
From Cataclismo Official Wiki

Every settlement will begin with a Citadel, which produces 180 Oxygen, 8 Citizens and10 Military Capacity, stores resources, and has a Toughness of 400. All buildings need a path to the Citadel to function and will shut down if pieces facilitating this are destroyed or recycled. If the Citadel is destroyed the mission is lost.

Buildings must be placed within owned territory, which is projected around the Citadel and Beacons. Pieces can be built anywhere.

Each building has an Oxygen maintenance cost that depends on the game difficulty.

A buildings can only be placed where it has enough Support from below. If sections providing Support are destroyed or removed the supported building may collapse. When time is paused a building won't collapse without Support. Buildings left without Support will be highlighted red.

You can recycle placed buildings to recover their resources pressing the recycle button below the build menu and then clicking on the buildings you want recycled.

Resource Gathering

Resource Gathering buildings are used to produce resources.

Raw Materials

Raw Materials buildings produce workers who carry materials from the resource gathering building to the nearest Warehouse or Citadel. The shorter the distance the faster resources will be gathered. The buildings come in two levels and can be upgraded for the cost difference once the required Prosperity is reached.

Building Max. Production Cost Build Time Prosperity Level
Sawmill.png Sawmill Wood.png 15 Wood/min Oxygen.png 75 Oxygen 35 Seconds I
Quarry.png Quarry Stone.png 15 Stone/min
Minerals.png 15 Minerals/min
Oxygen.png 90 Oxygen
Wood.png 75 Wood
Citizens.png 3 Citizens
35 Seconds I
Warehouse.png Warehouse Increases the storage limit of Wood, Stone and Minerals
Drop-off point for resources
Allows research of resource gathering improvements
Oxygen.png 405 Oxygen
Wood.png 120 Wood
Minerals.png 20 Minerals
Citizens.png 14 Citizens
63 Seconds I
Master Sawmill.png Master Sawmill Wood.png 15 Wood/min Oxygen.png 310 Oxygen
Minerals.png 30 Minerals
35 Seconds III
Master Quarry.png Master Quarry Stone.png 15 Stone/min
Minerals.png 15 Minerals/min
Oxygen.png 395 Oxygen
Wood.png 140 Wood
Minerals.png 18 Minerals
Citizens.png 3 Citizens
35 Seconds III
Master Warehouse.png Master Warehouse Increases the storage limit of Wood, Stone and Minerals
Drop-off point for resources
Allows research of resource gathering improvements
Oxygen.png 540 Oxygen
Wood.png 225 Wood
Minerals.png 25 Minerals
Citizens.png 14 Citizens
63 Seconds IV

Air Filtering

Air Filtering buildings produce Oxygen and do not have maintenance costs. They must be placed high to function.

Building Max. Production Cost Build Time Prosperity Level
Air Filter.png Air Filter Oxygen.png 180 Oxygen/min Wood.png 48 Wood
Citizens.png 2 Citizens
35 Seconds I
Bulk Air Filter.png Bulk Air Filter Oxygen.png 270 Oxygen/min Wood.png 100 Wood
Minerals.png 10 Minerals
Citizens.png 2 Citizens
35 Seconds III
Air Silo.png Air Silo Increases Oxygen storage limit
Allows Oxygen research
Wood.png 105 Wood
Minerals.png 25 Minerals
Oxygen.png 270 Oxygen
Citizens.png 10 Citizens
Mistfuel.png 2 Mistfuel
49 Seconds III

Mist Condensing

The Mist Condenser is unlocked at Prosperity level III, produces up to 10 Mistfuel and requires Mist. Cost: 200 Oxygen, 180 Wood, 20 Minerals, 6 Citizens. Build Time: 35 Seconds.

City Buildings

City Growth

Building Effect Cost Build Time Prosperity Level
Beacon.png Beacon Expands the settlement's territory in a large radius
Favored target of horrors
Wood.png 24 Wood
Oxygen.png 100 Oxygen
28 Seconds I
Shack.png Shack Gives 5 Citizens on Story difficulty
Gives 4 Citizens on Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty
Gives 3 Citizens on Extreme difficulty
Comes with a support area on top
Wood.png 30 Wood 35 Seconds I
Air Trader.png Air Trader Enables buying Wood and Stone with Oxygen Wood.png 100 Wood
Oxygen.png 340 Oxygen
Minerals.png 15 Minerals
Citizens.png 7 Citizens
56 Seconds II
Masonry Guild.png Masonry Guild Allows researching construction improvements Wood.png 195 Wood
Oxygen.png 500 Oxygen
Minerals.png 25 Minerals
Citizens.png 18 Citizens
49 Seconds II
Homestead.png Homestead Gives 9 Citizens on Story difficulty
Gives 8 Citizens on Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty
Gives 7 Citizens on Extreme difficulty
Comes with a support area on top
Can also be upgraded from Shack for the cost difference
Wood.png 110 Wood
Oxygen.png 90 Oxygen
Minerals.png 15 Minerals
35 Seconds III

Military Growth

Military Growth are used to recruit and upgrade units.

Building Trains and upgrades Cost Build Time Prosperity Level
Barracks.png Barracks ArcherPortrait.png Bowman
BowlerPortrait.png Lobber
RetiariusPortrait.png Captor
Oxygen.png 225 Oxygen
Wood.png 120 Wood
Citizens.png 10 Citizens
42 Seconds I
Bomber's Workshop.png Bomber's Workshop CannoneerPortrait.png Cannoneer
BallistaPortrait.png Ballista
Oxygen.png 680 Oxygen
Wood.png 240 Wood
Minerals.png 40 Minerals
Citizens.png 18 Citizens
Mistfuel.png 2 Mistfuel
56 Seconds III
Elite's Quarters.png Elite's Quarters ScoutPortrait.png Hunter Oxygen.png 920 Oxygen
Wood.png 300 Wood
Minerals.png 60 Minerals
Citizens.png 22 Citizens
Mistfuel.png 8 Mistfuel
63 Seconds IV

Building Supplements

Building supplements provide bonuses to buildings that are adjacent or underneath them. All of them take 18 seconds to build.

Building Supplement Effects Cost Prosperity Level
Home Extension.png Home Extension Adjacent Shacks and Homesteads gain +1 Citizen
Has a 2x2 construction area on top.
Wood.png 10 Wood
Minerals.png 5 Minerals
Airtight Insulation.png Airtight Insulation Adjacent Shacks and Homesteads gain -20% Oxygen maintenance Wood.png 30 Wood
Minerals.png 8 Minerals
Autonomous Pump.png Autonomous Pump Adjacent Air Filters and Bulk Air Filters gain -1 Citizen cost Wood.png 15 Wood
Minerals.png 8 Minerals
Intake Duct.png Intake Duct Adjacent Air Filters produce +54 more Oxygen
Adjacent Bulk Air Filters produce +81 more Oxygen
Wood.png 30 Wood
Minerals.png 14 Minerals


Pieces are constructed instantly. If you hold and drag with left mouse button pressed you can build multiple pieces in a straight line.

Pieces made primarily of stone will have their Toughness upgraded if there are other pieces made primarily of stone underneath or above them. They gain x10 Toughness if there are 3 pieces above/below and x25 Toughness if there are 6 pieces above/below. Pieces that are in danger of breaking will glow red.

A gap made traversable with wood pieces

Wood Pieces are quick, cheap and require less Support but their Toughness is low. The are perfect for quickly building complex structures and reaching distant places.

  • Primary
    • Wood Strut
  • Secondary
    • Wood Half Arch
  • Stairs
    • Wood Steps
Stone Bricks changing appearance as stacked

Stone Pieces are resilient but require more Support.

  • Primary
    • Stone Brick
  • Secondary
    • Stone Half Arch
  • Stairs
    • Stone Steps

Advanced Pieces


Doors are available from the start and allow units to pass through walls. They allow other buildings to be constructed above them.

Door Effect Toughness Cost
Door.png Door Allows only human units to pass 6 Stone.png 15 Stone
Wood.png 24 Wood
Minerals.png 4 Minerals
Double Door.png Double Door Allows only human units to pass 8 Stone.png 25 Stone
Wood.png 36 Wood
Minerals.png 6 Minerals
Arch Doorway 1x1.png Arch Doorway (1x1) Allows all units to pass 2 Stone.png 6 Stone
Arch Doorway 1x2.png Arch Doorway (1x2) Allows all units to pass 3 Stone.png 12 Stone


Windows are unlocked at Prosperity level II and boost the range of units behind it. They allow other buildings to be constructed above them.

Window Toughness Cost
Window.png Window 2 Stone.png 8 Stone
Wide Window.png Wide Window 3 Stone.png 12 Stone
Corner Window.png Corner Window 2 Stone.png 8 Stone


Tactical Pieces

General Boosts

General Boosts provide benefits to nearby defenses or units next to them.

Tactical Piece Effect Toughness Cost Prosperity Level
Merlon.png Merlon Boosts the range of any unit behind it
Upgrades the Toughness of stone pieces below it
Scales with wall Stone.png 6 Stone I
Merlon (interior corner).png Merlon (interior corner) Boosts the range of any unit behind it
Upgrades the Toughness of stone pieces below it
Scales with wall Stone.png 15 Stone I
Merlon (exterior corner).png Merlon (exterior corner) Boosts the range of any unit behind it
Upgrades the Toughness of stone pieces below it
Scales with wall Stone.png 6 Stone I
Banner.png Banner Increases attack damage of adjacent units by 25%. 1 Stone.png 12 Stone
Minerals.png 10 Minerals
Tactician's Nook.png Tactician's Nook Reduces the cooldown of special skills
Must be placed on a wall
Scales with wall Stone.png 25 Stone
Minerals.png 25 Minerals
Mistfuel.png 2 Mistfuel
Grand Banner.png Grand Banner Increases attack damage of adjacent units by 50%. 1 Stone.png 12 Stone
Minerals.png 10 Minerals


Traps can be set up to damage approaching horrors but lose Toughness in the process. Unlike other buildings recycling them does not refund resources.

Trap Effect Toughness Cost Prosperity Level
Spikes.png Spikes Deals damage to any horror walking through it 30 Wood.png 15 Wood I
Reinforced Spikes.png Reinforced Spikes Deals high damage to any horror walking through it 60 Wood.png 30 Wood
Oxygen.png 20 Oxygen
Minerals.png 2 Minerals
Decoy.png Decoy Attracts nearby horrors and explodes when destroyed, inflicting Burning on all attacking horrors 75 Wood.png 120 Wood
Minerals.png 12 Minerals
Mistfuel.png 2 Mistfuel

Specialist Boosts

Specialist Boosts give adjacent units attack bonuses.

Specialist Boost Effect Cost Prosperity Level
Fire Arrows.png Fire Arrows Bowman, Hunter and Partisan attacks cause damage over time
Can be upgraded into Hell Arrows for the cost difference
Stone.png 15 Stone
Minerals.png 25 Minerals
Throwing Poison.png Throwing Poison Lobber and Captor attacks cause horrors to inflict Slowed and Corroding on nearby horrors when killed
Can be upgraded into Hell Poison for the cost difference
Stone.png 15 Stone
Minerals.png 25 Minerals
Bomber's Spark.png Bomber's Spark Cannoneer and Ballista attacks cause horrors to damage nearby horrors when killed
Can be upgraded into Hell Spark for the cost difference
Stone.png 18 Stone
Minerals.png 30 Minerals
Mistfuel.png 2 Mistfuel
Hell Arrows.png Hell Arrows Bowman, Hunter and Partisan attacks cause damage over time
Can also be upgraded from Fire Arrows for the cost difference
Stone.png 60 Stone
Minerals.png 45 Minerals
Oxygen.png 90 Oxygen
Hell Poison.png Hell Poison Lobber and Captor attacks cause horrors to inflict Slowed and Corroding on nearby horrors when killed
Can also be upgraded from Throwing Poison for the cost difference
Stone.png 75 Stone
Minerals.png 50 Minerals
Oxygen.png 90 Oxygen
Hell Spark.png Hell Spark Cannoneer and Ballista attacks cause horrors to damage nearby horrors when killed
Can also be upgraded from Bomber's Spark for the cost difference
Stone.png 81 Stone
Minerals.png 58 Minerals
Oxygen.png 90 Oxygen
Mistfuel.png 2 Mistfuel