Sealed Forest

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
The Sealed Forest


The Sealed Forest, a biome that unfolds its mysteries only at the culmination of one's journey. To gain entry into this realm and seal the dreaded Seal away for good, one must amass a requisite number of Shards during the course of their odyssey.

Requirements for Entry

Depending on the Seal type, a Viceroy will need a specified amount of Seal Fragments to enter the Sealed Forest. Viceroys will also need to be within reach of the Sealed Forest with at least 1 year left in the run. Upon entry, Viceroys have an indefinite amount of years to complete this Biome and close the Seal, no matter how many years they had left in the run.

Seal Fragments are earned by Viceorys upon completion of Settlements. Negative Modifiers grant a higher number of Seal Fragments , and has a chance to grant a Royal Resupply, from where Viceroys can choose to receive 5 additional Seal Fragments.

Seals Seal Fragments
Spawned fields
from Citadel
Bronze 1 - -
Lead 12 Pioneer 11
Silver 20 Veteran 13
Gold 35 Viceroy 15
Platinum 45 Prestige 5 18
Cobalt 60 Prestige 10 21
Titanium 75 Prestige 15 24
Adamantine 28 Prestige 20 -

Seal Quests


The Tower


See Also