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This article was last updated during version 1.3.3. The game is now in 1.6.2. Some information may be out of date. Help us keep the wiki up to date by comparing this article against the patch notes and updating it.

Embarking is when viceroys select where they want to go for their next mission and select what to bring with them.


After looking around the World Map, viceroys choose a tile for their next mission. This tile is defined by its biome and any adjacent map modifiers. When zoomed in, you can see more information about the tile before starting the mission, including the expected experience points, the resource nodes available in that biome, and any special biome mechanics (for example, archaeology in the Scarlet Orchard). Once zoomed in, the next few things can be done in any order:

  • Caravans: Select which caravan of villagers they want to start out with. Caravans consist of some random number of three Species, although one of the species will be unknown at this point. Caravans also bring with them a crate of standard starting goods and then a random assortment of other useful goods, which can include things like extra fuel or food.
  • Embarkation Points: Select how they want to spend their embarkation points. Viceroys can bring extra food, fuel, or even blueprints with them once they are unlocked by purchasing Upgrades in the Smoldering City. These Blueprints have a baseline cost of embarkation points, and then will randomly cost one more or one fewer points each mission. (For example, one mission you may see the Herbalists' Camp cost 4 points, and the next one 5.)
  • Difficulty: Select the Difficulty for the mission and preview the effects this will have, including any negative modifiers from Prestige difficulty levels.


Caravan menu

The caravan you pick before Embarking, along with the Embarkation points you spend, are going to determine the species and number of your starting villagers, as well as your starting resources. You only have 2 caravans available in the caravan menu when starting out. In order to unlock the third one, you have to acquire Pioneers’ Gate level 5 upgrade.

Only 1 or 2 of the starting species can be known before you start a settlement, never all 3. All 3 species are set in stone upon Embarkation - there is no way to affect what species your settlement is going to have after Embarkation.

Before World Events increase or decrease the number of starting villagers, every caravan has 6-8 villagers, as well as Base Goods, 2-4 Bonus Goods, and a 50% chance for 2 additional villagers. Additionally, all active World Event bonus resources will show up under Base Goods if you hover over the Base Goods icon (under the first species' icon, to the left of Bonus Goods). Pioneers' Gate level 3 and 9 upgrades increase the amount of Embarkation resources by 20% each, but they do not increase the amount of World Event goods.

Base Goods
No upgrades Full Citadel
30 Eggs Eggs 42 Eggs Eggs
20 Parts Parts 28 Parts Parts
4 Wildfire Essence Wildfire Essence 6 Wildfire Essence Wildfire Essence
10 Wood Wood 14 Wood Wood
20 Coal Coal 28 Coal Coal
7 Planks Planks
7 Bricks Bricks
7 Fabric Fabric
14 Pipes Pipes
Bonus Goods
Caravan Foods (1-2)
Food Amount
Base Full Citadel
Eggs Eggs 20 28
Meat Meat 20 28
Roots Roots 20 28
Berries Berries 20 28
Mushrooms Mushrooms 20 28
Vegetables Vegetables 20 28
Insects Insects 20 28
Caravan Other (1-2)
Resource Amount Resource Amount Resource Amount
Base Full Citadel Base Full Citadel Base Full Citadel
Amber Amber 5 7 Crystalized Dew Crystalized Dew 10 14 Coats Coats 20 28
Tools Tools 10 14 Copper Bars Copper Bars 10 14 Jerky Jerky 20 28
Parts Parts 5 7 Stone Stone 20 28 Skewers Skewers 20 28
Barrels Barrels 20 28 Reed Reed 20 28 Pie Pie 20 28
Pottery Pottery 20 28 Leather Leather 20 28 Pickled Goods Pickled Goods 20 28
Waterskins Waterskins 20 28 Clay Clay 20 28 Biscuits Biscuits 20 28
Planks Planks 15 21 Plant Fiber Plant Fiber 20 28 Pipes Pipes 5 7
Fabric Fabric 10 14 Oil Oil 20 28 Porridge Porridge 20 28
Bricks Bricks 10 14 Grain Grain 20 28 Sea Marrow Sea Marrow 20 28

Embarkation Costs

The cost of Embarkation Bonuses will change with every caravan, this is to encourage players to try out different starting patterns. They are as follows, per Discord user @cron3052:

Bonus Cost
Amber Amber 3 - 5
Icon MetaReward BlueprintChoice.png Blueprints 4 - 6
Bricks Bricks / Fabric Fabric 2 - 4
Coal Coal / Oil Oil 3 - 5
3 CornerstoneReroll.png Cornerstone Rerolls 1 - 2
FlatIcon Order DeliverGoods.png Delivery Lines 5 - 7
Eggs Eggs / Roots Roots / Wood Wood 1
Meat Meat / Vegetables Vegetables 1 - 2
Pack of Provisions Pack of Provisions / Parts Parts 3 - 4
Planks Planks 2 - 3
Reed Reed / Leather Leather 2
Stone Stone / Clay Clay 2
Icon UI RandomVillager.png Villagers 2

Difficulty selection
