Game modes

From Cataclismo Official Wiki

The world has been covered by a strange Mist. Dense patches of it are not passable.

Horrors are attracted to human settlements and attack frequently. Swarms attack every night but scattered horrors can also sometimes attack in daylight. Every night before the attack a red arrow will show the direction of the attacking swarm and hovering over the arrow will display the attacking units.

Unit types

All humans fight from distance. Hovering over a human will display its range.

Each troop has its own role, strengths and weaknesses.

  • Lobbers have more health and a range of 7 tiles
  • Bowmen has less health and a range of 9 tiles

Different troops will fight better at different heights:

  • Low-ground units get increased splash damage when at 4 meters or less above their target
  • Hough-ground units have increased critical chance when at 5 meters or more above their target


If you hold and drag with left mouse button pressed you can build multiple pieces in a straight line.

When time is paused a structure won't collapse without Support.

You can recover any piece you've placed by pressing the recycle button below the build menu and then clicking on the piece you want recycled.

A structure can only be placed where it has enough Support from below. If sections providing Support are destroyed or removed the supported structure may collapse.

Structures can be built out of Wood and Stone pieces and should be combined to work more effectively.

Wood Pieces are quick, cheap and require less Support but their Toughness is low. The are perfect for quickly building complex structures and reaching distant places.

  • Primary
    • Wood Strut
  • Secondary
    • Wood Half Arch
  • Stairs
  • Wood Steps

Stone Pieces are resilient but require more Support. They are the key to building tough walls and hardy structures

  • Primary
    • Stone Brick: Stone Bricks gain additional Toughness if they are stacked in rows of 3 and even more if they are stacked in rows of 6.
  • Secondary
    • Stone Half Arch
  • Stairs
    • Stone Steps

Advanced Pieces

  • Doors allow human units to pass through walls and gain additional Toughness if embedded in Stone Bricks.
    • Door