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Food (Complex Food)

"Preserved, dried meat. Liked by: Lizards, Harpies. Villagers with a satisfied need for jerky have an increased chance of producing double yields. Produced in: Smokehouse, Butcher, Apothecary, Kiln"

Icon Resource Jerky.png

Needed by: Lizard Harpy



0.14AmberValue when sold
0.07AmberValue after P10
0.28AmberTraders' price

ID = `[Food Processed] Jerky`


Jerky is a Complex Food preferred by Lizards Lizards and Harpies Harpies. Each of your Villagers that fulfills their need for Jerky receives +4 to their Resolve.

Production Chain

Recipes for Jerky

3 recipes for Jerky.
Building Grade Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Product
Kiln Kiln

6 Insects Insects
6 Meat Meat
5 Wood Wood
2 Oil Oil
2 Salt Salt
1 Coal Coal
1 Sea Marrow Sea Marrow
10 Jerky
Apothecary Apothecary
Butcher Butcher
5 Insects Insects
5 Meat Meat
5 Wood Wood
2 Oil Oil
2 Salt Salt
1 Coal Coal
1 Sea Marrow Sea Marrow
10 Jerky
Smokehouse Smokehouse
4 Insects Insects
4 Meat Meat
5 Wood Wood
2 Oil Oil
2 Salt Salt
1 Coal Coal
1 Sea Marrow Sea Marrow
10 Jerky

Recipes with Jerky as an Ingredient

3 recipes using Jerky.
Building Grade Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Product
Field Kitchen Field Kitchen

5 Insects Insects
5 Meat Meat
5 Mushrooms Mushrooms
5 Fish Fish
4 Jerky Jerky
5 Vegetables Vegetables
5 Roots Roots
5 Berries Berries
5 Eggs Eggs
10 Skewers Skewers
Cookhouse Cookhouse
Furnace Furnace
Butcher Butcher
3 Insects Insects
3 Meat Meat
3 Mushrooms Mushrooms
3 Fish Fish
2 Jerky Jerky
4 Vegetables Vegetables
4 Roots Roots
4 Berries Berries
4 Eggs Eggs
10 Skewers Skewers
Grill Grill
2 Insects Insects
2 Meat Meat
2 Mushrooms Mushrooms
2 Fish Fish
1 Jerky Jerky
3 Vegetables Vegetables
3 Roots Roots
3 Berries Berries
3 Eggs Eggs
10 Skewers Skewers

Perks and Cornerstones

6 Perks with ID 'Butcher +50' and named 'Jerky' and mentioning 'Jerky'
Name Rarity Description Sources Price
Alt Cor Ord Rel Tra
Cannibalism (Stormforged) Cannibalism (Stormforged) Mythic Gain 40 Meat Meat and 20 Jerky Jerky every time a villager dies or leaves. Alt x x x x 0
Meat Cleavers Meat Cleavers Epic +50% to amount of goods produced in the Butcher. x x Ord x x 0
Sahilda's Secret Cookbook Sahilda's Secret Cookbook Epic Top 10 tips on how to cook more efficiently - by Sahilda. Gain 10 Jerky Jerky for every 10 Pie Pie produced. x Cor x Rel Tra 26
Salted Jerky Salted Jerky Uncommon +2 to Jerky Jerky production. Gain an additional Jerky Jerky every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x Ord Rel x 0
Salted Jerky Salted Jerky Rare +3 to Jerky Jerky production. Gain an additional Jerky Jerky every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x Ord x Tra 24
Salted Jerky Salted Jerky Epic +5 to Jerky Jerky production. Gain an additional Jerky Jerky every yield (from gathering, farming, fishing, or production). x x Ord x x 0


Jerky is a typical reward from Orders, especially ones involving the Lizards, which can reward 40 Jerky or +1 to Jerky production.

There is an order that requires you to fulfill the need for Jerky in a certain number of your Villagers. Take note that this means that that many need to simultaneously have the need fulfilled and then held at that level for the duration of the timer. Therefore, you cannot complete this order until you have at least that many villagers that want Jerky in your settlement. Further, if your production is slow or you can only afford to buy a few from the Trader, consider disabling consumption for Jerky until you can be certain that it will be used quickly and can sustain the duration of the timer for the order.

Jerky can be acquired from a Trader. They have a value of 0.14 Amber Amber, which is considerably less than other Complex Foods. Therefore, a stack of 40 is worth 5.6 Amber to the trader.

If you use Wood Wood or Sea Marrow Sea Marrow for the Fuel-type ingredient, then Jerky can be one of the first Complex Foods you can produce in your settlement.