Module:InstitutionsData: Difference between revisions

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
(Created to provide data about service buildings)
(Added two new methods to support getting names from the database)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 103: Line 103:
--- Main data tables, like this: table[ID] = table containing data for that ID
--- Main data tables, like this: table[ID] = table containing data for that ID
local institutionsTable
local institutionsTable
--- Supporting table, list of names table[i] = name.
local institutionsNames

--- Lookup map. Built once and reused on subsequent calls within this session,
--- Lookup map. Built once and reused on subsequent calls within this session,
--- like this:  table[display name] = institutionID
--- like this:  table[display name] = institutionID
local mapNamesToIDs
local mapNamesToIDs
--- Lookup map. Built once and reused on all subsequent calls within this
--- session, like this: table[recipeID] = { institutionName1,
--- institutionName2, ... }
local mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames

Line 164: Line 171:
-- don't add subtables that would just contain nils
-- don't add subtables that would just contain nils
local requiredGoods = {
local requiredGoods = {
number1 and id1 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = number1, [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id1 } or nil,
number1 and id1 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = tonumber(number1), [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id1 } or nil,
number2 and id2 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = number2, [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id2 } or nil,
number2 and id2 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = tonumber(number2), [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id2 } or nil,
number3 and id3 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = number3, [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id3 } or nil
number3 and id3 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = tonumber(number3), [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id3 } or nil

Line 214: Line 221:
--- institution.
--- institution.
--- @param institutionName string the name of the institution
--- @param originalInstitution table institution data record from which to make subtable
--- @param originalInstitution table institution data record from which to make subtable
--- @param institutionsHeaderLookup table header lookup built from the CSV data
--- @param institutionsHeaderLookup table header lookup built from the CSV data
--- @return table subtable with the recipe IDs
--- @return table subtable with the recipe IDs
local function makeRecipesSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
local function makeRecipesSubtable(institutionName, originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)

-- A constant we'll need only within this function.
-- A constant we'll need only within this function.
Line 239: Line 247:
(recipe4 ~= "" and recipe4) or nil
(recipe4 ~= "" and recipe4) or nil
-- Make reverse-lookup map.
if recipe1 and recipe1 ~= "" then
if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe1] then
mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe1] = {}
table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe1], institutionName)
if recipe2 and recipe2 ~= "" then
if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe2] then
mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe2] = {}
table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe2], institutionName)
if recipe3 and recipe3 ~= "" then
if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe3] then
mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe3] = {}
table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe3], institutionName)
if recipe4 and recipe4 ~= "" then
if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe4] then
mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe4] = {}
table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe4], institutionName)

return recipes
return recipes
Line 271: Line 305:

mapNamesToIDs = {}
mapNamesToIDs = {}
institutionsNames = {}
mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames = {}

local newInstitutionsTable = {}
local newInstitutionsTable = {}
Line 281: Line 317:
newInstitution[INDEX_CATEGORY] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CATEGORY]
newInstitution[INDEX_CATEGORY] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CATEGORY]
newInstitution[INDEX_SIZE_X] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_SIZE_X]
newInstitution[INDEX_SIZE_X] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_SIZE_X])
newInstitution[INDEX_SIZE_Y] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_SIZE_Y]
newInstitution[INDEX_SIZE_Y] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_SIZE_Y])
newInstitution[INDEX_CITY_SCORE] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CITY_SCORE]
newInstitution[INDEX_CITY_SCORE] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CITY_SCORE])
newInstitution[INDEX_MOVABLE] = "TRUE" == originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_MOVABLE]
newInstitution[INDEX_MOVABLE] = "TRUE" == originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_MOVABLE]
newInstitution[INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_TIME] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CONSTRUCTION_TIME])

newInstitution[INDEX_REQUIRED_GOODS] = makeRequiredGoodsSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
newInstitution[INDEX_REQUIRED_GOODS] = makeRequiredGoodsSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
newInstitution[INDEX_WORKPLACES] = makeWorkplacesSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
newInstitution[INDEX_WORKPLACES] = makeWorkplacesSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
newInstitution[INDEX_RECIPES] = makeRecipesSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
newInstitution[INDEX_RECIPES] = makeRecipesSubtable(newInstitution[INDEX_NAME], originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)

newInstitutionsTable[ newInstitution[INDEX_ID] ] = newInstitution
newInstitutionsTable[ newInstitution[INDEX_ID] ] = newInstitution
table.insert(institutionsNames, newInstitution[INDEX_NAME])

-- Also populate the map for looking up IDs with display names
-- Also populate the map for looking up IDs with display names
Line 703: Line 741:
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@param recipeIndex number the index of the recipe ID
---@param recipeIndex number the index of the recipe ID
---@return number of workplaces
---@return string the ID of the specified recipe
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionRecipe(displayName, recipeIndex)
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionRecipe(displayName, recipeIndex)

Line 766: Line 804:

--- Retrieves theicon filename for the the institution specified by its ID.
--- Retrieves the icon filename for the the institution specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
Line 787: Line 825:
return nil
return nil
--- Retrieve all display names of institutions that have the specified recipe
--- ID.
---@param recipeID string the ID of the recipe
---@return table of institution names that produce the specified recipe
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNamesWithRecipeID(recipeID)
-- At runtime, this should never be nil or empty.
if not recipeID or recipeID == "" then
error("Parameter is nil or empty for product ID.")
if not institutionsTable then
return mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipeID]
--- Retrieves the name of the institution at the specified index.
---@param index number index
---@return string name of the building at the specified index
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNameFromDatabase(index)
if not index then
return nil
if not institutionsTable then
return institutionsNames[index]
--- Returns the number of buildings that can be retrieved from this
--- module's database.
---@return number of records
function InstitutionsData.getNumberOfInstitutionsInDatabase()
if not institutionsTable then
return #institutionsNames

Latest revision as of 04:35, 28 November 2023

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:InstitutionsData/doc

--- Module for compiling service-buildings information from wiki data sources.
--- Restructures the flat data tables that are produced from CsvUtils to make
--- them more conducive to Lua methods that need to display the information.
--- The standard way of using this module is a call like the following:
--- sizeX, sizeY = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionSize(institutionName)
--- This will return the 2 x 2 size of the institution. It is preferable to
--- call the getter methods with the name of the institution rather than
--- retrieving the entire data record for the institution. This way your code
--- stays protected from variations in this module. These getter methods are
--- called with the plain-language display name of the institution, as spelled
--- in the game, including punctuation.
--- * longDescription = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionDescription(institutionName)
--- * constructionCategory = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionCategory(institutionName)
--- * sizeX, sizeY = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionSize(institutionName)
--- * requiredGoodID, stackSize = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionRequiredGood(institutionName, requirementIndex)
--- * timeSeconds = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionConstructionTime(institutionName)
--- * cityScore = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionCityScore(institutionName)
--- * isMovable = InstitutionsData.isInstitutionMovable(institutionName)
--- * isInitiallyEssential = InstitutionsData.isInstitutionInitiallyEssential(institutionName)
--- * workplaces = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNumberOfWorkplaces(institutionName)
--- * recipe = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionRecipe(institutionName, recipeIndex)
--- * iconFilename = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionIcon(institutionName)
--- And the following getter methods are all called with the institution's ID.
--- You will have an ID instead of a display name when dealing with other data
--- like recipes, species, etc.
--- * name = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNameByID(institutionID)
--- * iconFilename = InstitutionsData.getInstitutionIconByID(institutionID)
--- There are methods to retrieve the lists of required goods, workplaces, and
--- recipes, but it is advised to instead use the getter methods
--- getInstitutionRequiredGood, getInstitutionNumberOfWorkplaces, and
--- getInstitutionRecipe with an index desired, which is good for loops. If
--- you must get the tables, there are three "getAll" methods:
--- * requiredGoodsTable = InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionRequiredGoods(institutionName)
--- * workplacesTable = InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionWorkplaces(institutionName)
--- * recipesTable = InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionRecipes(institutionName)
---  As a last resort, or if you need to transform the data structure, you can
--- call the method getAllDataForInstitution(institutionName) or
--- getAllDataForInstitutionByID(institutionID). These return a whole record
--- from the data table corresponding to the required display name or ID.
--- The data table for institutions has the following structure:
--- institutionsTable = {
--- 	["institution1_ID"] = {
--- 		["id"] = "institution1_ID",
--- 		["displayName"] = "Plain Language Name",
--- 		["description"] = "A long string with some HTML entities too.",
--- 		["category"] = "Construction toolbar category",
--- 		["sizeX"] = 9, size in tiles
--- 		["sizeY"] = 9, size in tiles
--- 		["requiredGoods"] = {
--- 			[1] = { ["stackSize"] = 99, ["goodID"] = "good1_ID" },
--- 			[2] = { ["stackSize"] = 99, ["goodID"] = "good2_ID" },
--- 			[3] = { ... } or missing if fewer
--- 		},
--- 		["constructionTime"] = 99, number of seconds
--- 		["cityScore"] = 99, points?
--- 		["movable"] = true or false, if it can be moved at any cost
--- 		["initiallyEssential"] = true or false, if a new-game-starting blueprint
--- 		["workplaces"] = {
--- 			[1] = "Any",
--- 			[2] = "Any",
--- 			[3] = "Any",
--- 			[4] = ... representing the number of workplaces, or missing if fewer
--- 		},
--- 		["recipes"] = {
--- 			[1] = "recipe1_ID",
--- 			[2] = "recipe2_ID",
--- 			[3] = "recipe3_ID",
--- 			[4] = ... or missing if fewer
--- 		}
--- 	},
--- 	["institution2_ID"] = {
--- 		...
--- 	},
--- 	["institution3_ID"] = {
--- 		...
--- 	},
--- 	...
--- }
--- @module InstitutionsData
local InstitutionsData = {}

local CsvUtils = require("Module:CsvUtils")

--region Private member variables

--- Main data tables, like this: table[ID] = table containing data for that ID
local institutionsTable

--- Supporting table, list of names table[i] = name.
local institutionsNames

--- Lookup map. Built once and reused on subsequent calls within this session,
--- like this:  table[display name] = institutionID
local mapNamesToIDs
--- Lookup map. Built once and reused on all subsequent calls within this
--- session, like this: table[recipeID] = { institutionName1,
--- institutionName2, ... }
local mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames


--region Private constants

local DATA_TEMPLATE_NAME = "Template:Institutions_csv"

local INDEX_ID = "id"
local INDEX_NAME = "displayName"
local INDEX_DESCRIPTION = "description"
local INDEX_CATEGORY = "category"
local INDEX_SIZE_X = "sizeX"
local INDEX_SIZE_Y = "sizeY"
local INDEX_CITY_SCORE = "cityScore"
local INDEX_MOVABLE = "movable"
local INDEX_INITIALLY_ESSENTIAL = "initiallyEssential"
local INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_TIME = "constructionTime"
local INDEX_REQUIRED_GOODS = "requiredGoods" -- table
local INDEX_WORKPLACES = "workplaces" -- table
local INDEX_RECIPES = "recipes" -- table


local PATTERN_SPLIT_STACK_AND_ID = "(%d+)%s([%[%]%s%a]+)"


--region Private methods

--- Creates a new subtable containing the construction goods required for the
--- specified institution.
--- @param originalInstitution table institution data record from which to make subtable
--- @param institutionsHeaderLookup table header lookup built from the CSV data
--- @return table subtable with the required construction goods
local function makeRequiredGoodsSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)

	-- A constant we'll need only within this function.
	local REQ_GOOD_HEADER_BASE_STRING = "requiredGood"

	-- Copy the originals directly into a subtable.
	local requiredIndex1 = institutionsHeaderLookup[REQ_GOOD_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "1"]
	local requiredIndex2 = institutionsHeaderLookup[REQ_GOOD_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "2"]
	local requiredIndex3 = institutionsHeaderLookup[REQ_GOOD_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "3"]

	local number1, id1 = originalInstitution[requiredIndex1]:match(PATTERN_SPLIT_STACK_AND_ID)
	local number2, id2 = originalInstitution[requiredIndex2]:match(PATTERN_SPLIT_STACK_AND_ID)
	local number3, id3 = originalInstitution[requiredIndex3]:match(PATTERN_SPLIT_STACK_AND_ID)

	-- don't add subtables that would just contain nils
	local requiredGoods = {
		number1 and id1 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = tonumber(number1), [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id1 } or nil,
		number2 and id2 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = tonumber(number2), [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id2 } or nil,
		number3 and id3 and { [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_STACK_SIZE] = tonumber(number3), [INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_GOODS_GOOD_ID] = id3 } or nil

	return requiredGoods

--- Creates a new subtable containing the workplaces available in the specified
--- institution.
--- @param originalInstitution table institution data record from which to make subtable
--- @param institutionsHeaderLookup table header lookup built from the CSV data
--- @return table subtable with the workplaces
local function makeWorkplacesSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)

	-- A constant we'll need only within this function.

	-- Copy the originals directly into a subtable.
	local workplaceIndex1 = institutionsHeaderLookup[WORKPLACE_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "1"]
	local workplaceIndex2 = institutionsHeaderLookup[WORKPLACE_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "2"]
	local workplaceIndex3 = institutionsHeaderLookup[WORKPLACE_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "3"]
	local workplaceIndex4 = institutionsHeaderLookup[WORKPLACE_HEADER_BASE_STRING .. "4"]

	local workplace1 = originalInstitution[workplaceIndex1]
	local workplace2 = originalInstitution[workplaceIndex2]
	local workplace3 = originalInstitution[workplaceIndex3]
	local workplace4 = originalInstitution[workplaceIndex4]

	-- if it's not an empty string, then save that to the table, otherwise nil
	local workplaces = {
		(workplace1 ~= "" and workplace1) or nil,
		(workplace2 ~= "" and workplace2) or nil,
		(workplace3 ~= "" and workplace3) or nil,
		(workplace4 ~= "" and workplace4) or nil

	return workplaces

--- Creates a new subtable containing the recipes available in the specified
--- institution.
--- @param institutionName string the name of the institution
--- @param originalInstitution table institution data record from which to make subtable
--- @param institutionsHeaderLookup table header lookup built from the CSV data
--- @return table subtable with the recipe IDs
local function makeRecipesSubtable(institutionName, originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)

	-- A constant we'll need only within this function.

	-- Copy the originals directly into a subtable.
	local recipeIndex1 = institutionsHeaderLookup[LOOKUP_RECIPE_BASE_STRING .. "1"]
	local recipeIndex2 = institutionsHeaderLookup[LOOKUP_RECIPE_BASE_STRING .. "2"]
	local recipeIndex3 = institutionsHeaderLookup[LOOKUP_RECIPE_BASE_STRING .. "3"]
	local recipeIndex4 = institutionsHeaderLookup[LOOKUP_RECIPE_BASE_STRING .. "4"]

	local recipe1 = originalInstitution[recipeIndex1]
	local recipe2 = originalInstitution[recipeIndex2]
	local recipe3 = originalInstitution[recipeIndex3]
	local recipe4 = originalInstitution[recipeIndex4]

	local recipes = {
		(recipe1 ~= "" and recipe1) or nil,
		(recipe2 ~= "" and recipe2) or nil,
		(recipe3 ~= "" and recipe3) or nil,
		(recipe4 ~= "" and recipe4) or nil

	-- Make reverse-lookup map.
	if recipe1 and recipe1 ~= "" then
		if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe1] then
			mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe1] = {}
		table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe1], institutionName)
	if recipe2 and recipe2 ~= "" then
		if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe2] then
			mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe2] = {}
		table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe2], institutionName)
	if recipe3 and recipe3 ~= "" then
		if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe3] then
			mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe3] = {}
		table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe3], institutionName)
	if recipe4 and recipe4 ~= "" then
		if not mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe4] then
			mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe4] = {}
		table.insert( mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipe4], institutionName)

	return recipes

--- Transforms the originalInstitutionsTable returned from CSV processing to be
--- more conducive to member functions looking up data. Converts text strings
--- into subtables. Converts header row into field keys on every record and
--- stores records by id rather than arbitrary integer.
--- @param originalInstitutionsTable table of CSV-based data, with header row, data rows
--- @param institutionsHeaderLookup table lookup table of headers to get indexes
--- @return table better structured with IDs as keys
local function restructureInstitutionsTable(originalInstitutionsTable, institutionsHeaderLookup)

	-- A few constants we need only in this function.
	local DATA_ROWS = 2
	-- Required goods are indexes 7, 8, 9

	mapNamesToIDs = {}
	institutionsNames = {}
	mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames = {}

	local newInstitutionsTable = {}
	for _, originalInstitution in ipairs(originalInstitutionsTable[DATA_ROWS]) do

		-- Copy over the content, mapping unhelpful indexes into headers keys.
		local newInstitution = {}
		newInstitution[INDEX_ID] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_ID]
		newInstitution[INDEX_NAME] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_NAME]
		newInstitution[INDEX_DESCRIPTION] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_DESCRIPTION]
		newInstitution[INDEX_CATEGORY] = originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CATEGORY]
		newInstitution[INDEX_SIZE_X] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_SIZE_X])
		newInstitution[INDEX_SIZE_Y] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_SIZE_Y])
		newInstitution[INDEX_CITY_SCORE] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CITY_SCORE])
		newInstitution[INDEX_MOVABLE] = "TRUE" == originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_MOVABLE]
		newInstitution[INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_TIME] = tonumber(originalInstitution[INDEX_ORIGINAL_CONSTRUCTION_TIME])

		newInstitution[INDEX_REQUIRED_GOODS] = makeRequiredGoodsSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
		newInstitution[INDEX_WORKPLACES] = makeWorkplacesSubtable(originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)
		newInstitution[INDEX_RECIPES] = makeRecipesSubtable(newInstitution[INDEX_NAME], originalInstitution, institutionsHeaderLookup)

		newInstitutionsTable[ newInstitution[INDEX_ID] ] = newInstitution

		table.insert(institutionsNames, newInstitution[INDEX_NAME])

		-- Also populate the map for looking up IDs with display names
		mapNamesToIDs[ newInstitution[INDEX_NAME] ] = newInstitution[INDEX_ID]

	return newInstitutionsTable

--- Data loader function that uses the utility module and restructures the data
--- to be easier to access for invoking methods and later method calls. This
--- method is automatically called by all public member functions if the main
--- data table has not yet been populated in the current session.
local function loadData()

	-- Utility module retrieves the data as basic, flat lua tables.
	local originalInstitutionsTable, institutionsHeaderLookup = CsvUtils.extractTables(DATA_TEMPLATE_NAME)

	-- Now restructure to be more conducive.
	institutionsTable = restructureInstitutionsTable(originalInstitutionsTable, institutionsHeaderLookup)

--- Uses the display name, which people are more familiar with, to find the
--- encoded ID of the institution. Useful for retrieving the  data that is
--- indexed by ID.
--- Returns nil if the institution with the specified name is not found.
--- @param displayName string plain-language name of the institution to find
--- @return string ID of the institution found, or nil if not found
local function findInstitutionIDByName(displayName)

	-- At runtime, this should never be nil or empty, so throw an error.
	if not displayName or displayName == "" then
		error("Parameter is nil or empty for the institution's name: " .. displayName .. ".")

	if not institutionsTable then

	return mapNamesToIDs[displayName]


--region Public methods

--- Retrieve the whole table of data for the specified institution. Instead of
--- this, you should probably be calling the individual getter methods.
--- Throws an error if called with nil or empty string. Returns nil if the
--- specified institution cannot be found.
--- @param institutionID string ID of the institution
--- @return table containing the data with key-value pairs, or nil if not found
function InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitutionByID(institutionID)

	-- At runtime, this should never be nil or empty.
	if not institutionID or institutionID == "" then
		error("Parameter is nil or empty for the institution's ID.")

	if not institutionsTable then

	return institutionsTable[institutionID]

--- Retrieve the whole table of data for the specified institution. Instead of
--- this, you should probably be calling the individual getter methods.
--- Throws an error if called with nil or empty string. Returns nil if the
--- specified institution cannot be found.
--- @param displayName string plain language name of the institution
--- @return table containing the data with key-value pairs, or nil if not found
function InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	-- At runtime, this should never be nil or empty.
	if not displayName or displayName == "" then
		error("Parameter is nil or empty for the institution's name.")

	if not institutionsTable then
	local institutionID = findInstitutionIDByName(displayName)
	if not institutionID then
		return nil
	return institutionsTable[institutionID]

--- Retrieves the ID for the institution specified by its plain language
--- display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return string the ID of the specified institution
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionID(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_ID]

--- Retrieves the description for the institution specified by its plain
--- language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return string the in-game description of the specified institution
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionDescription(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_DESCRIPTION]

--- Retrieves the construction toolbar category for the institution specified
--- by its plain language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return string the category of the specified institution
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionCategory(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_CATEGORY]

--- Retrieves the 2x2 size for the institution specified by its plain language
--- display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return number the X-size of the institution
---@return number the Y-size of the institution
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionSize(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_SIZE_X], institution[INDEX_SIZE_Y]

--- Retrieves the goods required for construction for the institution specified
--- by its plain language display name, in a table that looks like this:
--- ["requiredGoods"] = {
---    [1] = { ["stackSize"] = 99, ["goodID"] = "good1_ID" },
---    [2] = { ["stackSize"] = 99, ["goodID"] = "good2_ID" },
---    [3] = { ... } or missing if fewer
--- }
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return table of required goods
function InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionRequiredGoods(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_REQUIRED_GOODS]

--- Retrieves the specified required construction good for the institution
--- specified by its plain language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@param requirementIndex number which construction good to retrieve
---@return string the ID of the good that is required, or nil if none
---@return number the stack size of that good, or nil if none
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionRequiredGood(displayName, requirementIndex)

	local requiredGoods = InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionRequiredGoods(displayName)

	if not requiredGoods then
		return nil

	local requirement = requiredGoods[requirementIndex]
	if not requirement then
		return nil


--- Retrieves the construction time for the institution specified by its plain
--- language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return number of seconds it takes to construct the institution
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionConstructionTime(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_CONSTRUCTION_TIME]

--- Retrieves the city score awarded for the institution specified by its plain
--- language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return number of points for city score from having the institution
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionCityScore(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_CITY_SCORE]

--- Retrieves whether the institution specified by its plain language display
--- name can be moved, at any cost.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return boolean of whether the institution can be moved
function InstitutionsData.isInstitutionMovable(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_MOVABLE]

--- Retrieves whether the institution specified by its plain language display
--- name has an essential starting blueprint for a new game profile.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return boolean of whether the institution's blueprint is essential
function InstitutionsData.isInstitutionInitiallyEssential(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_INITIALLY_ESSENTIAL]

--- Retrieves the table of workplaces for the institution specified by its
--- plain language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return table of workplaces
function InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionWorkplaces(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_WORKPLACES]

--- Retrieves the number of workplaces for the institution specified by its
--- plain language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return number of workplaces
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNumberOfWorkplaces(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return #institution[INDEX_WORKPLACES]

--- Retrieves the table of recipes for the institution specified by its
--- plain language display name, in a table that looks like this:
--- ["recipes"] = {
--- 	[1] = "recipe1_ID",
--- 	[2] = "recipe2_ID",
--- 	[3] = "recipe3_ID",
--- 	[4] = ... or missing if fewer
--- }
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return table of recipe IDs
function InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionRecipes(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return institution[INDEX_RECIPES]

--- Retrieves the specified recipe at the institution specified by its plain
--- language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@param recipeIndex number the index of the recipe ID
---@return string the ID of the specified recipe
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionRecipe(displayName, recipeIndex)

	local recipes = InstitutionsData.getAllInstitutionRecipes(displayName)

	if not recipes then
		return nil

	return recipes[recipeIndex]

--- Retrieves the icon filename for the institution specified by its plain
--- language display name.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param displayName string the plain language name of the institution
---@return string the institution's icon filename, including the extension
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionIcon(displayName)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitution(displayName)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	-- the base string of the icon is the ID. It has to be not nil to
	-- concatenate
	if institution[INDEX_ID] then
		return institution[INDEX_ID] .. "_icon.png"
		return nil

--- Retrieves the plain language display name for the institution specified by
--- its ID.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param institutionID string the ID of the institution
---@return string the institution's name as seen in-game
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNameByID(institutionID)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitutionByID(institutionID)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	return #institution[INDEX_NAME]

--- Retrieves the icon filename for the the institution specified by its ID.
--- Returns nil if the institution named was not found.
---@param institutionID string the ID of the institution
---@return string the institution's icon filename, including the extension
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionIconByID(institutionID)

	local institution = InstitutionsData.getAllDataForInstitutionByID(institutionID)

	if not institution then
		return nil

	-- the base string of the icon is the ID. It has to be not nil to
	-- concatenate
	if institution[INDEX_ID] then
		return institution[INDEX_ID] .. "_icon.png"
		return nil

--- Retrieve all display names of institutions that have the specified recipe
--- ID.
---@param recipeID string the ID of the recipe
---@return table of institution names that produce the specified recipe
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNamesWithRecipeID(recipeID)

	-- At runtime, this should never be nil or empty.
	if not recipeID or recipeID == "" then
		error("Parameter is nil or empty for product ID.")

	if not institutionsTable then

	return mapRecipeIDsToInstitutionNames[recipeID]

--- Retrieves the name of the institution at the specified index.
---@param index number index
---@return string name of the building at the specified index
function InstitutionsData.getInstitutionNameFromDatabase(index)

	if not index then
		return nil

	if not institutionsTable then

	return institutionsNames[index]

--- Returns the number of buildings that can be retrieved from this
--- module's database.
---@return number of records
function InstitutionsData.getNumberOfInstitutionsInDatabase()

	if not institutionsTable then

	return #institutionsNames


return InstitutionsData