Module:TestModule: Difference between revisions

From Against the Storm Official Wiki
m (Testing)
m (Testing)
Line 167: Line 167:

ret = ret .. "<br>Now...<br>name = " .. name .. "<br>"
ret = ret .. "<br>Now...<br>name = " .. name .. "<br>"
ret = ret .. "iconSize = " .. iconSize
ret = ret .. "iconSize = " .. iconSize .. "<br>"
ret = ret .. "needsPlural = " .. needsPlural

return ret
return ret

Revision as of 01:21, 18 October 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TestModule/doc

--- @module BuildingLink
local BuildingLink = {}

--region Dependencies

-- This module lazily loads dependencies, since they're expensive but only one is needed, we just don't know which in advance.
local WorkshopsData
local InstitutionsData
local FarmsData
local CampsData
local CollectorsData

local VIEW_TEMPLATE = "Building_link/view"


--region Private constants

local VALID_SIZE = {
	["none"] = true,
	["small"] = true,
	["medium"] = true,
	["large"] = true,
	["huge"] = true,

local VALID_PLURAL = {
	["s"] = true,
	["es"] = true,


--region Private methods

local function tryData(name, buildingInterface)

	local buildingID = buildingInterface.getID(name)

	return buildingInterface.getIcon(buildingID)

local function validateBuildingName(name)

	-- Lazy-load of external data, since it's expensive. Start with the most likely so that most pages load as fast as possible.
	WorkshopsData = require("Module:WorkshopsData")
	local validatedIcon = tryData(name, WorkshopsData)
	if not validatedIcon then
		InstitutionsData = require("Module:InstitutionsData")
		validatedIcon = tryData(name, InstitutionsData)
		if not validatedIcon then
			FarmsData = require("Module:FarmsData")
			validatedIcon = tryData(name, FarmsData)
			if not validatedIcon then
				CollectorsData = require("Module:CollectorsData")
				validatedIcon = tryData(name, CollectorsData)
				if not validatedIcon then
					CampsData = require("Module:CampsData")
					validatedIcon = tryData(name, CampsData)
					if not validatedIcon then
						error("No building found with name: " .. name .. ". Please see the template documentation for how to use the parameters")

	return validatedIcon


--region Public methods

--- Extracts parameters, validates the building by getting its icon, and then sends the data to the view template for rendering.
--- @param frame table the template's context, with arguments
--- @return string wiki markup
function BuildingLink.main(frame)

	local name =
	local iconSize = frame.args.size
	local display = frame.args.display
	local needsPlural

	-- Initialize the stack of unnamed parameters in reverse order, up to 3.
	local parent = frame:getParent()
	if parent then
		local parameterStack = { parent.args[3], parent.args[2], parent.args[1], }

		-- Then empty the stack and try to assign them as variables here.
		while #parameterStack > 0 do
			-- Pop the next parameter from the stack
			local nextParameter = table.remove(parameterStack)
			if nextParameter and nextParameter ~= "" then
				-- Prioritize setting the name first.
				if not name or name == "" then
					name = nextParameter
					-- These could happen in either order, because their valid values are non-overlapping
					if (not iconSize or iconSize == "") and VALID_SIZE[nextParameter] then
						iconSize = nextParameter
						if not needsPlural and VALID_PLURAL[nextParameter] then
							needsPlural = nextParameter

	-- Handle default icon size.
	if not iconSize or iconSize == "" or not VALID_SIZE[iconSize] then
		iconSize = "none"

	validatedIcon = validateBuildingName(name)

	-- The only valid value for mustBePlural is "s," so then make on check to see if name ends in a way that we need to add "es" at the end instead of just "s". For names that end in "y", we swap out the last character for "ies" instead. (This will require one-time setup for redirect pages.)
	if needsPlural == "s" or needsPlural == "es" then
		if string.match(name,"y$") then
			name = string.sub(name,1,-2) .. "ies"
			needsPlural = nil -- unset now, since it's incorporated into the name itself
			local needsSyllable = string.match(name,"[sxz]$") or string.match(name,"sh$") or string.match(name,"ch$")
			needsPlural = needsSyllable and "es" or "s"
		needsPlural = nil

	viewParameters = {
		["name"] = name,
		["plural"] = needsPlural,
		["iconfilename"] = validatedIcon,
		["iconsize"] = iconSize,
		["display"] = display,

	local frameargs = frame.args
	framegetParentargs = frame:getParent().args
	local ret = "frame.args = {<br>"

	for k, v in pairs(frameargs) do
		ret = ret .. "--[" .. k .. "] = " .. v .. ",<br>"

	ret = ret .. "}<br>frame:getParent().args = {<br>"

	for k, v in pairs(framegetParentargs) do
		ret = ret .. "--[" .. k .. "] = " .. v .. ",<br>"

	ret = ret .. "}"

	ret = ret .. "<br>Now...<br>name = " .. name .. "<br>"
	ret = ret .. "iconSize = " .. iconSize .. "<br>"
	ret = ret .. "needsPlural = " .. needsPlural

	return ret

	--return frame:expandTemplate{
	--	title = VIEW_TEMPLATE,
	--	args = viewParameters,



return BuildingLink