
From Against the Storm Official Wiki
Revision as of 17:26, 12 February 2023 by Aeredor (talk | contribs) (added brick oven. added require for recipe data to simplify storage of connections into just one module)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:BuildingData/doc

-- This module primarily supplies data and lookup functions for other modules 
-- that support templates like {{Building_link}}.
-- The main data table stores all available data about buildings themselves 
-- and relies on other modules to store relationships between buildings and 
-- products, services, etc.
-- The helper functions include getters (to keep the data hidden) and a large
-- deconfliction method to provide some robustness when using the template
-- and from other Lua modules. Looking up a building requires using in-game 
-- names, but forgives small differences in spacing, apostrophes, and plurals.

-- Please help keep this table updated as the game is updated.
-- @module BuildingData
local BuildingData = {}

-- Class Variables
local RecipeData = require("Module:RecipeData") -- used to get recipe data

-- Constants
-- Specializations
local S_ALCH = "Alchemy"
local S_BREW = "Brewing"
local S_CLOT = "Cloth"
local S_ENGI = "Engineering"
local S_MEAT = "Meat production"
local S_WARM = "Warmth"
local S_WOOD = "Wood"

-- Resource names of building costs
local C_BRICK = "Bricks"
local C_FABRI = "Fabric"
local C_PARTS = "Parts"
local C_PIPES = "Pipes"
local C_PLANK = "Planks"

-- Rain types for rain engines
local R_DRIZZ = "Drizzle Water"
local R_CLEAR = "Clearance Water"
local R_STORM = "Storm Water"

-- Primary data table for this module.
-- This table stores the details of buildings according to in-game information.
-- A design decision of this table is to make the key the same as the page 
-- name, so that whenever .page is referenced, it can be used again to retrieve 
-- the rest of the data. (The lookup method will handle converting it to 
-- lowercase.)
-- Structure:
-- @key a lowercase version of the building name, with the same spaces, 
-- apostrophes, singular, and spelling
-- @field iconfile a string of the filename.png of the icon used in the 
-- game, case-sensitive and must include extension, but without the "File:"
-- @field page the name of the wiki page, case-sensitive, but otherwise 
-- must be the same as the key
-- @field spec1[opt] the first specialization listed in the in-game 
-- encyclopedia (use the constants, above), if any
-- @field spec2[opt] the second specialization listed in the in-game 
-- encyclopedia (use the constants, above), if any
-- @field cost1 the first listed resource cost in the in-game encyclopedia 
-- (use constants, above)
-- @field cost2 the second listed resource cost in the in-game encyclopedia 
-- (use constants, above), if any
-- @field cost3 the third listed resource cost in the in-game encyclopedia 
-- (use constants, above), if any
-- @field workers the number of worker slots
-- @field raintype the color of rain used in the Rain Engine of this building 
-- (use constants, above), if any
-- @field description the in-game description text, in plain text
-- @table tBuildingData the primary data table for buildings
local tBuildingData = { 
	-- Starting Buildings
	["ancient hearth"] = {iconfile="Small Hearth icon.png", page="Ancient Hearth", spec1=S_WARM, workers=1, description="The heart of the colony is protected by the Holy Flame. {{Villagers}} gather here to rest, eat, and receive clothing. If the fire goes out, people will lose hope. Can't be moved. Size: 4x4."},
	["main warehouse"] = {iconfile="Main_Storage_icon.png", page="Main Warehouse"},
	-- Camps
	["foragers' camp"] = {iconfile="Forager's Camp icon", page="Foragers' Camp"},
	["harvesters' camp"] = {iconfile="Harvester Camp icon.png", page="Harvesters' Camp"},
	["herbalists' camp"] = {iconfile="Herbalist's_Camp_icon.png", page="Herbalists' Camp"},
	["stonecutters' camp"] = {iconfile="Stonecutter's Camp icon.png", page="Stonecutters' Camp"},
	["trappers' camp"] = {iconfile="Trapper's Camp icon.png", page="Trappers' Camp"},
	["woodcutters' camp"] = {iconfile="Woodcutters Camp icon", page="Woodcutters' Camp"},
	-- Farms
	["farm field"] = {iconfile="Farmfield_icon.png", page="Farm Field"},
	["greenhouse"] = {iconfile="Greenhouse_icon.png", page="Greenhouse"},
	["herb garden"] = {iconfile="HerbGarden_icon.png", page="Herb Garden"},
	["plantation"] = {iconfile="Plantation_icon.png", page="Plantation"},
	["small farm"] = {iconfile="SmallFarm_icon.png", page="Small Farm"},
	-- Food production
	["bakery"] = {iconfile="Bakery_icon.png", page="Bakery"},
	["butcher"] = {iconfile="Butcher_icon.png", page="Butcher"},
	["cellar"] = {iconfile="Cellar_icon.png", page="Cellar"},
	["cookhouse"] = {iconfile="Cookhouse_icon.png", page="Cookhouse"},
	["field kitchen"] = {iconfile="Field_Kitchen_icon.png", page="Field Kitchen"},
	["granary"] = {iconfile="Granary_icon.png", page="Granary"},
	["grill"] = {iconfile="Grill_icon.png", page="Grill"},
	["ranch"] = {iconfile="Ranch_icon.png", page="Ranch"},
	["smokehouse"] = {iconfile="Smokehouse_icon.png", page="Smokehouse"},
	-- Housing
	["shelter"] = {iconfile="Shelter icon.png", page="Shelter"},
	["big shelter"] = {iconfile="Big Shelter icon.png", page="Big Shelter"},
	["human house"] = {iconfile="Human House icon.png", page="Human House"},
	["beaver house"] = {iconfile="Beaver House icon.png", page="Beaver House"},
	["lizard house"] = {iconfile="Lizard House icon.png", page="Lizard House"},
	["harpy house"] = {iconfile="Harpy House icon.png", page="Harpy House"},
	-- Industry
	["crude workstation"] = {iconfile="Crude_Workstation_icon.png", page="Crude Workstation"},
	["makeshift post"] = {iconfile="Makeshift_Post_icon.png", page="Makeshift Post"},
	["advanced rain collector"] = {iconfile="Advanced_Rain_Collector_icon.png", page="Advanced Rain Collector", spec1=S_ENGI, spec2=S_ALCH, cost1=C_PIPES, cost2=C_PARTS, cost3=C_PLANK, description="Can collect [[infused rainwater]] used for crafting and powering [[Rain Engines]] in production buildings. The type of collected rainwater depends on the [[season]]. Can't be moved. Size: 3x2."},
	["alchemist's hut"] = {iconfile="Alchemist_Hut_icon.png", page="Alchemist's Hut", spec1=S_ALCH, spec2=S_BREW, cost1=C_PLANK, cost2=C_BRICK, workers=2, recipe1="Crystalized Dew", grade1=2, recipe2="Cosmetics", grade2=2, recipe3="Wine", grade3=2, description="Can produce: {{rl|Crystalized Dew}} {{P2Star}}, {{rl|Cosmetics}} {{P2star}}, {{rl|Wine}} {{P2Star}}. Can use: {{rl|Clearance Water}}. Can't be moved. Size: 3x2."},
	["apothecary"] = {iconfile="Apothecary_icon.png", page="Apothecary", spec1=S_ALCH, cost1=C_PLANK, cost2=C_BRICK, workers=2, recipe1="Cosmetics", grade1=2, recipe2="Incense", grade2=2, recipe3="Biscuits", grade3=2, description="Can produce: {{rl|Cosmetics}} {{P2Star}}, {{rl|Incense}} {{P2Star}}, {{rl|Biscuits}} {{P2Star}}. Can use: {{rl|Clearance Water}}. Can't be moved. Size: 3x3."},
	["artisan"] = {iconfile="Artisan_icon.png", page="Artisan"},
	["brewery"] = {iconfile="Brewery_icon.png", page="Brewery"},
	["brick oven"] = {iconfile="Brick_Oven_icon.png", page="Brick Oven"},
	["brickyard"] = {iconfile="Brickyard_icon.png", page="Brickyard"},
	["carpenter"] = {iconfile="Carpenter_icon.png", page="Carpenter"},
	["clothier"] = {iconfile="Clothier_icon.png", page="Clothier"},
	["cooperage"] = {iconfile="Cooperage_icon.png", page="Cooperage"},
	["druid's hut"] = {iconfile="Druid_icon.png", page="Druid's Hut"},
	["flawless brewery"] = {iconfile="Brewery_icon.png", page="Flawless Brewery"},
	["flawless rain mill"] = {iconfile="Rain_Mill_icon.png", page="Flawless Rain Mill"},
	["furnace"] = {iconfile="Furnace_icon.png", page="Furnace"},
	["kiln"] = {iconfile="Kiln_icon.png", page="Kiln"},
	["leatherworker"] = {iconfile="Leatherworks_icon.png", page="Leatherworker"},
	["lumber mill"] = {iconfile="Lumbermill_icon.png", page="Lumber Mill"},
	["mine"] = {iconfile="Mine_icon.png", page="Mine"},
	["press"] = {iconfile="Press_icon.png", page="Press"},
	["provisioner"] = {iconfile="Provisioner_icon.png", page="Provisioner"},
	["rain collector"] = {iconfile="Rain_Collector_icon.png", page="Rain Collector"},
	["rain mill"] = {iconfile="Rain_Mill_icon.png", page="Rain Mill"},
	["scribe"] = {iconfile="Scribe_icon.png", page="Scribe"},
	["smelter"] = {iconfile="Smelter_icon.png", page="Smelter"},
	["toolshop"] = {iconfile="Toolshop_icon.png", page="Toolshop"},
	["weaver"] = {iconfile="Weaver_icon.png", page="Weaver"},
	-- City Buildings
	["archaeologist's office"] = {iconfile="Archeologist_office_icon.png", page="Archaeologist's Office", cost1=C_PLANK, cost2=C_BRICK, cost3=C_FABRI, description="A building designed to help you study the past. Can be [[upgrade]]d to locate [[archaeological discoveries]] or improve [[exploration]] capabilities. Can be moved for: 5 {{rl|Wood}}. Size: 3x3."},
	["small hearth"] = {iconfile="Temporary_Hearth_icon.png", page="Small Hearth"},
	["warehouse"] = {iconfile="Storage_icon.png", page="Warehouse"},
	["trading post"] = {iconfile="Trading_Post_icon.png", page="Trading Post"},
	["blight post"] = {iconfile="Blight_Post_icon.png", page="Blight Post"},
	["hydrant"] = {iconfile="Hydrant_icon.png", page="Hydrant"},
	["forsaken altar"] = {iconfile="Altar_icon.png", page="Forsaken Altar"},
	-- Service Buildings
	["bath house"] = {iconfile="Bath_House_icon.png", page="Bath House"},
	["clan hall"] = {iconfile="Clan_Hall_icon.png", page="Clan Hall"},
	["explorers' lodge"] = {iconfile="Explorers_Lodge_icon.png", page="Explorers' Lodge"},
	["guild house"] = {iconfile="Guild_House_icon.png", page="Guild House"},
	["monastery"] = {iconfile="Monastery_icon.png", page="Monastery"},
	["tavern"] = {iconfile="Tavern_icon.png", page="Tavern"},
	["temple"] = {iconfile="Temple_icon.png", page="Temple"},

-- Main lookup function
-- Accepts the in-game name and returns the name of the page on the wiki
-- associated with that in-game item, resource, building, etc.

-- returns the whole data table for the specified key
-- need to run normalize function first
function BuildingData.getData(strArg)

	-- normalize input
    local strArg = BuildingData.normalizeName(strArg)
	-- Get it from the big table below and return it.
    return tBuildingData[strArg]

-- simpler version if all that's needed is the iconfile.
-- error handling by the calling module is required.
function BuildingData.getIconFilename(strArg)

	local data = getData(strArg)
	-- if this particular data block doesn't have a iconfile, this will return nil
	-- therefore, error handling will be necessary
	return data.iconfile or nil

-- simpler version if all that's needed is the page name.
-- error handling by the calling module is required.
function BuildingData.getPagename(strArg)

	local data = getData(strArg)
	-- if this particular data block doesn't have a page name, this will return nil
	-- therefore, error handling will be necessary
	return or nil

-- simpler version if all that's needed is the description.
-- error handling by the calling module is required.
function BuildingData.getDescription(strArg)

	local data = getData(strArg)
	-- if this particular data block doesn't have a description, this will return nil
	-- therefore, error handling will be necessary
	return data.description or nil

-- Helper functions

-- Normalize the argument to the standard in-game name, and the one that 
-- is used as the key in the big lookup table.
-- This function will also make the argument lowercase to reduce the need
-- to specify more possible alternatives to normalize.
function BuildingData.normalizeName(strArg)
	strArg = string.lower(strArg)
	-- no other functions need this lookup table, so it's defined locally
	-- to this function
	local tableStrStrAlternatives = {
		-- Buildings
		-- Starting Buildings
		["ancienthearth"] =   "ancient hearth",
		["ancienthearths"] =  "ancient hearth",
		["ancient hearths"] = "ancient hearth",
		["mainwarehouse"] =   "main warehouse",
		["mainwarehouses"] =  "main warehouse",
		["main warehouses"] = "main warehouse",
		-- Camps
		["forager"] =         "foragers' camp",
		["foragerscamp"] =    "foragers' camp",
		["forager'scamp"] =   "foragers' camp",
		["foragers'camp"] =   "foragers' camp",
		["forager camp"] =    "foragers' camp",
		["forager's camp"] =  "foragers' camp",
		["foragers"] =        "foragers' camp",
		["foragerscamps"] =   "foragers' camp",
		["forager'scamps"] =  "foragers' camp",
		["foragers'camps"] =  "foragers' camp",
		["forager camps"] =   "foragers' camp",
		["forager's camps"] = "foragers' camp",
		["harvester"] =         "harvesters' camp",
		["harvesterscamp"] =    "harvesters' camp",
		["harvester'scamp"] =   "harvesters' camp",
		["harvesters'camp"] =   "harvesters' camp",
		["harvester camp"] =    "harvesters' camp",
		["harvester's camp"] =  "harvesters' camp",
		["harvesters"] =        "harvesters' camp",
		["harvesterscamps"] =   "harvesters' camp",
		["harvester'scamps"] =  "harvesters' camp",
		["harvesters'camps"] =  "harvesters' camp",
		["harvester camps"] =   "harvesters' camp",
		["harvester's camps"] = "harvesters' camp",
		["herbalist"] =         "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalistscamp"] =    "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalist'scamp"] =   "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalists'camp"] =   "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalist camp"] =    "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalist's camp"] =  "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalists"] =        "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalistscamps"] =   "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalist'scamps"] =  "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalists'camps"] =  "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalist camps"] =   "herbalists' camp",
		["herbalist's camps"] = "herbalists' camp",
		["stonecutter"] =         "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutterscamp"] =    "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutter'scamp"] =   "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutters'camp"] =   "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutter camp"] =    "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutter's camp"] =  "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutters"] =        "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutterscamps"] =   "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutter'scamps"] =  "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutters'camps"] =  "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutter camps"] =   "stonecutters' camp",
		["stonecutter's camps"] = "stonecutters' camp",
		["trapper"] =         "trappers' camp",
		["trapperscamp"] =    "trappers' camp",
		["trapper'scamp"] =   "trappers' camp",
		["trappers'camp"] =   "trappers' camp",
		["trapper camp"] =    "trappers' camp",
		["trapper's camp"] =  "trappers' camp",
		["trappers"] =        "trappers' camp",
		["trapperscamps"] =   "trappers' camp",
		["trapper'scamps"] =  "trappers' camp",
		["trappers'camps"] =  "trappers' camp",
		["trapper camps"] =   "trappers' camp",
		["trapper's camps"] = "trappers' camp",
		["woodcutter"] =         "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutterscamp"] =    "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutter'scamp"] =   "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutters'camp"] =   "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutter camp"] =    "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutter's camp"] =  "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutters"] =        "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutterscamps"] =   "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutter'scamps"] =  "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutters'camps"] =  "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutter camps"] =   "woodcutters' camp",
		["woodcutter's camps"] = "woodcutters' camp",
		-- Farms
		["field"] =       "farm field",
		["fields"] =      "farm field",
		["farmfield"] =   "farm field",
		["farmfields"] =  "farm field",
		["farm fields"] = "farm field",
		["greenhouses"] = "greenhouse",
		["green house"] = "greenhouse",
		["green houses"] = "greenhouse",
		["herbgarden"] =   "herb garden",
		["herbgardens"] =  "herb garden",
		["herb gardens"] = "herb garden",
		["plantations"] = "plantation",
		["farm"] =        "small farm",
		["farms"] =       "small farm",
		["smallfarm"] =   "small farm",
		["smallfarms"] =  "small farm",
		["small farms"] = "small farm",
		-- Food Production
		["baker"] =    "bakery",
		["bakers"] =   "bakery",
		["bakeries"] = "bakery",
		["butchers"] = "butcher",
		["celler"] =  "cellar",
		["cellers"] = "cellar",
		["cellars"] = "cellar",
		["cookhouses"] =  "cookhouse",
		["cook house"] =  "cookhouse",
		["cook houses"] = "cookhouse",
		["fieldkitchen"] = "field kitchen",
		["fieldkitchens"] = "field kitchen",
		["field kitchens"] = "field kitchen",
		["granaries"] = "granary",
		["grills"] = "grill",
		["ranches"] = "ranch",
		["smokehouses"] =  "smokehouse",
		["smoke house"] =  "smokehouse",
		["smoke housea"] = "smokehouse",
		-- Housing
		["house"] =  "shelter",
		["houses"] = "shelter",
		["bighouse"] =    "big shelter",
		["bighouses"] =   "big shelter",
		["bigshelter"] =  "big shelter",
		["bigshelters"] = "big shelter",
		["humanhouse"] =     "human house",
		["humanhouses"] =    "human house",
		["human'shouse"] =   "human house",
		["humans'house"] =   "human house",
		["human houses"] =   "human house",
		["human's house"] =  "human house",
		["humans' house"] =  "human house",
		["human's houses"] = "human house",
		["humans' houses"] = "human house",
		["beaverhouse"] =     "beaver house",
		["beaverhouses"] =    "beaver house",
		["beaver'shouse"] =   "beaver house",
		["beavers'house"] =   "beaver house",
		["beaver'shouses"] =  "beaver house",
		["beavers'houses"] =  "beaver house",
		["beaver houses"] =   "beaver house",
		["beaver's houses"] = "beaver house",
		["beavers' houses"] = "beaver house",
		["lizardhouse"] =     "lizard house",
		["lizardhouses"] =    "lizard house",
		["lizard'shouse"] =   "lizard house",
		["lizards'house"] =   "lizard house",
		["lizard'shouses"] =  "lizard house",
		["lizards'houses"] =  "lizard house",
		["lizard houses"] =   "lizard house",
		["lizard's houses"] = "lizard house",
		["lizards' houses"] = "lizard house",
		["harpyhouse"] =      "harpy house",
		["harpyhouses"] =     "harpy house",
		["harpy'shouse"] =    "harpy house",
		["harpys'house"] =    "harpy house",
		["harpy'shouses"] =   "harpy house",
		["harpys'houses"] =   "harpy house",
		["harpy houses"] =    "harpy house",
		["harpy's houses"] =  "harpy house",
		["harpys' houses"] =  "harpy house",
		["harpieshouse"] =    "harpy house",
		["harpieshouses"] =   "harpy house",
		["harpies'house"] =   "harpy house",
		["harpies houses"] =  "harpy house",
		["harpies' houses"] = "harpy house",
		-- Industry
		["crudeworkstation"] = "crude workstation",
		["crudeworkstations"] = "crude workstation",
		["crude workstations"] = "crude workstation",
		["makeshiftpost"] = "makeshift post",
		["makeshiftposts"] = "makeshift post",
		["makeshift posts"] = "makeshift post",
		["advancedraincollector"] = "advanced rain collector",
		["advancedraincollectors"] = "advanced rain collector",
		["advanced rain collectors"] = "advanced rain collector",
		["alchemist"] =        "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists"] =       "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemisthut"] =     "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemisthuts"] =    "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemistshut"] =    "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemistshuts"] =   "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemist'shut"] =   "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemist'shuts"] =  "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists'hut"] =   "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists'huts"] =  "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemist hut"] =    "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemist huts"] =   "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists hut"] =   "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists huts"] =  "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists' hut"] =  "alchemist's hut",
		["alchemists' huts"] = "alchemist's hut",
		["apothacary"] = "apothecary",
		["apothecaries"] = "apothecary",
		["artisans"] = "artisan",
		["brewer"] =    "brewery",
		["brewers"] =   "brewery",
		["breweries"] = "brewery",
		["brickoven"] = "brick oven",
		["brickovens"] = "brick oven",
		["brick ovens"] = "brick oven",
		["brickyards"] = "brickyard",
		["brick yard"] = "brickyard",
		["brick yards"] = "brickyard",
		["carpenters"] = "carpenter",
		["clothiers"] = "clothier",
		["cooper"] =     "cooperage",
		["coopers"] =    "cooperage",
		["cooperages"] = "cooperage",
		["druid"] =        "druid's hut",
		["druids"] =       "druid's hut",
		["druidhut"] =     "druid's hut",
		["druidhuts"] =    "druid's hut",
		["druid'shut"] =   "druid's hut",
		["druid'shuts"] =  "druid's hut",
		["druids'hut"] =   "druid's hut",
		["druids'huts"] =  "druid's hut",
		["druid hut"] =    "druid's hut",
		["druid huts"] =   "druid's hut",
		["druids' hut"] =  "druid's hut",
		["druids' huts"] = "druid's hut",
		["druid's huts"] = "druid's hut",
		["flawlessbrewery"] = "flawless brewery",
		["flawlessbreweries"] = "flawless brewery",
		["flawless breweries"] = "flawless brewery",
		["flawlessrainmill"] = "flawless rain mill",
		["flawlessrainmills"] = "flawless rain mill",
		["flawless rainmill"] = "flawless rain mill",
		["flawless rainmills"] = "flawless rain mill",
		["flawless rain mills"] = "flawless rain mill",
		["furnaces"] = "furnace",
		["kilns"] = "kiln",
		["leatherworkers"] =  "leatherworker",
		["leather worker"] =  "leatherworker",
		["leather workers"] = "leatherworker",
		["lumbermill"] =   "lumber mill",
		["lumbermills"] =  "lumber mill",
		["lumber mills"] = "lumber mill",
		["mines"] = "mine",
		["presses"] = "press",
		["provisioners"] = "provisioner",
		["raincollector"] = "rain collector",
		["raincollectors"] = "rain collector",
		["rain collectors"] = "rain collector",
		["rainmill"] =   "rain mill",
		["rainmills"] =  "rain mill",
		["rain mills"] = "rain mill",
		["scribes"] = "scribe",
		["smelters"] =   "smelter",
		["smeltery"] =   "smelter",
		["smelteries"] = "smelter",
		["tool shop"] = "toolshop",
		["weavers"] = "weaver",
		-- City buildings
		["archaeologyoffice"] =      "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologyoffice"] =       "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeologistoffice"] =    "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologistoffice"] =     "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeologistsoffice"] =   "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologistsoffice"] =    "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeologist'soffice"] =  "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologist'soffice"] =   "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologists'office"] =   "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeology office"] =     "archaeologist's office",
		["archeology office"] =      "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeologist office"] =   "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologist office"] =    "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeologists office"] =  "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologists office"] =   "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologist's office"] =  "archaeologist's office",
		["archaeologists' office"] = "archaeologist's office",
		["archeologists' office"] =  "archaeologist's office",
		["smallhearth"] =   "small hearth",
		["smallhearths"] =  "small hearth",
		["small hearths"] = "small hearth",
		["warehouses"] =  "warehouse",
		["ware house"] =  "warehouse",
		["ware houses"] = "warehouse",
		["traderpost"] =   "trading post",
		["traderposts"] =  "trading post",
		["trader posts"] = "trading post",
		["tradingpost"] =   "trading post",
		["tradingposts"] =  "trading post",
		["trading posts"] = "trading post",
		["blightpost"] =   "blight post",
		["blightposts"] =  "blight post",
		["blight posts"] = "blight post",
		["hydrants"] = "hydrant",
		["forsakenaltar"] =    "forsaken altar",
		["forsakenalter"] =    "forsaken altar",
		["foresakenaltar"] =   "forsaken altar",
		["foresakenalter"] =   "forsaken altar",
		["forsakenaltars"] =   "forsaken altar",
		["forsakenalters"] =   "forsaken altar",
		["foresakenaltars"] =  "forsaken altar",
		["foresakenalters"] =  "forsaken altar",
		["forsaken altars"] =  "forsaken altar",
		["forsaken alters"] =  "forsaken altar",
		["foresaken altars"] = "forsaken altar",
		["foresaken alters"] = "forsaken altar",
		-- Service Buildings
		["bath"] =        "bath house",
		["baths"] =       "bath house",
		["bathhouse"] =   "bath house",
		["bathhouses"] =  "bath house",
		["bath houses"] = "bath house",
		["clan"] =       "clan hall",
		["clans"] =      "clan hall",
		["clanhall"] =   "clan hall",
		["clanhalls"] =  "clan hall",
		["clan halls"] = "clan hall",
		["explorer"] =          "explorers' lodge",
		["explorers"] =         "explorers' lodge",
		["explorerlodge"] =     "explorers' lodge",
		["explorerslodge"] =    "explorers' lodge",
		["explorerlodges"] =    "explorers' lodge",
		["explorerslodges"] =   "explorers' lodge",
		["explorers'lodges"] =  "explorers' lodge",
		["explorer'slodges"] =  "explorers' lodge",
		["explorer lodge"] =    "explorers' lodge",
		["explorers lodge"] =   "explorers' lodge",
		["explorer lodges"] =   "explorers' lodge",
		["explorers lodges"] =  "explorers' lodge",
		["explorer's lodges"] = "explorers' lodge",
		["guild"] =        "guild house",
		["guilds"] =       "guild house",
		["guildhouse"] =   "guild house",
		["guildhouses"] =  "guild house",
		["guild houses"] = "guild house",
		["monestary"] = "monastery",
		["monastary"] = "monastery",
		["monestery"] = "monastery",
		["monestaries"] = "monastery",
		["monastaries"] = "monastery",
		["monesteries"] = "monastery",
		["taverns"] = "tavern",
		["temples"] = "temple"
	} -- the end of the huge tableStrStrAlternatives
	-- if nothing is found, the result of the lookup will be nil, so 
	-- just return whatever was passed in as the argument (lowercase)
	-- we can assume that the input argument is fine or does not exist
	return tableStrStrAlternatives[strArg] or strArg

-- Return this class when required into another module.
return BuildingData