Beginner's Guide

From Clanfolk Official Wiki

Clanfolk will wake up at sunrise unless they were particularly tired.

Work priority

There are two types of priorities in Clanfolk: Skill Priority (unique to each Clanfellow) and Task Priority (unique to each workplace). Clanfolk will like, dislike, or be extra good at certain jobs. Tasks can also be Boosted from the game menu, ensuring that task will be done first by any available Clanfellow. This is useful for emergencies.

Each Clanfellow can be given Strict Priority.

  • When String Priority is On tasks are picked based on Skill Priority, followed by Task Priority within that skill type. This option works best when there are many Clanfolk.
  • When String Priority is Off tasks are picked based on a combination of Skill Priority and Task Priority second. This option works best when there are few Clanfolk.

Keeping a low task count will allow Clanfolk to complete a wider variety of tasks from many different skills.


The Ideas Tree

The Ideas menu will display all the resources, items, jobs and objects currently unlocked as well as what can be unlocked next.


Jobs can be created either by selecting the Job from the Jobs menu and designating an area, or by clicking on a resource that can be harvested by a job and then selecting the job.

  • Gather Berries produces Berries. Note that Berries rot quickly.

Stockpiles designate an area where resources can be stored. Each stockpile can be set to allow of exclude certain items. Clicking on an existing stockpile when placing a new one will expand the area of the existing stockpile instead. Blockers will do the opposite, preventing Clanfolk from dropping items in the designated area. This is useful around fires.


Planting requires Soil.

Crop Growth seasons Requirements Produces Flammability Requires
Grass Spring
5 Hay Seed (4 work time) Grass High Soil
Reed Spring
Nothing (4 work time) Reed Low Shoreline


All Lakes have a Fishing percentage, depending on the size of the Lake, which determines for fast Eels and Fish are caught. Catching an Eel will reduce it by 2% and catching a Fish will reduce it by 2.5%. Fishing will slowly regenerate a rate of 30% of the current amount (not maximum amount). Overfishing can be avoided by limiting catch to a certain amount, adding a Wait Until Tomorrow command to the build queue and then putting the build queue on repeat.

Clanfolk can swim, although moving by swimming is very slow. They will do it if it is still the quickest way to reach a destination.


Maximum reputation with a clan

Clans represent the families of Clanfolk. Each Clan has its own motto and tartan pattern. Aside from the player's clan, there will always be 4 other clans, each one coming from one of the map's edges and living in one of 4 terrain types. Each Clan will sell different resources depending on their terrain.

The player clan will have a Reputation with every other Clan, which determines the spawn chance of Workers, Travelers and Traders each day once a Sign has been constructed. There are three types of Clanfellow from other clans that may arrive:

  • Icon Traveller.png Travellers may arrive at Evening if a VacancySign.png Vacancy Sign is displayed and will pay Coin if provided Food, Water, Sleep and Environment. They will depart at Morning and depending on the quality of the services provided, as well as whether they had their own room or shared it with others, they will raise or lower Reputation with their Clan.
  • Icon Trade.png Traders may arrive at Morning if a TradeSign Open.png Trading Post is displayed and will depart at Evening. They will trade resources and animals. Trading will raise Reputation with their Clan. Trades can be reversed before the Trader departs. How often Traders arrive also depends on the season, with Summer offering the highest chance and Winter offering the lowest.
  • Root Work.png Workers may arrive at Morning if a JobBoard.png Job Board is displayed and will do Tasks if provided with Coin, Food, Water and Sleep. They will only depart when manually dismissed or if the player Clan runs out of Coin. Depending on how their needs were fulfilled, as well as whether they worked Tasks that matched that skills and preferences, they will raise or lower Reputation with their Clan upon departure. If all of a Worker's stats are kept full, the Clanfellow may offer to join the player's Clan.

Depending on Terrain and Reputation, a Clan Trader will buy and sell the following:

Buys Icon StarEmpty.pngIcon StarEmpty.pngIcon StarEmpty.pngIcon StarEmpty.png Sells Icon Star.pngIcon StarEmpty.pngIcon StarEmpty.pngIcon StarEmpty.png Sells Icon Star.pngIcon Star.pngIcon StarEmpty.pngIcon StarEmpty.png Sells Icon Star.pngIcon Star.pngIcon Star.pngIcon StarEmpty.png Sells Icon Star.pngIcon Star.pngIcon Star.pngIcon Star.png Sells
Biome Coast.png Coast Bark.png Bark, CharcoalLump.png Charcoal, Skin Dry.png Dry Hide, FlaxSeed.png Flax Seed, HayStook.png Hay, LeatherRoll.png Leather, LinenCloth.png Linen Cloth, LinenHank.png Linen Hank, Nails.png Nails, Sack Empty.png Sack, StoneBlock.png Stone Block, StonePile2.png Stones, Cow, Leather Clothes, Linen Clothes Egg.png Egg
Eels Raw.png Raw Eels
ClayBrick.png Clay Brick
Sack Poop.png Fertilizer
Fish Raw.png Raw Fish
Meat Raw.png Raw Meat
RoofTiles.png Tile
SmokedFish.png Smoked Fish
SmokedMeat.png Smoked Meat
Pig Goat
Biome Forest.png Forest Butter.png Butter, Cheese.png Cheese, IronAxe.png Iron Axe, Nails.png Nails, SmokedFish.png Smoked Fish, Wool Bolt.png Wool Cloth, Wool Hank.png Wool Hank, Chicken, Pig, Wool Clothes RedBerries.png Berries
Sticks.png Branches
Log.png Log
CharcoalLump.png Charcoal
Skin Dry.png Dry Hide
Mushroom.png Mushroom
Meat Raw.png Raw Meat
WoodAsh.png Wood Ash
Biome Mountain.png Mountains Sticks.png Branches, Bread.png Bread, Butter.png Butter, CharcoalLump.png Charcoal, Cheese.png Cheese, Skin Dry.png Dry Hide, LeatherRoll.png Leather, Log.png Log, Sack Flour.png Oat Flour, Plank.png Planks, SmokedFish.png Smoked Fish, SmokedMeat.png Smoked Meat, Chicken, Sheep, Fur Clothes StonePile2.png Iron Ore
StonePile2.png Stones
Nails.png Nails Wool Clean.png Clean Wool
Ingot Iron.png Iron Ingot
StoneBlock.png Stone Block
IronAxe.png Iron Axe
IronHoe.png Iron Hoe
IronPick.png Iron Pick
IronSickle.png Iron Sickle
Sheers.png Shears
Wool Bolt.png Wool Cloth
Wool Hank.png Wool Hank
Wool Clothes
Biome Plains.png Plains