
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 16:37, 28 November 2023 by Aeredor (talk | contribs) (Created to make building material tables easier)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Construction/doc

--- Generates a small, inline-style table to show building materials. I tried
--- to do this with parser functions, but couldn't control the layout enough.
---@module Construction
local Construction = {}

--region Private constants

local RL_PLANKS = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title="rl", args = {
    resource = "Planks", iconsize = "med" } }
local RL_BRICKS = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title="rl", args = {
    resource = "Bricks", iconsize = "med" } }
local RL_FABRIC = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title="rl", args = {
    resource = "Fabric", iconsize = "med" } }
local RL_PARTS = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title="rl", args = {
    resource = "Parts", iconsize = "med" } }

local BOLD = "'''"


--region Private methods

--- Adds a simple table row with data cells to the provided HTML table entity.
---@param htmlTable table an HTML table entity
---@param amount number of building material
---@param resourceLink string one of the constants representing a resource link template invocation
local function makeRow(htmlTable, amount, resourceLink)

    local row = htmlTable:tag("tr")
    row:tag("td"):wikitext(BOLD .. amount .. BOLD):done()

    return row


--region Public methods

--- Writes a simple HTML table with the specified template parameters
---@param frame table MediaWiki context
function Construction.renderTable(frame)

    local planks = frame.args.Planks
    local bricks = frame.args.Bricks
    local fabric = frame.args.Fabric
    local parts = frame.args.Parts

    local htmlTable = mw.html.create("table")

    if planks and planks > 0 then
        makeRow(htmlTable, planks, RL_PLANKS)
    if bricks and bricks > 0 then
        makeRow(htmlTable, bricks, RL_BRICKS)
    if fabric and fabric > 0 then
        makeRow(htmlTable, fabric, RL_FABRIC)
    if parts and parts > 0 then
        makeRow(htmlTable, parts, RL_PARTS)

    return htmlTable


return Construction