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Revision as of 13:48, 5 January 2025 by mostly willing (talk | contribs) (added node weighting and references sections. also a point in strategies)
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The Marshlands


Icon Biome Marshlands.png

A harsh and cold land that has been claimed by many different, and extremely resilient species of fungi. The ground here is extremely hard and rocky, making it difficult to farm. This region is most famous for the giant organisms that can be found in its forests.


Gathering Knowledge
The Marshlands are a gatherer's paradise. Gathering speed is increased by 10% for every 2 workers assigned to gathering camps.
Giant Organisms
The Marshlands are home to enormous lifeforms. Giant resource nodes can be found in Forbidden Glades. Each glade will have a different one.


The Marshlands has a small amount of FertileSoil.png Fertile Soil and contains the following Resources:


All trees can be harvested by Woodcutters' Camps to give Wood Wood. They may also grant additional Resources depending on the biome. These trees have 2 charges each.

Trees Charges Bonus Resources Description
Mushwood Tree.png
Mushwood Trees
2 Mushrooms Mushrooms 15% +
Leather Leather 5%
A giant fungal tree covered in a leathery bark.

Natural Resources

Primary Resources Charges → Resource Deposits Bonus Resources Gathering Building Speed
per Unit
Grain Grain 70 → DebugNode SwampWheatBig icon.png Swamp Wheat Field PlantFiber.png 100% + PlantFiber.png 20% Foragers' Camp Foragers' Camp ★★ 00:17 Farming Farming

Humans Humans
12 → DebugNode SwampWheatSmall icon.png Swamp Wheat Field PlantFiber.png 20% Small Foragers' Camp Small Foragers' Camp 00:25
Mushrooms Mushrooms 70 → DebugNode MarshlandsMushroomBig icon.png Grasscap Mushrooms Insects.png 40% Herbalists' Camp Herbalists' Camp ★★ 00:17 Alchemy Alchemy

Harpies Harpies
15 → DebugNode MarshlandsMushroomSmall icon.png Grasscap Mushrooms Insects.png 20% Small Herbalists' Camp Small Herbalists' Camp 00:25
Stone Stone 60 → DebugNode StoneBig icon.png Stone Deposit Roots.png 30% + Insects.png 30% + CopperOre.png 10% Stonecutters' Camp Stonecutters' Camp ★★ 00:05 Icon Spec Masonry.png Masonry

Frogs Frogs
20 → DebugNode StoneSmall icon.png Stone Deposit Roots.png 20% + Insects.png 20%
Meat Meat

Eggs Eggs
70 → DebugNode LeechBroodmotherBig icon.png Leech Broodmother

70 → DebugNode SnakeNestBig icon.png Snake Nest
Leather.png 100% + Leather.png60% + Eggs.png 20%

Leather.png 40% + Meat.png 20%
Trappers' Camp Trappers' Camp ★★ 00:17 Meat production Meat production

Lizards Lizards
15 → DebugNode LeechBroodmotherSmall icon.png Leech Broodmother

15 → DebugNode SnakeNestSmall icon.png Snake Nest
Leather.png 20%

Leather.png 20%
Small Trappers' Camp Small Trappers' Camp 00:25
Leather Leather 60 → Large Strider Molt.png Water Strider Molt Leather.png 100% + Meat.png 40% + Icon Resource Salt.png 20% Harvesters' Camp Harvesters' Camp ★★ 00:05 none
20 → Small Strider Molt.png Water Strider Molt Meat.png 20% + Icon Resource Salt.png 10%
Algae Algae 80 → Algae Pond Icon Resource Algae 1.png 100% + 2 Herbs.png 50% + 2 Icon Resource Fish 1.png 20% Fishing Hut Fishing Hut ★★ 00:08 none
60 → Algae Pond Herbs.png 40% Small Fishing Hut Small Fishing Hut 00:12
Copper Ore Copper Ore

Coal Coal
75 → Copper Vein.png Copper Vein

120 → Coal Vein.png Coal Vein
Clay.png 30%

Stone.png 30%
Mine Mine ★★ 00:40 Engineering Engineering

Beavers Beavers

Unique Forbidden Glades and Resources

The Marshlands only has 3 Forbidden Glades, each with their own unique Giant Resource. Viceroys need to own Advanced Camp Blueprints to take advantage of these resources.

Giant Node Charges → Resource Bonuse Resources Gathering Building Specialization
DebugNode Marshlands InfiniteGrain icon.png
Ancient Proto Wheat
999 → Grain.png Reeds.png 40% + Herbs.png 40% + Oil.png 30% + Amber.png 5% Foragers' Camp Foragers' Camp ★★ Farming Farming

Humans Humans
DebugNode Marshlands InfiniteMeat icon.png
Dead Leviathan
999 → Meat.png Leather.png 40% + SeaMarrow.png 30% + Jerkey.png 30% + CrystalizedDew.png 30% Trappers' Camp Trappers' Camp ★★
Meat production Meat production

Lizards Lizards
DebugNode Marshlands InfiniteMushroom icon.png
Giant Proto Fungus
999 → Mushrooms.png Pigment.png 40% + Waterskins.png 40% + Insects.png 40% + PickledGoods.png 30% Herbalists' Camp Herbalists' Camp ★★ Alchemy Alchemy

Harpies Harpies

Node weighting

  • Algae Ponds have double the normal weighting in this biome. [1]
  • Overgrown Stone Deposits have double the normal weighting. [1]


  • Marshlands' trees don't have any bonus Wood Wood yields. You have to run more Woodcutters' Camps to meet the demand for Wood and fuel, compared to other biomes.
  • Marshlands biome doesn't have any Reed Reed or Plant Fiber Plant Fiber nodes. The best option to make Fabric Fabric is Algae Algae from Algae Ponds. Plant Fiber Plant Fiber from big Swamp Wheat Field nodes is also great, but requires a Foragers' Camp blueprint.
  • Abundant Algae Ponds can serve as sources for both baked foods' inputs. Make use of them, should you get a Flour Flour and Biscuits Biscuits or Pie Pie recipes.
  • Alternative fuels should be a top priority. Processing Meat Meat or Grain Grain into Oil Oil, and setting up a Coal Coal Mine are all good options.
  • Both Gathering Knowledge and low amount of Fertile Soil encourage building a camp-based economy. It is generally a bad idea to pick a farming blueprint on Marshlands without a plot of Fertile Soil already available or revealed in a nearby Glade by Humans Humans' Starting Ability.
  • Giant nodes are effectively infinite and have a variety of bonus yields. Focusing on getting to the nearest Forbidden Glade within the first 3-4 years is a powerful strategy, as long as you obtain a blueprint for the node you get. Once you get to, for example, a Giant Proto Fungus, build a Small Hearth and Warehouse nearby, as well as some Herbalists' Camps.
  • Master Blueprint Cornerstone is a stand-out pick on Marshlands because Gathering Knowledge counteracts Master Blueprint's gathering speed penalty, and having access to all of the camps eliminates the possibility of getting to a Giant node without an Advanced Camp blueprint for it.
  • Consider using big Stone Stone deposits for food if your villagers are at risk of starvation. 60% chance of bonus food yields combined with Stonecutters' Camp's short production cycle will keep villagers fed at least until Stone nodes run out.
  • While Gathering Knowledge is strong with raw food camps (especially the small versions), it's weak with Stonecutters' and Harvesters' camps because of their short production cycle. With no upgrades and 10 workers assigned to camps, Gathering Knowledge is going to cut a Stonecutters' Camp production cycle by 2.5 seconds, Foragers' Camp cycle by almost 6 seconds, and almost 8.5 seconds for Small Foragers' Camp.


  1. Datamining done by Discord user @forwindz (Analysis tab)

See Also