Stonecutters' Camp

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 23:17, 9 October 2024 by mostly willing (talk | contribs) (1.4.15 pass)
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This article was last updated during version 1.4.15. The game is now in 1.6.2. Some information may be out of date. Help us keep the wiki up to date by comparing this article against the patch notes and updating it.

Stonecutters' Camp

Gathering Camp
(Resource Gathering)

An advanced gathering camp. Can collect resources from large and giant gathering nodes in addition to small ones. Can collect: Stone Stone (★★), Clay Clay (★★), Sea Marrow Sea Marrow (★★).

Specialization bonus:
Masonry Masonry (Proficiency) Frogs

Stonecutter's Camp icon.png

2 Worker round.png Worker round.png Workers


10 Storage


10Wood Wood
3Parts Parts
1City score
14Build time
2 × 2Building size

Move Icon.png Movable

ID = 'Stonecutter's Camp'


The Stonecutters' Camp is an advanced camp for stonecutters going out into the wild to gather Stone Stone, Clay Clay and Sea Marrow Sea Marrow. It can gather from large nodes found in Dangerous and Forbidden Glades.

Stonecutters' Camp is an Essential Blueprint that does not need to be unlocked via blueprint selection. It is always available.

Production Chain

Recipes in the Stonecutters' Camp

3 recipes in the Stonecutters' Camp.
Building Grade Ingredient Product
Stonecutters' Camp
Stone Stone
Stonecutters' Camp
Sea Marrow Sea Marrow
Stonecutters' Camp
Clay Clay

Bonus Resources in the Stonecutters' Camp

Large Clay Clay Node: 75% Copper Ore Copper Ore and 30% Roots Roots
Small Clay Clay Node: 50% Copper Ore Copper Ore and 20% Roots Roots

Large Stone Stone Node: 30% Roots Roots, 30% Insects Insects and 10% Copper Ore Copper Ore
Small Stone Stone Node: 20% Roots Roots and 20% Insects Insects

Large Marshlands Stone Stone Node: 40% Algae Algae, 30% Insects Insects and 10% Copper Ore Copper Ore
Small Marshlands Stone Stone Node: 30% Algae Algae and 20% Insects Insects

Large Sea Marrow Sea Marrow Node: 100% Sea Marrow Sea Marrow, 50% Stone Stone and 1% Ancient Tablet Ancient Tablet
Small Sea Marrow Sea Marrow Node: 80% Sea Marrow Sea Marrow and 40% Stone Stone

Perks and Cornerstones

No matching Perks found.
