
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 15:38, 3 December 2023 by Aeredor (talk | contribs) (forgot to load the data!)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:PerksData/doc

--- Module for compiling perks information from wiki data sources. Restructures
--- the flat data tables that are produced from CsvUtils to make them more
--- conducive to Lua methods that need to display the information.
--- The standard way of using this module is a call like the following:
--- iconFilename = PerksData.getIconFilename(perkID)
--- This will return a string corresponding to the filename of the icon of the
--- perk, including the .png extension. It is preferable to call getter methods
--- with the ID of the perk rather than retrieving the entire record for the
--- perk, so that your code stays protected from variations in this module.
--- The getter methods are all called with the ID of the perk, not their
--- plain-language display name, so there are many duplicates.
--- * plainLanguageName = PerksData.getNameByID(id)
--- * longDescription = PerksData.getDescriptionByID(id)
--- * iconFilename = PerksData.getIconByID(id)
--- * isFromCornerstone = PerksData.isFromCornerstoneByID(id)
--- * isFromTrader = PerksData.isFromTraderByID(id)
--- * isFromOrder = PerksData.isFromOrderByID(id)
--- * isFromEvent = PerksData.isFromEventByID(id)
--- * rarityConstant = PerksData.getRarityByID(id)
--- * isMatch = PerksData.isRarityMatchByID(id, rarity)
--- * isUncommon = PerksData.isRarityUncommonByID(id)
--- * isRare = PerksData.isRarityRareByID(id)
--- * isEpic = PerksData.isRarityEpicByID(id)
--- * isLegendary = PerksData.isRarityLegendaryByID(id)
--- * price = PerksData.getPriceByID(id)
--- Note that display names, or plain language names, are very likely to have
--- duplicates in the list of perks.
--- You can also use this method, although it is more likely to break.
--- * enumValue = PerksData.getRarity(id)
--- The rarity constants are public and may be used. You are encouraged to
--- refer directly to the constants themselves rather than comparing them to
--- what might seem to be appropriate string literals, like `== "Epic"`. For
--- example, use this kind of statement instead.
--- if PerksData.getRarity(perkID) == PerksData.RARITY_EPIC then
--- Then render your own string literal to display. This guidance may change
--- in the future.
--- There is a method to retrieve the table of sources, but it is advised to
--- instead use the getter methods isFromTrader, isFromOrder, and isFromEvent
--- instead. If you must get the table, there is a getAll method:
--- * sourcesTable = PerksData.getAllSources(id)
--- As a last resort, or if you need to transform the data structure, you can
--- call the method getAllDataForPerkByID(id). This returns a whole record from
--- the data table.
--- The data table for perks has the following structure:
--- perksTable = {
--- 	["perk1_ID"] = {
--- 		["id"] = "perk1_ID",
--- 		["displayName"] = "Plain Language Name",
--- 		["description"] = "A long string with some HTML entities too.",
--- 		["iconFilename"] = "Icon_filename.png",
--- 		["sources"] = {
--- 			[1] = SOURCE_ORDER, for examples
--- 			[2] = SOURCE_RELIC,
--- 			[4] = ... or missing if fewer
--- 		},
--- 		["rarity"] = PerksData.RARITY_EPIC, for example
--- 		["price"] = 99
--- 	},
--- 	["perk2_ID"] = {
--- 		...
--- 	},
--- 	["perk3_ID"] = {
--- 		...
--- 	},
--- 	...
--- }
--- @module PerksData
local PerksData = {}

local CsvUtils = require("Module:CsvUtils")

--region Private member variables

--- Main data tables, like this: table[ID] = table containing data for that ID
local perksTable

--- Supporting table, list of names table[index] = ID.
local perksIDs

--- Lookup maps. Built once and reused on all subsequent calls within this
--- session, like this: table[displayName] = ID
local mapNamesToIDs


--region Public enums

PerksData.RARITY_UNCOMMON = "Uncommon"
PerksData.RARITY_RARE = "Rare"
PerksData.RARITY_EPIC = "Epic"
PerksData.RARITY_LEGENDARY = "Legendary"


--region Private constants

local DATA_TEMPLATE_NAME = "Template:Perks_csv"

local VALUE_DIVISOR = 10

local INDEX_ID = "id"
local INDEX_NAME = "displayName"
local INDEX_DESCRIPTION = "description"
local INDEX_ICON_FILENAME = "iconFilename"
local INDEX_SOURCES = "sources"
local INDEX_RARITY = "rarity"
local INDEX_PRICE = "price"

local SOURCE_CORNERSTONE = "Cornerstone"
local SOURCE_ORDER = "Order"
local SOURCE_RELIC = "Relic"
local SOURCE_TRADER = "Trader"

	[PerksData.RARITY_UNCOMMON] = true,
	[PerksData.RARITY_RARE] = true,
	[PerksData.RARITY_EPIC] = true,
	[PerksData.RARITY_LEGENDARY] = true


--region Private methods

--- Removes some markup and processing leftovers from the CSV extraction.
---@param originalPerkDescription string the perk's description
---@return string the cleaned description
local function cleanDescription(originalPerkDescription)

	-- remove the <sprite> tags completely
	originalPerkDescription = originalPerkDescription:gsub("<sprite[^>]+>%s?", "")

	-- remove the HTML entities from the beginning and end
	originalPerkDescription = originalPerkDescription:gsub("^&quot;(.*)&quot;$", "%1")

	-- swap any last duplicated quotes
	return originalPerkDescription:gsub("&quot;&quot;", "&quot;")

--- Creates a new subtable containing the sources of the specified perk.
---@param originalPerkSources string list from which to extract sources
---@return table subtable with the sources
local function makeSourcesSubtable(originalPerkSources)

	local sources = {}

	-- Sub in any HTML entities for actual commas. This was originally critical
	-- to have the CSV data correctly parsed, but now we have to undo it to
	-- correctly split up these values.
	originalPerkSources = originalPerkSources:gsub("&comma;", ",")
	originalPerkSources = originalPerkSources:gsub("&quot;", "")

	-- Split on commas. We can use the + here because there are no blanks.
	for sourceName in originalPerkSources:gmatch("([^,]+)") do

		table.insert(sources, sourceName)

	return sources

--- Transforms the oldPerksTable returned from CSV processing to be more
--- conducive to member functions looking up data. Essentially, we convert the
--- text strings into tables with the same base name and an index.
---@param originalPerksTable table of CSV-based table, with a header row, data rows
---@return table better structured with IDs as keys
local function restructurePerksTable(originalPerksTable)

	-- A few constants we'll need only within this function.
	local DATA_ROWS = 2
	local INDEX_OLD_ID = 1
	local INDEX_OLD_NAME = 2
	local INDEX_OLD_PRICE = 7

	perksIDs = {}
	mapNamesToIDs = {}

	local newPerksTable = {}
	for _, originalPerk in ipairs(originalPerksTable[DATA_ROWS]) do

		-- Copy over the content, mapping unhelpful indexes into header keys
		local newPerk = {}
		newPerk[INDEX_ID] = originalPerk[INDEX_OLD_ID]
		newPerk[INDEX_NAME] = originalPerk[INDEX_OLD_NAME]
		newPerk[INDEX_DESCRIPTION] = cleanDescription(originalPerk[INDEX_OLD_DESCRIPTION])
		newPerk[INDEX_ICON_FILENAME] = originalPerk[INDEX_OLD_ICON_FILENAME] .. ".png"
		newPerk[INDEX_RARITY] = originalPerk[INDEX_OLD_RARITY]

		newPerk[INDEX_SOURCES] = makeSourcesSubtable(originalPerk[INDEX_OLD_SOURCES])

		newPerksTable[ newPerk[INDEX_ID] ] = newPerk

		table.insert(perksIDs, newPerk[INDEX_ID])

		-- Also populate the map for looking up IDs with display names
		if not mapNamesToIDs[ newPerk[INDEX_NAME] ] then
			mapNamesToIDs[ newPerk[INDEX_NAME] ] = {}
		table.insert(mapNamesToIDs[ newPerk[INDEX_NAME] ], newPerk[INDEX_ID])

	return newPerksTable

--- Data loader function that uses the utility module and restructures the data
--- to be easier to access for invoking methods and later method calls. This
--- method is automatically called by all public member functions if the main
--- data table has not yet been populated in the current session.
local function loadData()

	-- Utility module retrieves the data as basic, flat lua tables.
	-- Doesn't use the header lookup.
	local originalPerksTable, _ = CsvUtils.luaTableFromCSV(CsvUtils.extractCSV(DATA_TEMPLATE_NAME))

	-- Now restructure to be more conducive.
	perksTable = restructurePerksTable(originalPerksTable)


--region Public methods

--- Retrieve the whole table of data for the specified perk. Instead of this,
--- you should probably be calling the individual getter methods.
--- Throws an error if called with nil or empty string. Returns nil if the
--- specified perk cannot be found.
--- @param id string ID of the perk
--- @return table containing the data for the specified perk with key-value pairs, or nil if not found
function PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(id)

	-- At runtime, this should never be nil or empty.
	if not id or id == "" then
		error("Parameter is nil or empty for the perk's ID.")

	if not perksTable then

	return perksTable[id]

--- Get the IDs of all the Perks that are named the same thing.
--- Returns a table of IDs, since it's unknown how many there could be.
--- @param displayName string plain-language name of the perk
--- @return table of IDs of the Perk found, or an empty table if none found
function PerksData.getAllPerkIDsByName(displayName)

	if not perksTable then

	local foundPerkIDs = mapNamesToIDs[displayName]

	if not foundPerkIDs or #foundPerkIDs == 0 then
		return {}

	return foundPerkIDs

--- Retrieves the display name of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return string the name of the perk
function PerksData.getNameByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	return perk[INDEX_NAME]

--- Retrieves the description of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return string the description of the perk
function PerksData.getDescriptionByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil


--- Retrieves the display name of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return string the icon filename of the perk, including the .png extension
function PerksData.getIconByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil


--- Retrieves all the sources of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found.
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return table of sources, strings
function PerksData.getAllSourcesByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	return perk[INDEX_SOURCES]

--- Retrieves the number of sources of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found.
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return number of sources for this perk
function PerksData.getNumberOfSourcesByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	local sourcesTable = perk[INDEX_SOURCES]

	if not sourcesTable then
		return nil

	return #sourcesTable

--- Checks all the sources to see whether the specified source is found.
function PerksData.isAnySource(perkID, sourceToCheck)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	for _, source in ipairs(perk[INDEX_SOURCES]) do

		if source == sourceToCheck then
			return true

	return false

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID comes from a Cornerstone.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found.
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk comes from a Cornerstone
function PerksData.isFromCornerstoneByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isAnySource(perkID, SOURCE_CORNERSTONE)

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID comes from a Order.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk comes from a Order
function PerksData.isFromOrderByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isAnySource(perkID, SOURCE_ORDER)

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID comes from an Event.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk comes from an Event
function PerksData.isFromEventByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isAnySource(perkID, SOURCE_RELIC)

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID comes from a Trader.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk comes from a Trader
function PerksData.isFromTraderByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isAnySource(perkID, SOURCE_TRADER)

--- Retrieves the rarity of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found.
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return string one of the rarity constants
function PerksData.getRarityByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	return perk[INDEX_RARITY]

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID is of the given rarity.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@param rarityToCheck string of the rarity constants
---@return boolean whether the perk has the specified rarity
function PerksData.isRarityMatchByID(perkID, rarityToCheck)

	-- Do some basic verification on the rarity specified and throw an error
	-- if it is wrong at runtime.
	if not SWITCH_RARITIES_CHECK[rarityToCheck] then
		error("Specified rarity is not valid.")

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	return perk[INDEX_RARITY] == rarityToCheck

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID is of Uncommon rarity.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk is Uncommon
function PerksData.isRarityUncommonByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isRarityMatchByID(perkID, PerksData.RARITY_UNCOMMON)

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID is of Rare rarity.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk is Rare
function PerksData.isRarityRareByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isRarityMatchByID(perkID, PerksData.RARITY_RARE)

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID is of Epic rarity.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk is Epic
function PerksData.isRarityEpicByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isRarityMatchByID(perkID, PerksData.RARITY_EPIC)

--- Retrieves whether the perk specified by its ID is of Legendary rarity.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return boolean whether the perk is Legendary
function PerksData.isRarityLegendaryByID(perkID)

	return PerksData.isRarityMatchByID(perkID, PerksData.RARITY_LEGENDARY)

--- Retrieves the price of the perk specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the perk was not found.
---@param perkID string the ID of the perk
---@return number the price of the perk from a trader
function PerksData.getPriceByID(perkID)

	local perk = PerksData.getAllDataForPerkByID(perkID)

	if not perk then
		return nil

	return perk[INDEX_PRICE]

--- Loop through all perks and return those whose names contain the
--- specified search term.
---@param searchTerm string terms to search for
---@return table list of perkIDs with a match in their description
function PerksData.getAllPerkIDsWhereName(searchTerm)

	if not searchTerm then
		return {}

	if not perksTable then

	local list = {}
	for perkID, perk in pairs(perksTable) do

		if string.lower(perk[INDEX_NAME]):find(string.lower(searchTerm)) then
			table.insert(list, perkID)

	return list

--- Loop through all perks and return those whose descriptions contain the
--- specified search term.
---@param searchTerm string terms to search for
---@return table list of perkIDs with a match in their description
function PerksData.getAllPerkIDsWhereDescription(searchTerm)

	if not searchTerm then
		return {}

	if not perksTable then

	local list = {}
	for perkID, perk in pairs(perksTable) do

		if string.lower(perk[INDEX_DESCRIPTION]):find(string.lower(searchTerm)) then
			table.insert(list, perkID)

	return list


return PerksData