanfolk from dropping items in the designated area. This is useful around fires.


Planting requires Soil and is one of the two ways for Clanfolk to sustainably obtain their on food, the other one being growing Animals. Planting is only possible after crafting a Sickle. Soil used in Planting reduces the movement speed of Clanfolk, who will try to avoid it if going around is faster.

Having a Pick allows Clanfolk to create Tilled Soil. Tilled Soil provides +25% Fertility Bonus and +50 Yield Bonus to plants. Auto-Jobs to Planting will be added automatically to Tilled Soil, reducing player micromanagement compared to farming on regular Soil.


Plants will only grow during Spring and Summer. The following Plants can be planted:

Crop Required ground Seeds Planting time Flammability Movement speed penalty
Grass Soil HaySeed.png 5 Hay Seed 4 High 33%
Reed Shoreline None 4 Low 33%
Oats Tilled Soil WheatSeed.png 5 Oat Grain 4 High 33%
Flax Tilled Soil FlaxSeed.png 5 Flax Seed 4 High 33%
Heather Patch Soil Heather.png 2 Heather 4 High 50%
Thistle Patch Soil Thistle.png 2 Thistle 4 Medium 83%
Berry Bush Soil RedBerries.png 5 Berries 10 High 50%
Tree Soil None 10 High 50%


All Lakes have a Fishing percentage, depending on the size of the Lake, which determines for fast Eels and Fish are caught. Catching an Eel will reduce it by 2% and catching a Fish will reduce it by 2.5%. Fishing will slowly regenerate a rate of 30% of the current amount (not maximum amount). Overfishing can be avoided by limiting catch to a certain amount, adding a Wait Until Tomorrow command to the build queue and then putting the build queue on repeat.

Clanfolk can swim, although moving by swimming is very slow. They will do it if it is still the quickest way to reach a destination.